When they got closer, Xia Qing realized that there was one more person in Tan Junjie's investigation team today.

 is a small one, also wearing camouflage protective clothing, following the end of the team, carrying two wooden sticks to serve as submachine guns. Judging by her age, this should be Tan Junjie's daughter Tan Qi. When Tan Junjie exchanged edible vegetables and toon sprouts with Xia Qing, he mentioned that his daughter was studying in a primary school in the safety zone.

 She doesn’t study, so why did she come to the territory? Xia Qing remembered that it was mid-July now, so it was summer vacation, right? Does the school still have summer vacation? When Xia Qing was in the safe zone, she had never heard that schools now have summer vacation.

 Tan Junjie spotted Xia Qing, stopped and asked, "Did you block the entrance and exit of the old isolation zone in Territory 3?"

Xia Qing explained, "Well. Someone just strayed into my territory from the old isolation zone. I think it's safer to block it."

Tan Junjie immediately asked, "Who is he?"

Xia Qing described, "She was a young woman about 1.7 meters in camouflage protective clothing. She claimed to be the lord of No. 8, and she went to chop wood along the isolation zone. Because she was wearing a protective mask, I could only see her face. It’s white and the eyes are black, and it’s just been ten minutes.”

Tan Junjie looked back at Yuan Rui, the evolutionary man of smell in the team. Yuan Rui shook his head, "Because he was wearing protective clothing, he didn't leave any obvious scent."

Tan Junjie explained to Xia Qing, "Based on the height and gender you described, he should be Lord No. 8. We will catch up and confirm before replying to you."

Xia Qing nodded, "Thank you for your hard work."

Tan Junjie waved to his daughter, "Qiqi, this is Aunt Xia, the lord of land No. 3. She grew many of the vegetables you eat."

Aunt? Xia Qing raised an eyebrow.

Tan Qi was wearing a protective mask, and Xia Qing could only see that she had eyes that were very similar to her father's. The little girl gave Xia Qing a standard military salute and said hello, "Hello, sister Xia. The vegetables grown by my sister are very delicious. Thank you for your willingness to sell the vegetables to my father."

  Ouch, this little girl can talk more than her father.

Xia Qing smiled brightly and took out two small bags of roasted snake meat jerky from the pocket of her protective suit and handed them over, "This is the jerky roasted by my sister. It tastes good, but it is made of snake meat. Does Qiqi dare to eat it?"

Tan Qi saw her father nodding slightly, then took off her gloves and took the dried meat, "Dare you. My dad often catches snakes for me to eat, thank you sister."

Xia Qing heard from Chen Cheng of the Bearded Front Team that Tan Junjie's wife was also a soldier. Qiqi was born in the second year of the natural disaster, and her mother died in the third year of the natural disaster. In the seventh year of the natural disaster, Tan Junjie found his mother and his brother's family and took them to Huisan Base. Then, Tan Junjie sent his daughter to a safe area to study and live with her grandmother.

During the year of natural disasters, when she was short of food and clothing, and was surrounded by crises, Tan Junjie was able to raise her daughter safely and educate her so well, which made Xia Qing's respect for him rise to a new level.

After watching them leave the isolation zone of Base 3, Xia Qing pretended to go down the mountain, but in fact she kept an appropriate distance from the investigation team—a distance within her hearing range.

Su Ming, who talked a lot, murmured in a low voice as expected, "The guy at No. 8 actually walked out of the territory. It's strange, it's really strange."

Cao Xianyun felt strange, "When we went to clean up the evolutionary rats, there were still many trees in her territory. How could there be no firewood?"

Huzi replied in a low voice, "You can't bear to chop it. A few days ago, she asked the captain through the intercom what tobacco leaves look like. She probably heard on the Lord's channel that magpies like to build nests with tobacco pipes, and she wanted to find some tobacco pipes to build their nests."

 “I really don’t know how she survives until now...”

“Except for Sister Qing, among the three female lords of our territories 1 to 10, each one is more mysterious than the other.”

In order to catch up with Lord No. 8 who was cutting firewood, Tan Junjie's team walked very fast. Xia Qing only heard these few words before they walked away, but there was also a lot of information.

Even the investigation team feels that Lord No. 8 is mysterious. He really knows how to live in a simple way. What was she doing out today?

Xia Qing returned to the spring cave, stuffed the bucket filled with spring water into the basket, covered it with grass, then hung the basket on the old sheep and walked down the mountain.

