Chapter 121 The battle at Hill No. 55

Hearing that the pumpkins in Xia Qing's territory were blooming, the quiet channel immediately became excited. The lords who had been troubled by the pumpkin seedlings for several months asked how many flower buds had grown, what they looked like, and whether they looked normal. How could Xia Qing take care of it? etc.

Xia Qing touched the buds on the pumpkin vine with a stick, then looked at the air toxin detector on his wrist before pressing the button, "It seems normal at the moment. I didn't do anything else but chop a basket of pumpkins the day before yesterday." Vine eats.”

Although Xia Qing didn't say who would eat or how, the lords all understood. After a few seconds of silence, Zhao Ze pressed the button and said, "You are so willing."

 Xia Qing was willing to feed an inedible power-evolved sheep with yellow crops.

In Territory No. 1, Guan Tong whispered, "It's nothing to feed sheep with pumpkin vines. Even if the sheep boss wants to eat cucumbers, Sister Qing will pick them and chop them without hesitation and feed them to him."

Hushi Feng, who heard Xia Qing coaxing Boss Yang with his own ears, agreed, "She is willing to accept the green light if Boss Yang wants it."

Green light cucumber...

Guan Tong and Hu Hufeng looked at each other silently, their desire to become sheep in Territory No. 3 became stronger, but neither of them was embarrassed to say this.

In the lord channel, Zhang San spoke lazily, "Xia Qing got it right. The pumpkin started to grow buds after cutting off part of the vines. It may be because the vines grew too vigorously before and took away too many nutrients."

Xia Qingqin learned to ask, "Has Third Brother's pumpkin blossomed?"

   “If you don’t like to eat, you don’t have any seeds.”

 Xia Qing...Okay, this is a very good reason.

Qi Fu took the opportunity to ask for advice, "Third brother, let's also cut down part of the vines?"

 Zhang San replied, “You can try it.”

Qi Fu was so happy when he received Zhang San's affirmative reply, "Thank you, third brother. Xia Qing, when the pumpkins in my field grow, ask your sister-in-law to fry pumpkin cakes for you."

Xia Qing was just happy when she heard Zhang San speak again, "Is Hu Feng here?"

 Hushi Feng immediately pressed the button, "Third brother, I'm here."

 Zhang San said calmly, "Come here and take your kitten away and keep it well. If I find out that you abused the little guy and how you treated it, I will return it to you a hundredfold."

“Yes, third brother, don’t worry, I will definitely take good care of you!” Hu Xiufeng was so excited that his voice rose.

Xia Qing's happy bubble burst with a pop.

  When Xia Qing was most sad, someone poured cold water on her. Zhao Ze asked, "Third brother, doesn't Xia Qing need to go get the cat?"

"Xia Qing has no fate with this litter of kittens. Let's talk about it next time."

Xia Qing was in tears. She was worthy of being her idol. Zhang San’s answer saved her face.

Li Si immediately spoke, "Third brother, can I adopt another kitten? I will definitely take good care of it."

Zhang San refused, "I like the other little guy and I won't exchange it. If my cats wander into your territory and cause trouble, please don't hurt them. I will double the compensation for the losses caused by the cats. Team Tan, Please tell all the lords in this territory this news.”

"Team Tan is not here. The investigation team will receive it and will pass it on." Su Ming's voice sounded on the Lord's channel, and Xia Qing guessed that Tan Junjie should be playing with his daughter.

 Speaking of the Tan family and his daughter, Xia Qing thought of the waterlily flowers that Tan Qi gave her. To be honest, she added coriander flowers and sugar to the porridge, but she couldn't taste anything except sweetness. I wonder if Zhang San enjoyed this? If he likes it, Xia Qing will have a new green light plant.

Upon hearing the double compensation, Kuang Qingwei immediately spoke, "The cats come here to catch mice. Don't worry, third brother, I will never interfere with their business."

Qi Fu, who raises a chicken, is very cautious, "What do third brother's cats look like? I'm afraid of confusing them with bobcats and wild cats."

Zhang San replied, "Two brown civet cats, one big and one small, wearing golden tracking collars." Husband Feng quickly followed, "My kittens are also civet cats, with four small white paws and white fur on their necks. Yes, I also wear a collar. Just like the third brother, I will pay double compensation for the damage caused by the kitten breaking into your territory."

