Xia Qing will kill anyone who dares to rob her of her territory, even if they are friends of Boss Sheep!

 Her breathing slowed down, her heartbeat stabilized, and she carefully observed the wolves outside the courtyard.

The fur on the wolf was wet, and Xia Qing, who was wearing a protective mask, couldn't tell whether it was blood or water through night vision goggles. The wolf carried by the two wolves behind the alpha wolf had its legs and head drooped, and it looked like it was injured.

 After seeing the composition of the wolf pack clearly, Xia Qing judged that they were definitely not here to grab territory. Because the wolves are very united and smart, they will not bring the wounded when they are fighting for territory.

There are many wolves on the other side, but she is only one person. Xia Qing first whispered to his companions to return to the team, "Boss."


 Lao Yang's eyesight was not good at night. He heard Xia Qing's voice and knew she was out, and he bleated in response.

This voice makes you as excited as you want, and as happy as you want.

The wolf outside the courtyard gate stared at Xia Qing, letting the sheep boss rub against him, turning the snow-white wool into a muddy color.

Xia Qing’s mouth twitched slightly, no need to guess now. These five embarrassed evolved wolves must be friends of the sheep boss.


The sheep boss ran back to Xia Qing and knicked her, gesturing for her to follow him outside the courtyard.

Xia Qing stared at the alpha wolf without moving.

The sheep boss ran to the alpha wolf again and nuzzled, signaling the alpha wolf to enter the courtyard.

 The wolf stared at Xia Qing without moving. The first wolf didn't move, and neither did the two wolves behind it.

The sheep boss lost his temper after working in vain. He turned back to Xia Qing and thrust hard, so that Xia Qing could no longer maintain his heroic defensive posture.

Where does this cowardly guy stand? Xia Qing grabbed the horns of the sheep to stop Boss Yang from being stubborn, and spoke first, "What are you doing when you break into my and Boss Yang's territory?"

 The wolf seemed to understand Xia Qing's question and took the lead into the yard.

Xia Qing clenched her pistol tightly, her muscles tense, ready to jump to the roof at any time. For safety, she cut down the big trees around her house, so the high ground she could quickly climb to was her small building.

The wolf stared at Xia Qing, walked step by step to the center of the yard, lowered his head, pulled something on his body with his mouth, and placed something on the ground.

After seeing clearly what it was, Xia Qing's eyes widened.

Although it was extremely dirty, there was no doubt that this was the bag Xia Qing made for Yang Lao to hang on his body to hold compressed rations. It turns out that this bag was not lost, but was given away by the sheep boss!

When the wolf saw that Xia Qing was not moving, he picked up the bag, shook it, and dumped the contents on the ground. Then, the alpha wolf turned around and sniffed the two injured companions behind him, then looked back at Xia Qing.

Xia Qing then discovered that the wolf's eyes did not glow green in the night, but instead glowed yellow-green.

After looking at the wolf for a few seconds, Xia Qing was able to understand its meaning in a strange way, "Do you want to use these things in exchange for me to treat the injured wolf?"

Although the wolf didn't move, Xia Qing felt that this was what its eyes expressed.

Xia Qing is dreaming.

She had long known that this evolved wolf was very smart, but she didn't expect that it was so smart that it was terrifying.

Xia Qing does want to trade with the wolf, but trading is one thing, saving the wolf and increasing the wolf's combat effectiveness is another, and they cannot be confused.

Just when Xia Qing was hesitating, the first wolf whined twice, and the two wolves behind him lay down, gently placed the wounded man on their backs on the ground, and followed the first wolf away. When the sheep boss saw the wolves leaving, he followed them with a bleating sound.

 The wolf turned around and growled, and the sheep boss closed his hooves and stood still. Making the stubborn sheep boss so obedient cannot be trained in a day or two.

Through the night vision goggles, Xia Qing discovered that the three wolves did not leave, but retreated to the ruins of the house south of her home.

 They retreated so that they could safely treat the injured wolf? The IQ of this alpha wolf is probably no lower than that of a ten-year-old child. It's so scary. The blue star creatures after the great evolution of creatures are really scary. Such a powerful wolf actually lost to snakes and bears. Doesn't that mean snakes and bears are more terrifying?

