I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 745: Shura was unable to satisfy Lord Yatales, I feel sorry (tears)

Chapter 745 Shura: I feel sorry for not being able to satisfy Lord Yatales (tears)

[Challenger, right! Challenger, right! ]

Yatales kept slashing with the force of splitting Huashan Mountain. There was no possibility of Yatales holding back. Every time the sword fell, it brought with it the roar of wind and thunder, pulling a golden sword mark in the air. All the air was compressed on the falling sword edge, forming an extreme aura.

This also made the attack range of the Thunder Sword wider and sharper.

[Who gave you the courage to make you feel that you can do it? ]

[Why am I fighting on the front line, why are you staying in the general's mansion, don't you know it yourself? ]

[Or are you questioning the emperor's decision? ]

Changing the heavy slash to a sweep, the Thunder Sword's blade heavily swept Shura's ribs, who was unable to return to defense, and knocked him away with just one blow, turning Shura into a floating stone, raising dust all the way and flying towards the distance.

Yatales suddenly shook his back, and a pair of wings inlaid with four elemental gems suddenly appeared behind him.

However, after a slight vibration, Yatales rushed straight into the sky, wielding his own power in the clouds.

Thunder roared, lightning flashed, and the golden thunder sword light suddenly emerged from the dark clouds, blasting towards Shura in the posture of judgment.

After finally stabilizing his body, Shura raised his hands and leaned his whole body back, resisting the judgment of justice with his bare hands with the greatest strength, and forcibly resisted this thunder judgment with his own body.

But doing this is already the limit, it is the limit of Shura, and it is also the limit of Daguba. It is completely impossible to push it back.

Withstanding this kind of materialized [Justice] power, Shura Armor has already tried its best just to maintain itself from being released.

And Daguba even felt this power that was quite targeted at him.

Just like light and darkness, justice and evil, although the two are not simply restrained, the evil of Daguba seems to be unable to overwhelm the power of the incarnation of justice in the bright world at this moment.

Therefore, he can only retreat step by step.

"Yatales... is really strong!" Daguba forced out these few words from his throat: "For such a guy, I still..."

[Ha! I said it! I won't lose much to Yatales! This fatal blow, I still...]

The subsequent words have not been finished, because the figure swooping down from the sky has already answered Shura's questions invisibly.

The figure with metal wings spread out, flying down from the sky with bare hands, surrounded by the terrifying golden thunder column, and the accumulated power in his hands is ready to go.

[Idiot, what kind of fatal blow is this. ]

The emerald vortex gathered on the fist, and the looming white thunder intertwined a brilliant arc of electricity, reflecting Yatales' figure on the soaring figure.

Lightning Charge Palm.

The figure that descended from the sky struck down with a single blow, hitting Shura's head accurately.

Even though there were spikes on the top of Shura's armor, this palm still landed steadily, adding three more points of pressure to Shura, who was already trying his best, so that his knees could not bear this force, and he was forced to kneel on the ground, and the whole person was pressed down.

The next second, the pressure on his body suddenly dissipated, but at the moment when this terrifying golden thunder disappeared, the Thunder Sword flew from the sky and fell into Yatales' hands.

Almost at the moment when his feet landed on the ground, the Thunder Sword swept from bottom to top, turning Shura from lying on the ground to a ferocious and threatening figure in the sky.

The Thunder Sword flew out of his hand again and flew far away. Yatales brushed his hands over the four element crystals on his body, extracting the power of the four elements one by one, and then compressing and sublimating them, supplemented by the materialized [Justice], and controlling the power of ether in his hands.

As a result, the blazing red flames; the warm and gentle water flow; the unpredictable wind; the heavy and bearing earth, all turned into four groups of light surrounding Yatales.

Then... the ether that did not exist in the world burst out at the confluence of the four elements, forming the most important beam of light, the most important blow.

"Thunder Torch Fist!"

The bent fists suddenly hit forward, and at this moment the roaring beams were triggered together. The four images, together with the ether element, the colorful light flew towards the sky with Yatales as the launch point, and hit the Shura armor accurately.

The beam passed through Shura's armor, completely piercing it. The extreme elemental power turned into a violent truck, rushing through Shura's body, destroying Shura's original power structure and completely destroying it, leaving no trace.

A violent explosion sounded in the sky, and the roar in an instant dispersed the dark clouds. The sky, which was originally full of thunder and dark and gloomy, suddenly became bright and extremely bright, leaving no clouds.

Obviously, this attack brought great trauma to Shura. The power of his armor was completely consumed by the ether element, and even a little bit of it no longer existed, reducing the power of Shura's armor to the extreme.


But just when everyone thought that this attack had ended, Yatales roared, and the light composed of the Thunder Torch Fist suddenly changed at this moment.

As if there was a mirror around, the colorful beams were bounced back at the moment they hit the mirror, jumping and changing around Shura.

Each time it refracted back, the power would become stronger, and finally hit Shura, causing more trauma.

From dozens of hits in an instant, to hundreds of hits in an instant, and then to thousands of hits in an instant, the more it refracted, the greater the power, the faster the speed, and the higher the damage to Shura.

A brilliant ball of light intertwined in the sky, becoming extremely bright in the disturbance, and falling into the eyes of the people standing on the ground, like fireworks.

[Humph, challenger? ]

Yatales snorted coldly, put down his arms, canceled the change of the Thunder Torch Fist, let the ball of light gradually dissipate, and let Shura's figure once again enter the eyes of the crowd.

Yatales's metal wings vibrated slightly, allowing him to land smoothly.

And Shura fell to the ground like a piece of rag, with burnt marks all over his body and a few black mists rising, as well as the classic shape of Krillin being killed and falling to the ground, all indicating the fact that Shura was defeated.

[I didn't use my full strength in the previous attack, and you can't satisfy me. ]

Since Shura opened his mouth to challenge, he would win if he kept his mouth shut, so Yatales would naturally not give him a good face, and he would directly mock him.

[You should be able to stand up now]

As soon as the words fell, the dead Klin... I mean the dead Shura twitched his body, and from the puddle on the ground, he regained his ability to move and turned into a person.

The voice suppressed in his throat whimpered, and Shura stood up shakily. He could no longer see Yatales clearly in the bright red goggles, and was full of confusion.

But although Shura couldn't see clearly, it didn't prevent Daguba, who was determined to fight, from locking Yatales's location.

So, Daguba pressed the button on his mobile phone, took out Shura's Purgatory Halberd, raised his last strength, and added the ultimate move: God and Demon Extinction Chop to the weapon, and took the final step towards Yatales.

The more he stepped out, the clearer Yatales' location was in front of him.

The closer he got, the more he could see that he was going to take the title of "strongest".

Daguba grabbed the halberd with both hands and chopped it off with a roar.


Yatales watched coldly. Facing Shura's final blow, Yatales simply stretched out one hand to block it in front of him, and grabbed the edge of Shura's Purgatory Halberd with his palm, completely intercepting it, and holding it with one hand.

[Do you know why you can't be my opponent? ]

[Because you who only take extremes, and I who represent the righteous power of the world, who is stronger and who is weaker, has long been determined. ]

With force in his arms, he threw Shura's Purgatory Halberd away, and Yatales slapped it with one hand, landing heavily on Shura's chest.

[You should be on your way]

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