Chapter 120 Raising chickens

Xia Qing didn't even need to speak, Tang Zhengbo spoke in a hurry, "Tang Huai, come here."

 "Okay dad, come right away." Tang Huai didn't expect his dad to be online, so he was honest.

After Tang Huai was called away by his father, the channel became quiet. Xia Qing drove the mini-tiller and cut a large area of ​​grass on the north side of the house where she lived. Then she attached a three-share plow to the sheep boss and began to plow the ground.

In fact, it is easier to use a mini tiller to plow directly. However, after Xia Qing came back from participating in the agricultural products fair, the sheep boss became particularly clingy and hard-working. In order to show its value, Xia Qing used a shovel to shovel two shovels, let alone the mini tiller. Everyone wants to help.

 The sheep must be used to plow the ground and carry heavy objects. It doesn't even need to drink the ecstasy soup. I don't know when its strength will pass.

As soon as one person and one sheep started working, territorial birds flew in from all directions, looking for worms to eat in the turned soil.

 After plowing a few acres, Xia Qing asked the sheep boss to rest while she drove piles and built fences beside the plowed land. After the fence was repaired, Xia Qing moved an insect-proof net from home to cover it, and the chicken pen for green lantern chickens was set up.

Digging the soil is to make it easier for the chickens to dig out insects from the soft soil; encircling fences and covering insect nets is to prevent evolved animals and raptors from stealing chickens. These are all mentioned in the information Zhang San sent to Xia Qing.

The day after Xia Qing packed up the chicken coop, Ji Li sent seventeen chickens over.

 The one-month-old evolved chicken has all its feathers, and you can tell at a glance that there are ten hens and seven roosters.

Ji Li helped Xia Qing pour the chicken into the big bamboo basket she brought over and asked, "Have you found the wolf?"

Xia Qing shook his head, "No, he should have returned to the evolutionary forest."

Ji Li warned, "The cries of chickens will attract animals such as bobcats, weasels, foxes, and wolves. You should spray deodorant in and around the chicken shed every day. After the chickens enter the cage in the evening, it is best to move the cage back into the house." , and put it out in the morning.”

Xia Qing remembered that she was curious about whether the evolved cat in territory No. 7 would catch chickens and eat them, "Brother Ji, does the cat princess eat chickens?"

"Eat." Ji Li mentioned the cat princess, her upright face exuding the light of love, "But it doesn't eat what's at home, and will go to the mountains to catch pheasants by itself. If the princess or the two little ones come to steal the chickens, You call me immediately, and the damage caused will be doubled by No. 7. But you don’t have to worry too much. There is a wolf smell in No. 3 territory, and the princess will not come with her children. "

“…” Xia Qing, who not only failed to raise a cat, but also had to be wary of cats in the future, was in a complicated mood.

After seeing Ji Li off, Xia Qing carried the chicken coop down the mountain. When she was putting the chickens in the chicken coop, she grabbed a small black rooster and was reluctant to let go.

Chickens have increased in size after evolution. A one-month-old evolved chicken already weighs three kilograms, and it can still yield two kilograms of meat after being slaughtered.

 Seven roosters are a bit too much, how about...killing one for a taste?

The black-feathered rooster sensed Xia Qing's evil thoughts and pecked at her hand.

"The harder you scold, the sooner you will die. I just ate stewed chicken in the safety zone two days ago, and I will let you grow up for a few more days." Xia Qing muttered, walking around the chicken pen to check the fences and insect-proof nets After the chickens couldn't get out of the cracks, they mixed some crushed grass with wheat bran and cornmeal, put it into the chicken pen, and then imitated the hens and called a few times.

The chickens heard the call and immediately ran over to eat. Xia Qing was relieved to see them eating happily. The fodder is mixed with spring water, and the chickens' drinking fountains are also filled with spring water. If they continue to be fed like this, they will definitely survive the third rain of the year and start laying eggs.

In one month at most, the second crop of crops she sows will have to withstand the most severe test in her life - the rain.

Xia Qing hurriedly planted seeds because she hoped that when the third rain came again, the second crop of crops in her territory would grow larger and be more resistant. Also, her green light fish and yellow light fish can wait until the third rain to produce roe and hatch small fish. Otherwise, a large number of small fry must have evolved.

Xia Qing carried a **** to weed corn and mung beans. It rained a normal amount of rain a few days ago, and another layer of grass holes appeared in the ground, which needed to be removed as soon as possible.

The sheep boss, who was standing next to the chicken shed with a piece of grass in his mouth and watching the excitement, saw Xia Qing leaving and followed him to the farmland. Xia Qing went into the corn shed to weed, while the old sheep was lying in the shade of a tree not far away, chewing cud.