Xia Qing, who had wandered into the vegetable garden, took a vicious bite of the green cucumber, and her little fifth child became a bearded cat. As for the wolf, she wants to beat the wolf!

 In the afternoon, Xia Qing asked Husband Feng to send team members to help her guard the territory. She was depressed and wanted to go to the private training ground to vent her anger.

Luo Pei arrived at Area 3 of No. 49 Mountain and couldn't help but laugh when he saw Xia Qing's depressed look. "You really want to keep a cat? Can I find one for you from the safe area?"

Xia Qing really wants to keep a cat or wants more green light plants, he can definitely exchange them with the Qinglong Team. But for the sake of safety, Xia Qing did not want to make any more transactions with the Qinglong Team that would be discovered. "My territory smells like a wolf, and even a cat can't stay here. Brother Luo, today I want to continue learning to fight."

 Back to the safe area, he beat up Zhao Jie and his gang a few times, which made Xia Qing's interest in fighting skyrocket after being beaten in front of Luo Pei every day.

Luo Pei became serious, "You have a fight with Chengdong. I'll see if you can get through a few moves in front of him now."

"Okay." Xia Qing put the knife and gun he was wearing on the stone, moved his muscles and bones to fight with Wei Chengdong.

Wei Chengdong is a fourth-level anti-strike evolver. To put it bluntly, he can withstand beatings four times better than ordinary people. In addition, he has many years of training and actual combat experience. Xia Qing is certainly not his opponent. Five minutes later, Xia Qing was pinned to the ground with her hands behind her back and unable to move.

After Wei Chengdong stopped, Xia Qing got up and moved her arms and legs. She found Luo Pei looking at her knife, so she took the initiative to explain, "I bought this new one from Huo's Knife Shop when I returned to the safe zone."

Luo Pei held a medium-sized knife more than thirty centimeters long and swung it down, knocking down an arm-thick pine tree nearby. "This is a handmade knife made by Huo Lei himself. You are lucky."

Xia Qing smiled and nodded, "I've always had good luck."

There are very few people who are still so optimistic after suffering from natural disasters for ten years. Luo Pei sheathed the sword and began to instruct Xia Qing, "Your strength is enough, but your speed is still too slow, your strike position is not precise enough, and you do not predict your opponent's behavior well enough..."

Xia Qing practiced hard all afternoon under Luo Pei's guidance. When she was lying on the ground to rest tiredly, she heard Luo Pei's phone ringing.

With level 7 hearing ability, Xia Qing clearly heard the voice on the other end of the phone, "Brother Luo, the brothers stationed in Area 1 of Mountain 49 detected the southern slopes of Mountain 55, and hundreds of birds flew out at the same time."

Luo Pei asked, “Is there any disaster weather warning from the Meteorological Bureau?”


Luo Pei replied, "It should be a fight between large evolved creatures in Mountain No. 55. Two teams were sent over to check. Pay attention to safety and report the situation at any time."


After the other party hung up the phone, Xia Qing stood up and said, "Brother Luo, go and do your work. I can do it myself."

Luo Pei nodded, "Don't go to the north. Keep the phone open. From now on, I will send more people to guard the mountain."

To the north of Mountain No. 49 is Mountain No. 52, and to the northeast of Mountain No. 52 is Mountain No. 55. It sounds far away, but if a large-scale evolutionary animal fight really occurs, and the defeated party flees away, At the speed of evolving animals, one can reach Hill 49 in one hour.

If the animal group is very powerful, it may cause other animals to run away collectively, and then evolve into a beast tide. People who have experienced the beast tide never want to face that kind of fear and despair again.

 After Luo Pei left, Xia Qing, whose muscles ached all over, was recovering from training while thinking about the situation on Mountain No. 55.

Out of intuition, she believed that the battle at Mountain No. 55 was related to the wolves, but she just didn’t know who would win and who would lose in that battle.

If it happens that the wolf with a missing piece of its left ear leads the pack, and they are defeated and flee their territory, will they come to seize their own territory?

 This possibility is much greater than the beast tide.

 (End of this chapter)

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