I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 746: Nava of Flame, the power to devour the fierce flames!

In any battle, in the impression of both sides, they can feel each other's fighting spirit from each other's fighting methods and fighting will.

This fighting spirit can bring extremely strong changes in a moment, allowing the two people in the battle to feel each other's hearts, and thus confirm whether each other is their destined enemy.

The so-called enemies of fate and the entangled cause and effect are essentially things that are intertwined between fate and fate, and human hearts and human hearts.

If they match, then they will naturally recognize each other.

If they don't match, they will naturally hate each other, and they will not feel that they can coexist with each other, and even feel that they owe each other a glance.

Obviously, the relationship between Tiandao and Daguba is the first possibility.

Perhaps Tiandao has no feelings for Daguba, but for Daguba, Tiandao is the opponent he has identified.

Yes, this kind of thing has never been two-sided, even one-sided is fine.

The last attack released by the Shura Armor had reached its limit, but Yatales just turned around, glanced at the Shura lying at his feet, and stopped paying too much attention.

For him, Shura had never been his opponent. Both of them were partners, and Shura... was just like this because of a momentary brain twitch.

It's normal, just beat him up.

Yatales pressed his chest, caught the Thunder Sword flying from the sky, and pointed the tip of the sword at Shura's chest.

[Yatales, even if you win, what can you do? As long as I don't choose to quit, you can't make me...]

Before the fierce words could be finished, the Shura Armor suddenly disappeared from Daguba's body, and in an instant it turned into a certain image that existed in the dark.

That is the completely transparent Shura Armor, which does not exist in the material world and can only be seen but not touched.

The item that communicates this set of visible but intangible armor, the Shura phone, is now at Yatales' feet. He picked it up in his hand as soon as he bent down, and he was completely in control.

[Before coming through that medium, His Majesty the Emperor had already granted me the right to dispose of the ultimate armor]

[His Majesty the Emperor had already anticipated the possibility that you would resist]

Turning on the Shura phone and looking at the display interface of the Shura phone on the screen, Yatales smiled.

[You can't imagine it, Shura, any possibility of you has been predicted by the Emperor! Now you are a bird in a cage, a fish in a net, and there is no place to go in the world! ]


[Yatales, you can ask me to return to the Mingjie, but I have only one request. ]

[Tell me, the Heart of the Divine Mountain, is it...]

Before he finished speaking, Yatales suddenly spoke up and interrupted Shura's subsequent words.

[Whether it is true or not, you need to ask it yourself]

After covering Shura's phone, Yatales put it back in his pocket, clearly not wanting to reveal too much.

After putting away Shura's transformation device, the phantom also disappeared, and Yatales' body also emitted a brilliant light. Four rays of light were separated on the left and right, and re-immersed in the book that had been opened long ago, representing the return of the four elements.

Afterwards, Yatales's armor and Tiandao itself began to separate. The two were no longer mutually integrated, but independent individuals, allowing Tiandao to clearly see Yatales' appearance.

[My promise is still valid, but... I need to return to Mingjie first, so I can only leave part of my consciousness here to guide you. ]

As he said, Yatales did it casually, summoned the four elements again, and arranged them in front of him in order.

[I know you need a set of armor as an immediate combat force, so I will give you one of the four elements' armor, and my consciousness is also attached to it. 】

"Four element armor?" Yatales is not a man who goes back on his word. Obviously, it is Tiandao's turn to make the choice this time.

[These four element armors are...]

[Nava of Flame, the power to devour fierce flames.]

[Zonami of Howl, the power to drown the roar.]

[Darado of Hurricane, the power to pierce through hurricanes.]

[Kulefu of Cliff, the power to hammer and blast cliffs.]

The armors formed by the four elements are arranged in front of Tiandao in turn. Like the Shura armor, before there is a corresponding summon, these four sets of armor are also in a state of being visible and intangible, and can only be chosen by people.

"Do I still have a choice?" Tiandao exhaled: "I carry the blood of the Fire Village, and my choice has been doomed from the beginning."

[Well, Nava of Flame, as your temporary use before you have a new power. 】

The energy key representing the fire element came to Tiandao and was grabbed by him. It represented the power of this element and became the power he could use at this moment.

[I can't say more. I have to return to Mingjie immediately. 】

Obviously, the battle on the front line is in full swing. If Yatales hadn't come to catch Shura, he would never have come here.

[The cleanup work is left to you, Shenshan Tiandao]

As soon as the words fell, Yatales left in an instant, and Yatales's belt flew away and sank into the book opened by Melina.

Coming to this world through this medium, after that, naturally, it is through this medium to return to your own world.

Therefore, after Shura Armor and Yatales both disappeared, they were standing on the ground staring at the Heavenly Dao in the sky. Daguba gradually got up from the ground. One of them had his eyes downward, and the other raised his head high, their eyes intertwined for a moment.

Grudges resurface and disputes begin again.

"Uncle Hongo, use this to save the destroyed buildings and the people who died in the turmoil." Handing the second-order Tokio dial to Hongo Meng, Tiandao took a few steps forward without even turning his head. Said back.

"I think you are also tired of me and Daguaba fighting again."

"Then do what Kamen Rider should do, save this world, this city, and these humans."

"Tiandao." Hongo tightened his grip on the dial and asked in a deep voice, "What about you?"

"I will go back soon, to the cafe before." Tiandao made an "OK" gesture: "This time, I will beat him to a place deeper than the eighteenth level of hell, and let him I can’t turn around from now on.”

"The grudge between us ends here!"

The battle between Daguba and Tiandao is indeed nothing to watch. After all, this is another battle between the two sides, or I don’t know how many times it has been fought.

Not to mention the many knights, I guess I am all tired of it.

So there are not many knights left here, just like Tiandao said, do what needs to be done next.

After that, everyone regarded the roaring in the city, the trembling of the earth and the mountains as normal things, and went about what they should do.

Kaiwu continues to help the child Hiiragi, which is the main plot of this theatrical version.

So what is the main line?

I (fifteen) subvert the whole world just to straighten your (my son) reflection.

Divine Power Cannot Conceal Blood and Tears JPG.

Don't think that this kind of plot is abstract enough. In fact, this kind of plot is considered good in the Heisei era.

As a spectator, Melina kept her eyes fixed on the battle between the two throughout the whole process, and would not let go of even the slightest bit.

After all, as a recorder, she has to write down these things and then use them as storybooks.

So no matter how many times this battle is repeated, she will never refuse.

As for Zimli...it was simply because she cared.

But she definitely wouldn't think so.

No one knew the final result, but when Zimli appeared in the coffee shop supporting Tiandao, who was bruised and swollen, everyone's anxious hearts finally relaxed.

Melina, who was at the very back and had never entered, raised her head and stared at an unknown place.

"It's coming."

She said so.

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