 After clarifying the germination rate of Huangdeng seeds, Xia Qing will sow the seeds more densely. For example, for corn, the row spacing is 40 centimeters, and the plant spacing should be 30 to 40 centimeters. Xia Qing will sow seeds at a distance of 20 centimeters per plant. Sixty percent of the seeds sown will germinate, thus ensuring an average plant spacing of thirty to forty centimeters. Of course, there are cases where two or three seeds all germinate or none germinate. In this case, just use a seedling transplanting shovel to transplant the seedlings in the middle of the continuous sprouts to the position where the seedlings have not emerged.

 So, the corn and mung bean seedlings in the field are now very neat and even, which makes people feel comfortable looking at them.

Xia Qing is very strong. The **** she used for weeding was improved by her. The **** surface was wide enough and the **** was heavy enough. Xia Qing used it very smoothly and completed the weeding work in half a day. She picked up the larger grass that she had hoeed and put it into a bamboo basket. She carried the **** and the basket out of the shed and called the sheep boss, "Boss, it's time for lunch. I'll pick vegetables, and you can catch worms for the fish."

The sheep boss narrowed his eyes at Xia Qing and did not move.

Catching insects is not a strenuous job, and the sheep boss doesn’t like it. Xia Qing doesn't like it either.

She walked over and stuffed a piece of compressed rations into the bag worn by the sheep boss, "Go and feed the fish and go home. I will prepare delicious food for you. The boss is the most powerful. If you don't feed them, the fish in our territory will be lost." All starved to death.”

The sheep boss had enough of hearing Xia Qing's soft words of praise, so he stood up, shook off his hair that had been cut into a mess by Xia Qing, and went to work with a small basket in his mouth.

Xia Qing put the **** and basket under the tree and strolled to see his farmland.

The rice seedlings bought back from the safety zone have all been planted, but they are just a bit shorter than the green rice seedlings exchanged from Zhang San, and the leaves are not bright green. Yellow light plants contain more phosphorus elements than green light plants, and it is normal for the leaves to have different colors.

 After passing the rice fields, Xia Qing came to the potato fields and found that the color of the potato leaves was a little different. She pressed the intercom, "Brother Qi, are you there?"

 Qi Fu quickly replied, "Here you are, what's going on?"

Xia Qing usually doesn't talk during the day and only talks when something happens. Everyone is used to it.

Xia Qing asked, "The potato seedlings in my field are a little wilted and the leaves are dry. Have there been any changes in Brother Qi's?"

Qi Fu said cheerfully, "Yes, we will talk about this in the morning. When the leaves of the potato seedlings wilt a little more, we can dig the potatoes."

That's great! Xia Qing was delighted and continued to move forward.

Kuang Qingwei asked, "Xia Qing, I haven't heard anything from you all morning. What are you busy with?"

Xia Qing replied, "Weed the corn and mung beans. If we don't clean up the weeds, they will be taller than the corn seedlings."

Kuang Qingwei also complained, "We are also busy with this. We can't apply herbicides now, and farming is much more difficult than before the natural disaster."

 The use of herbicides used before the natural disaster will also increase the chance of crop evolution. Weeding by covering with mulch film cannot be used, because the mulch film will block the volatilization of pollutants in the soil after rain, which will increase the chance of crop evolution.

Zhao Ze also complained that it was difficult to weed, and then asked Xia Qing, "You still have a lot of potatoes in your territory. Can you give me ten kilograms in exchange for the harvest?"

 You weigh ten pounds when you open your mouth. You have such a big face. Xia Qing responded coldly, "I don't have many trees left."

When Shi Zhong and Qi Fu were discussing how to weed weeds, Assistant No. 9 Xiao Liu came online and said, "Our lord has just developed a plant-derived bioenzyme herbicide. It is made of bio-enzymes produced by plants themselves. It is non-toxic and It is pollution-free, safe and environmentally friendly, and is now in the trial stage. If you are willing, you can apply for a trial for free.”

No need to ask, if anything goes wrong during the trial, you will be responsible for it. Territory No. 9 is not responsible, and no lord wants to bet on the seedlings he has grown so hard.

Although weeding is hard, if you use Fourth Sister’s medicine, maybe even the seedlings will be gone. Who will they cry to?

 No one said anything in the Lord's channel, and Xia Qing was not interested. She walked through the sweet potato field that had begun to bulge, and stopped at the pumpkin field. Her eyes suddenly opened wide, "Everyone, my pumpkin has finally grown buds!"

 (End of this chapter)

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