In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 118: The woman who mistakenly entered territory three

In the Lord Channel, Tang Zhengbo from No. 12 started to talk about how to fry peanuts, "Don't put oil in the pot, just pour the washed peanuts directly into it, stir-fry over low heat for three to four minutes, and the skin of the peanuts can be rubbed off halfway." Take it out of the pan, let it cool, rub the peanut skins off and shake them off, then grind them with a flour grinder..."

 When Tang Zhengbo finished speaking, Zhao Ze immediately took over, "As expected of Mr. Tang, a dish of peanut butter can make you say so much."

The boss of the shopping mall who dominated the mall before the natural disaster can only sit in his territory and tell them how to make peanut butter after the natural disaster. What is there to praise? Zhao Ze failed to flatter him this time, which was somewhat ironic.

Xia Qing, who had finished eating the noodles, pressed the button and said, "Dr. Tang, would it taste better if the peanut butter was cooked more?"

Tang Zhengbo spoke in a leisurely manner, which made people feel comfortable. "Xia Qing is right, I didn't consider this just now. The fire was low before the natural disaster to prevent the peanut flavor from completely covering up other seasonings." But now we are short of seasonings. If you stir-fry all the peanut skins and then grind them out of the pan, the sauce will taste better."

 “Thank you very much, Mr. Tang.” Xia Qing thanked him seriously.

Xia Qing had a long-standing feud with Tang Zhengsu, but not with Tang Zhengbo. Tang Zhengbo had a good reputation in business before the natural disaster. After the natural disaster, he was squeezed out by Tang Zhengsu. Although his life was not as good as before, the Tang's Restaurant he and his daughter Tang Ning ran was still upright. If Xia Qing hadn't been afraid of being recognized by Tang Zhengsu, she would have definitely applied for a job at Tang's Restaurant to learn some practical cooking skills and live a more comfortable life.

Li Si suddenly spoke, "Xia Qing, I remember you asked whether peanut seedlings can be composted. There are also peanuts in your territory, right?"

Xia Qing never mentioned the peanuts in Territory No. 3 on the Lord Channel.

She pressed the button calmly, "Fourth sister has a very good memory. I did find two small patches of red peanuts in my territory. There are more than eighty trees in total. More than half of them evolved during the second rain. The rest The content of fertilization elements has also increased. I heard you said that it can be fertilized, so I pulled them out and fertilized them. "

Li Si didn't say anything anymore, and the conversation naturally turned to the seeds and seedlings that everyone had just brought back from the safe zone.

Xia Qing finished washing the dishes, walked to the low-slope planting area with the sheep, opened the big stone blocking the spring water, and filled the spring water with a bucket. Then, she asked the sheep who was grazing by the cave to guard her while she walked to the high-slope planting area. , to see if the passion fruit seedlings and pepper seedlings I planted last night were wilted by the sun.

As soon as she reached the old isolation zone, she heard footsteps coming from the west. There was only one person coming, his footsteps were very light, his walking speed was not fast, and he seemed to be observing something.

Xia Qing immediately hid behind the tree and listened carefully.

This person actually entered Territory No. 3 directly after staying for a few seconds at the three-way intersection of the northern isolation zone between Territory No. 1 and Territory No. 3. Anyone who breaks into the territory without the permission of the lord can be killed directly.

However, we still have to find out her purpose first before taking action. Xia Qing held the gun and leaned behind the tree, but heard the person stopped less than ten meters away from him, and his slight breathing became rapid. The person who came here must have discovered her, and this may be an evolved person with a sense of smell.

Xia Qing slowly raised the gun and got ready to shoot.

"I was passing by while cutting firewood, and I had no intention of entering your territory." The visitor stated her purpose calmly.

 She is a woman, and her voice sounds young. Xia Qing paused for a few seconds, appeared from behind the tree, and pointed his gun at the visitor, "You have broken into my territory."

Seeing that Xia Qing had a gun, the woman in protective clothing immediately held the machete in front of her and calmly stated the facts, "Are you Xia Qing, the lord of No. 3? I am the lord of No. 8. This is the isolation zone where I stand. , is not your territory.”