 If the wolves are gone, who will control the snakes and bears? Blue Dragon Team? Her?

Xia Qing quickly made up her mind and turned on the flashlight to illuminate what the wolf had brought.

I don’t recognize the grass with roots and soil. There seem to be two or three small stones in the soil, which must have been brought up by the roots of the grass.

Xia Qing turned the flashlight to the two evolved wolves lying on the ground. The light of the flashlight not only illuminated the blood on their bodies, but also revealed that one wolf's hind legs were unnaturally twisted, and the other wolf was lying with its eyes closed. On the ground, if its abdomen wasn't still rising and falling slightly, Xia Qing would have thought it was dead.

Xia Qing tentatively took a step forward. The wolf with broken hind legs immediately opened its eyes and exposed its fangs. It stared at Xia Qing and growled in a low voice.

Xia Qing took a step back, and the sheep boss immediately rushed over to block her, flashing his spiral horn at the wolf on the ground.

Xia Qing was very pleased with Boss Sheep's protective gesture towards her.


The alpha wolf on the ruins outside the courtyard gave a low command. The injured wolf immediately retracted its fangs and lay on the ground, but the pair of green wolf eyes still stared at Xia Qing fiercely.

The other wolf still had his eyes closed and made no movement. But Xia Qing felt inexplicably that this immobile wolf was more dangerous than the one with glaring eyes and bared teeth.

Even if there is a wolf to guard him, Xia Qing does not dare to get close to the two beasts.

She went back to the house and took three soothing capsules and put them into a clean basin, then poured half of the basin of unpolluted spring water into it. She put it close to them with green wolf eyes, then she retreated to the door of the house and loudly talked to the alpha wolf outside the yard. Discussed, "Let these two injured wolves drink the potion, and I will check their injuries to see if it can be cured."

The sheep boss thought Xia Qing was calling him, so he immediately walked over to the injured wolf and said, "Hey."

 Hunting the wolf does not give him any face, so he does not move.

  “咩—” The sheep boss barked again, but the wolf remained motionless.

Just when Xia Qing thought that Boss Yang was going to lose his temper, the guy actually stepped back and humiliated her, letting her go on her own.

 Xia Qing…

The wolf understood. He stood up and jumped from the ruins to the water basin. This jumping power and speed shocked Xia Qing.

Yang Jin said that the speed of this wolf is about the same as him, so is this the speed of a level 10 speed evolver?

too fast.

If he fought with this wolf, Xia Qing would definitely not be able to occupy the commanding heights before the wolf and use firepower to block the wolf's attack. It would be more reliable for her to retreat into the house and wave someone over to rescue her.

 One wolf used his head to push the water basin in front of the two injured wolves, and the two wolves moved without him saying a word. The wolf with a broken hind leg supported its body with its front legs and half stood up to drink water. The wolf with weak breathing also opened its eyes and supported its body with its front legs to drink water. However, the difference in the injuries of the two wolves was obvious. The wolf was breathing weakly and could not move its rear body, and its front legs were shaking. It seemed that its spine was fractured.

She could manage to tie up a broken leg, but Xia Qing couldn't cure a broken spine.

 The two wolves were thirsty and drank most of the basin of water before they stopped. At this moment, the wolf with a broken spine raised its head and met Xia Qing's eyes.

Xia Qing immediately recognized that this was the second time he entered the wild boar breeding center to hunt wild boars, and the wolf he met in the third area of ​​No. 49 Mountain when he left.

It is also a brain evolver.

  The eyes and movements of brain-evolved animals are different from those of ordinary animals, and Xia Qing cannot accurately describe them in words. If she had to say something, it would be that the eyes and movements of brain-evolved animals reveal the light of wisdom.

The soothing capsule quickly took effect. The two wolves lay down unable to move. After the first wolf was asked to withdraw from the yard, Xia Qing stepped forward to check. The wolf's injuries were trauma and fractures. She had medicine for the trauma, but nothing for the fractures.

Xia Qing discussed with the alpha wolf outside the hospital, "I can't cure their injuries. I have to find someone, a doctor. Do you understand?"

 The wolf stared at Xia Qing without moving, obviously it was not smart enough to fully understand human language.

  Thanks to book friend 4084 for the tip, have a nice weekend.

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