Su Ming is right. Lord No. 9 and Lord No. 8 are more mysterious than the other. Li Si was at least still in the group and told the truth. No. 8 might use the walkie-talkie to listen to the other lords communicating every day, but he never said a word. Although they only met him once and didn't exchange a few words, Xia Qing felt that Lord No. 8 was a ruthless character who talked little and was capable. Whether she likes to talk or not, whether she is ruthless or not has nothing to do with Xia Qing. But if she dares to pursue the idea of ​​No. 3, Xia Qing will let her know that there is no cruelty, only more cruelty.

 After putting the spring water home, Xia Qing used the newly bought electric kettle to boil water and make tea, then went to the second floor to see the yellow corn seeds that had been soaked in spring water for almost 24 hours.

 The corn seeds have not yet sprouted, but they have swelled. Xia Qing followed the method taught by the radio, poured some vinegar into it to sterilize, and then carried the basin to the corn field.

The corn field is the area where wheat and mung beans were planted in the first crop. After Xia Qing fertilized and plowed the fields, she planted two kilograms of yellow corn seeds given to her by Luo Pei.

 The corn that was planted for more than half a month has already grown three leaves. Although it is a yellow light, its color is a normal light green, which makes people feel reassured.

 There are more than two acres of mung bean and wheat fields in total, and the remaining space is enough to grow two pounds of corn.

 After planting corn, Xia Qing only exchanged seeds from the safety zone for cabbage, which she had to wait until August to plant. In the next two days, Xia Qing plans to circle the area where chickens are raised.

 Her seventeen green light chicks are already one month old, and it’s time for the third brother to ask Ji Li to deliver them to her.

Xia Qing took out her mobile phone and was about to send a message to her third brother to ask about the raising techniques of green light chickens when she received a call from Tan Junjie. Tan Junjie said that he would take Tan Qi and come over to give her waterlily flowers.

Xia Qing rushed to the road sign in the south of the territory and saw the tender yellow flowers in Tan Qi's basket, and recognized them immediately. This is not the kind of aquatic plant that grows in the shallow water on both sides of the river in her territory. It is a large piece of water that is similar to the shape of a lotus leaf, but not as big as a palm.

Xia Qing thought it was an evolved lotus flower at first, but after digging around, he found that there were no lotus roots growing underneath. Although the test found that there were yellow light plants among them, the leaves of this grass were not delicious when cooked, and even the sheep would not eat them when they were raw, so Xia Qing did not include it in the diet.

It turns out that this plant is called Nymphoides and it eats flowers.

Xia Qing thanked the Tan family and his daughter, and humbly asked for advice on how to eat the flower.

Tan Qi shared how to eat it crisply, "My sister cooked the rice porridge. When it was about to come out of the pot, put the washed flower petals into the porridge, add sugar and drink it."

"It sounds delicious, thank you Qiqi." Xia Qing thanked Tan Qi. Tan Junjie told her about the woman chopping wood, "That person is indeed the lord of Land No. 8, and she did go to chop wood, because she got the walkie-talkie not long ago and doesn't understand the situation around her, so she doesn't know that your territory has expanded."

Xia Qing thanked Tan Junjie and watched as the father and daughter walked eastward hand in hand for a while before returning to their own territory with the waterlily flowers.

She hadn't gone far when she heard Tang Huai talking in a low voice with his visual evolution person Zhou Xun in Territory No. 2.

"Xin Yu from No. 8 actually walked out of the territory? How could Tan Junjie deliver food to Xia Qing?"

Tang Huai's voice was still very unbeatable, "I must be thinking about establishing a good relationship with Xia Qing so that my daughter can go to Territory No. 3 to play. Although Xia Qing has a guan gong face every day, she is a woman and will not How about a little girl."

Zhou Xun didn't believe it, "You can't. The sheep in the No. 3 territory is a power-evolved animal. Isn't Tan Junjie afraid that his daughter will be injured by the sheep? He might as well send her to the No. 8 territory."

“Idiot, Tan Junjie’s daughter is a speed evolver. Can that stupid sheep catch up? Let’s go, the sun is setting. Hurry up and dig up the monkey.”

 It turns out that the lord of No. 8 is Xin Yu, a name Xia Qing had never heard of when he was in the safe zone. Also, Tang Huai and the others didn't care if they said they were Guan Gong, but they actually called her sheep stupid?

 Digging the cicada monkey? OK.

 Xia Qing drove out the mini-tiller when she got home and weeded the ground.

Soon, Tang Huai yelled angrily on the lord channel, "Xia Qing, shut down that piece of shit!"

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