I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 744 Shura, Yatales, you are just an ordinary person who was born in an era without me!

When a guy who has never been idle at home says to a guy who works every day, fights as soon as he opens his eyes, and is awakened by the noisy fighting when he closes his eyes: Enough, I'm tired of doing nothing all day long, muddleheaded days! I want to fight! A man wants to fight! When saying this, for this idle guy, perhaps it is the satisfaction of speaking out the words in his heart and the words he has been thinking about.

But in fact, these words are undoubtedly Versailles to the ears of this person who works every day and works overtime every day, and even give people a feeling of being born in a blessed life.

Yatales's temper is always facing the enemy, and talking less nonsense has always been his purpose.

But for friends and comrades, he still has infinite tolerance and patience.

But the prerequisite is that this friend will not let his blood pressure reach the limit.

Obviously, Shura is now playing such an existence.

In Yatales' eyes, Shura's words are clearly asking for a beating.

[I will let you know how tormenting it is to say that you are eager to fight in front of me! ]

[Since you are tired of fighting, why don’t we switch places? ! ]

Shura shouted and gave his answer.

[You rest in your own mansion, and I fight on the front line. You have your life, and I have my pursuits. Isn’t this good? ! ]


Shura’s two words immediately made Yatales’ remaining rationality disappear. He raised the Thunder Sword and pointed it at Shura, and his tone had never been so cold.

[Fight on the front line instead of me? ]

[How dare you say that, Shura]

Yatales laughed in anger.

[Why do you think you have been idle at home all the time, and why have I always been fighting outside? Do you think there is something wrong with the Emperor’s strategy, or that the Shadow Emperor is too weak? ]

[You said you want to. Replace me. Go to the front line? ? ]

[Hahahaha!! 】

Yatales covered his head and laughed like a collapse.

The ridicule and helplessness contained in that laughter were almost clearly expressed, without any concealment.

[Shura! If you are strong enough! Would the emperor not let you go to the front line? You said you want to replace me? What are you replacing? 】

[I don’t want to rest at home, and suddenly hear the scouts on the front line tell me: General Yatales, go to the front line! General Shura is crazy! He is slaughtering our soldiers in the Ming world! 】

Yatales roared directly at Shura.

[Answer me! Shura! 】


[When I go to the front line, I will see that Shura Armor and Shadow Emperor have merged? ! The general who led the front line of my Ming world to fight against the Shadow World turned his back on the battlefield and swore allegiance to Shadow Emperor! 】

[What will the emperor think? What will the soldiers of Ming world think? How to spread the rumors in the worlds we protect? 】


[Shura, you.]

Yatalais hadn't finished his subsequent words yet, but he saw Shura sweep away his timid look, held his head high, and expressed his opinion.

[What you said are all possible things, but it is only possible, not inevitable! ]

Shura patted his chest and said confidently.

[Don't worry, my Shura armor is definitely not like that! I guarantee it with my armor! ]

[And, Yatales, you were questioning my strength just now. ]

Shura pressed the phone and summoned Shura Purgatory Halberd.

[I don't think the Shadow Emperor is weak, but I think I am strong. I can do much more than you! ]

[Yatalais, you are just an ordinary person born in an era without me, and now, I will take back the title of "the strongest"! ]

[Yatalais, you are the challenger! 】



[I made a mistake and tried to convince you with words to make you recognize the essence of the facts. 】

Yatales sighed and said no more. After all, it is difficult to persuade a damned ghost with good words. He thought he had done his best.

For Shura, He had done everything he could.

[You must be Shenshan Tiandao, I heard the Emperor mention you]

Yatales turned to communicate with his dresser, that is, Tiandao.

And Tiandao, after cooperating with Yatales, also spoke out to show his existence.

"Emperor?" Tiandao asked back.

[It is Mingjie Tiandao, our king]

Yatales paused.

[The king once came to this world, reached an agreement with the strong in this world, and left some power here, so I can show up here. 】

[But this is not the reason why the ultimate armors of us stayed here. I can't get away from Mingjie. The offensive of the shadow world is getting faster and faster, and the riots of the universe Zerg are getting more and more intense. 】

【The Ming Realm needs to use stronger power to suppress the cholera in the outside world, and Shura, he must return to the Ming Realm and become the general defending the city】

【At this time, any set of ultimate armor must exert its own power. 】

"Does it mean that the Shura armor will return to the Ming Realm with you?" Tiandao understood the words: "In other words, you want to take the Shura armor away from this world?"

【Yes, I will leave at the same time. 】

Yatalais has a heavier burden than anyone else. He has to stay at the front line of the war.

[You used the power of the God of War Xingtian to eliminate the five dark guardians and weaken the power of the shadow world. If you follow the reward and punishment system of the soldiers in the bright world, you should be rewarded. ]

[But this is a different world, so I can't give you more, but the damage to the God of War Xingtian has made you lose the power to transform.]

[I will guide you to find a place to repair and upgrade Xingtian's armor. ]

Hearing that Xingtian's armor can be repaired, Tiandao is happier than anyone else.

"Xingtian's armor can be repaired?!"

[It's not a repair, but an upgrade based on the original foundation]

[The system of Xingtian's armor is actually relatively backward. I can guide you to upgrade it to a capture system]

"Capture system?" This is a name that Tiandao has never heard of.

[Yes, it is a new series that is fully upgraded on Xingtian's system. It has stronger power than the Xingtian series. The current capture series.]

After talking for a while, Yatalais did not choose to continue speaking.

[But don't rush. Before that, please help me capture Shura back to Mingjie. ]

Does it mean that only after Shura is captured can the subsequent repair of Xingtian Armor be carried out?

Tiandao certainly understands that the reward will be given after the task is completed, so he did not refute it, but nodded and added a sentence.

"Don't mind telling me the direction of the upgrade first. After all, I am used to Xingtian, and I always know what is suitable for me."

[Kapo, Aloi, Egos, Ruifu. ]

Listing the names one by one, it is not difficult to guess the capture series. As an upgraded version based on the three armors of Xingtian, the ability of Xingtian three armors to travel through time and space has been fully upgraded in the capture series.

It has almost become a standard configuration.

"I understand." Tiandao remembered these four names. While silently pondering in his heart, he also cooperated with Yatales to release its true power.

On the other side, Shura was facing Yatales, who held up the Thunder Sword, gathered the earth elements into his body, and saw the etheric power fully explode in a short time. Although he had spoken arrogantly before, he was still a little unsure when facing Him.

[Dagoba, can we win? ]

[We will win! ]

Facing Shura's uncertain and doubtful whispers, Daguba gave a decisive and affirmative answer.

This certain answer also gave Shura great affirmation to a certain extent, allowing Him to put down the confusion in his heart and strengthen his confidence.

[Yes, we will win! ]

[I am stronger than Yatales! I am much stronger than Yatales! ]

[Yatales, you are the challenger! ! ]

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