This is the Lord of Land No. 8 who never speaks on the Lord Channel? The lord of Territory No. 8 received the walkie-talkie after the second rain. What she held in her hand should be the original territory division map. She didn't know that Gaopo had been classified into Territory No. 3, so today's accidental entry was reasonable. Although Xia Qing confiscated the weapon, most of the murderous intention had gone away. He explained, "This was originally an isolation zone, but it has been included in my territory. If you go north from the three-way intersection in the west, that is the current isolation zone." bring."

"I really don't know, I'm sorry." The woman thanked her, covered her body with a knife, and slowly exited the No. 3 territory, then walked north from the three-way intersection.

 When she was far away, Xia Qing put away the gun and took off the machete from his back. Although Uncle Huo said that the machete was scratched too deeply by the cat's claws and would not be used for long, Xia Qing was reluctant to throw it away and brought it back to use as a woodcutter.

 Because only the inspection team and Ji Li were in the northern isolation zone, they all knew that Gaopo belonged to Xia Qing, so Xia Qing did not block the east and west sides of the old isolation zone.

 It was Xia Qing's own negligence. Since there is a loophole, it must be blocked immediately. She chopped down two small, thigh-thick trees and placed them across the three-way intersection leading to the old isolation belt on the west side, blocking the passage. Then he walked to the three-way intersection on the east side with his knife and was about to chop down a tree when he heard footsteps again.

After a while, the woman just now walked along the separation between the wild boar breeding center and No. 3 land.

Xia Qing frowned. There was an isolation zone on the north side of the Wild Boar Breeding Center. This man didn't go through the isolation zone on the north side and kept walking around the edge of his own territory. Did he really not know the way or did he do it on purpose?

 The reason for cutting firewood is also far-fetched. Even if Territory No. 8 is not backed by mountains and has no buffer forest, there must be many trees in the thousands-acre territory. Why would you need to risk going out to cut firewood?

Although there are doubts, the wild boar breeding center has been assigned to the Qinglong team as a safe area and is not included in Xia Qing's territory. People were taken along this isolation line, and no matter how close they got, they never intruded into Xia Qing's territory. She had no right to interfere.

Soon, two women of about the same height, carrying machetes, met at a three-way intersection. It seems that Xia Qing is stronger because she is a power evolved person and her machete is bigger than her opponent's.

The woman was different from the cautious person she had just met. She only nodded slightly to Xia Qing, then picked up the machete and continued walking eastward along the isolation belt, exposing her entire back to Xia Qing.

It has been ten years since the natural disaster. How could someone expose their back to a stranger with weapons so easily?

This woman is either too strong or too weak. After watching her walk away, Xia Qingcai chopped down a tree and placed it across the three-way intersection at the east end of the old isolation zone, blocking the possibility of "accidentally breaking into" the No. 3 territory from the old isolation zone.

Her territory is not enclosed by fences or wire mesh, so it would be easy for someone to break into it. But breaking into the territory privately is equivalent to handing over your life to the lord, and those who don't have enough strength dare not break in. People who have enough strength but look down on this little thing in the territory will not risk being chased by the base and break in privately. So the territory is safe for now.

However, it’s time for her to seriously consider letting the Bearded Feng team be on duty around the territory.

Xia Qing walked through the high-slope planting area and arrived near the big chun tree.

Although it is a high slope, the soil layer is thick enough. Xia Qing planted apple trees, jujube trees, passion fruit trees and pepper trees here. Although there are only five fruit trees - toon trees and pepper trees are also green, but they are not As a result, it cannot be counted as a fruit tree, but Xia Qing decided to name it: Green Orchard.

There are only two jujube trees in the green orchard that can eat their own worms, with more than a hundred green dates hanging on them. If she wants to achieve fruit freedom, she has to continue planting fruit trees, including loquats, oranges, pears, plums, etc. Ten years after the natural disaster, she had almost forgotten the taste of these fruits.

Although the peppercorns and passion fruit were a little wilted, they were not withered and would definitely recover. Xia Qing was relieved.

 A burst of neat footsteps came over, and Xia Qing strolled to the edge of the territory to wait. (End of chapter)

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