I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 517 You are born evil, Xiao Deng from the Shenshan family! You have finally become Tai Er. I

Chapter 517 You Xiaodeng, a born evil Shenshan family! After all, I have become Tai Er. I will do it myself...

In the end, Jinghe still couldn't go up and slap him.

Of course, Tiandao didn't look disappointed at him, but he already knew what kind of person he was, so he didn't think there was anything wrong.

Amid the silence and fear of the people around him, Tiandao shook his head and left holding the two children's hands just as he had done when he came to see the siblings off to school.

The crowd surrounding him unconsciously moved away, not daring to have any contact with Tiandao or even getting close to him.

They could only watch in awe as Tiandao limped away. Even though he looked like a disabled person, his power and aura were not something they could handle.

Even the words that had been chattering were completely silent after that slap.

Even if there was a child crying, it was just a spice in the calm atmosphere, and it was as normal as usual.

After returning home, Sharo didn't say much, but consciously let go of his hand and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

At this time in the past, it would have been Jinghe who would have stepped in to help or Tiandao to take action, but that would not be the case today.

Whether it was Sha Luo or Jing He, they both knew that Tiandao had something to say.

"Why do you have to prove yourself to her." Pulling out a chair, Tiandao and Jinghe sat opposite each other, looking at each other.

Jing He lowered his head and did not dare to look directly at Tiandao, and Tiandao did not show that questioning, aggressive look, but just looked at him calmly.

"I...but I obviously didn't do it." Jing He whispered, "Everyone knows it, why doesn't anyone come to prove me..."

"Why do you need to prove it?" Tiandao said: "They know your innocence better than anyone else. What do you want to prove to them?"

Jing He shrank his head, not quite understanding what this sentence meant.

After all, he is still a child, so of course he cannot understand the cruelty hidden behind this sentence.

"What they want to see is how you prove your innocence." Tiandao continued: "The beginning is not important, and the result is not important, because they all know it."

"Only the process is what they expect."

Jing He nodded in understanding: "Brother Tian Dao, what should I do at that time?"

"You don't need to do anything." Tiandao grinned: "Why do you have to prove it if you didn't do it?"

"There is only one thing you have to do, and that is to let the other party prove it." Tiandao crossed his arms and said, "It is better to let the other party prove himself than to prove yourself."

"The other party can accuse you of stealing, and of course you can also accuse the other party of watching you poop."


"But... this is wrong." Jing He shook his head: "Isn't this lying? How can I talk nonsense about things that are obviously not true..."

"Jinghe..." Tiandao sighed: "I know you are a kind person, but kindness cannot be released to anyone."

“The consequences of your kindness depend on the person you release your kindness to.”

No matter which world you are placed in, there is a saying about good people being bullied by others, but Tiandao has understood this truth since he was very young.

As for Jinghe, although he is a kind-hearted child, he will gradually understand all this when he grows up, gradually let go of this innocence, and truly grow up.

At that time, when Jing He recalled his stupid childhood self, would he also laugh helplessly?

"Don't you want to do this?" Tiandao asked.

"Yeah!" Jing He nodded: "What's right is right, and what's wrong is wrong, so I didn't steal anything, and that classmate didn't peek at me pooping."

Tiandao twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Okay." After patting the young man's head, Tiandao smiled helplessly: "Anyway, you will understand these things later."

"Growth is always accompanied by the passing of something and the enlightenment of something." Speaking of words that Jinghe didn't understand, Tiandao rubbed Jinghe's face: "But at least now, you can feel that way."

Although innocent, isn't such an innocent child more worthy of care?

Such a good boy will not be disliked by anyone who sees him.

Except for those who are inherently evil…

After a pause, Tiandao stood up and continued: "Go help your sister, she can't do it alone."

"Yeah!" Jinghe jumped down from the chair and trotted to the kitchen. The voices of the two siblings rang out at the same time. Sharo's exclamation and Jinghe's embarrassed laughter made this originally cold house It was filled with countless laughter and laughter.

The dependence between siblings means that they are destined to be the most important people to each other.

Tiandao held the chair and looked at everything in the kitchen silently. The flickering light and shadow in his eyes made him look a little strange.

"You are as kind as a fool..."

In the end, Tiandao could only sigh like this.

"But..." Tiandao curled his lips and shook his head: "I like it."

Early the next morning, he sent his siblings to school just like yesterday. Under the fearful eyes of the parents around him, Tiandao limped away with a cane, and then stopped at the intersection of the commercial street. a long time.

With his eyes twinkling, he seemed to be undergoing some considerable ideological struggle in his heart.

Staring at the traffic lights, the vehicles coming and going, and some luxury cars that obviously did not obey the traffic rules, Tiandao's mood was quite complicated.

Do you want to do that? The methods used by his grandfather were also the most despised and despised behavior by Heaven.

Now that I have fallen into this world, even as a cripple, am I going to do this?

But in this case, wouldn’t I lose face?

Although no one in this world will know the Shenshan family, and no one will know who he is, but once he does this, won't he become the kind of person he once and the most hated grandfather was?

But if you don't do that, what else can you do as a lame person? If you go to work in a convenience store, you will probably be criticized for being too slow, right?

Not to mention that he has no identity in this world and is a complete gangster. It is impossible for him to do any serious work.

The Sakurai siblings were still growing, and it was obvious that their family was not wealthy, and now they had themselves, which made the family even worse.

In order for the Sakurai siblings to grow up healthily, and for the two children to grow up well, my current behavior is understandable, right?

Everything I do is to enable my two children to grow up healthily.


Taking a deep breath, Tiandao let go of his reserve and concern about his identity. After choosing to let go of his face and his face, there was no longer any hesitation in his eyes.

So he stood on the edge of the street, staring at the passing vehicles, taking in all the expensive luxury cars.

Thinking of the methods of "making money" that his grandfather had told him so brazenly, those things that Tiandao once scorned, Tiandao really didn't expect that he would actually use them.

Ordinary cars are not within the scope of consideration. Maybe they are still paying off the car loan, so there is no value in touching it.

You should also look at luxury cars, because there are always those guys who pretend to be rich and pretend to be rich. So even though the car is labeled as a luxury car, it is not worth mentioning among luxury cars.

Of course, this kind of car must be recognized at a glance and excluded.

The remaining truly respectable luxury cars are rare.

But you can’t just touch one when you encounter one.

Isn’t that a real deal?

So you have to watch.

You have to look at the kind of luxury car that ignores traffic safety and wants to run a red light. This kind of car is truly rare.

But precisely because it is rare, most of the time it will be in vain and there will be nothing in the day.

But if it really opens, it will be the kind of thing where you can make a full meal and stay in the hospital for half a year.

In the words of his grandfather, he got the money, the other party learned a lesson, and it also served as a warning to the onlookers.


Everyone wins!

This is a good thing!

Although I once scoffed at this statement and dismissed it, when I was really in this position, Tiandao had to admit that grandpa was right.

And he will also prove that he is better than others.

So after waiting for a long time, a burgundy luxury car came speeding up. It showed no intention of slowing down after arriving at the intersection, making it clear that it wanted to pass the yellow light.

When Tiandao saw this, his eyes lit up.

When the target appeared, Tiandao did not pounce on it. Instead, he directly launched the transformation to put himself directly in front of the car.


Along with a figure flying up like a rag, and landing with it, someone's integrity fell with a crash.

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