I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 518 Chapter 516 Let's talk about the progress of Bu Jihu (eating shit). It is currently

Walking home with a limp, Tiandao had changed out of his hospital gown and put on his new clothes before he was discharged from the hospital.

Although it was a little painful to do this job, it would at least ensure that he would have enough food and clothing for the next two or three years.

It was just a hit, not only could he do a good thing by reminding the car owner not to run a red light, but he could also get money and warn the onlookers around him.

It felt like the right thing to do no matter how you looked at it.

Tiandao, with a normal expression, felt the same way his grandfather felt when he did this.

However, compared to his grandfather who just fell to the ground and howled after being hit by the headlight, Tiandao's choice was much more tragic.

He teleported directly in front of the luxury car and was hit and flew up, then fell heavily to the ground.

He focused on making a big profit.

Either not making this money, or making a lot of money at once, Tiandao was determined.

Of course, he didn't know that although he was standing here alive and well, his moral integrity had been knocked flying by the car, separated from his body and fell to the ground, and then smashed to pieces.

At this moment, it was probably gone with the wind and no longer existed.

Taking a deep breath, Tiandao, who was doing this for the first time, couldn't help feeling guilty, and couldn't keep his face like his grandfather.

He was not afraid that his behavior would be learned by others.

Let alone the ability to change his shape and shadow, just the speed of the car that ran the yellow light, the speed must be full in order to run the yellow light.

He didn't think anyone could imitate him, being hit by a high-speed vehicle and flying ten meters and rolling several times on the ground, and then lying there pretending to be dead.

He was in good health so he would be fine. If ordinary people learned to do this, they would probably have to notify their families to collect the body.

Looking up, Tiandao looked at the end of the road. If it wasn't late at night, he really couldn't get out of the hospital.

Of course, this is compensation, otherwise Tiandao would definitely still be lying in the hospital.

"Do you want to change the school environment for the siblings? The current place... can only be said to be okay." The happy education believed in by Japan has destined that there are only a few reliable education industries in this country, and most of them are fake schools.

It can only be said that it is impossible to learn anything if you just mess around in it.

The school where Sha Luo and Jinghe are in is such a place.

After knowing where the siblings are studying, Tiandao actually thought about doing this.

It's just...

The kindness of the siblings is so dazzling against the evil thoughts of some people. Similarly, the environment where the siblings live, the neighbors around them also have great kindness towards the siblings.

Perhaps it is because of this environment that the siblings can maintain this innocence.

So I'd better forget about the idea of ​​moving to a new place. If I continue to stay here, I won't be able to...

Before he finished speaking, a woman rushed out from the alley and hugged Tiandao. The bag in her hand hit Tiandao's back, but it was hard to change her clothes being torn and panicking.

"There is... there is a monster!"

The cheap perfume and the smell similar to heather from the woman made Tiandao frown unconsciously. He could probably guess what the nature of this woman's job was.

But what she said surprised Tiandao.


Isn't this world... a world without monsters and knights?

Or did I actually not encounter such a thing before, so I thought it was an ordinary world?

Tiandao didn't move his feet at all. Even if the woman let go of him and stumbled away, he didn't care. Instead, he turned his body and faced the dark alley.

His eyes gradually turned green, and the dark world became clearer little by little, allowing Tiandao to see clearly.

Fluff is all over the neck, and the tiger-colored pattern and white stripes form a shell that wraps its body.

Multiple eyes give it the ability to see everything even in the dark.

In addition to its hands and feet, the four Ao feet behind it swing up and down, moving with its thoughts.

If this thing grows on a human, it would probably be called an external soul bone.

But growing on this guy, it complements each other.

Because the type of this monster is very familiar to Tiandao.

"Spider..." Looking at the old acquaintance to some extent, Tiandao curled his lips: "It's you again."

Thinking carefully, the first monster he encountered every time seemed to be a spider.

Is this a strange repertoire?

The spider monster opened his mouth and spit out white spider silk that passed by Tiandao, aiming directly at the woman behind Tiandao.

The nature of spiders makes it naturally have the habit of wrapping up prey, even if it becomes humanoid at this moment.

Tiandao thought about the past. When he first met the Spider-Man, he was beaten and ran away. But now things are different. He is no longer the same person.

He raised his hand and took the initiative to touch the spider silk. Before it was about to touch the woman, Tiandao stopped it.

When Tiandao moved, the spider saw the existence of Tiandao.

He tilted his head back suddenly, and the Spider-Man tried to pull Tiandao over.

Although he was lame, he was definitely not useless, so no matter how the Spider-Man pulled him, Tiandao did not move.

He used his arm to pull the Spider-Man over, and with such a huge force, the spider could not control its body and flew up, rushing towards Tiandao in mid-air.

He opened his five fingers with his free hand and grabbed the Spider-Man's head.

Tiandao looked cold and directly buckled him to the wall beside him.


The terrifying force smashed the entire wall, and the Spider-Man's head was deeply buried in it, which showed that Tiandao did not hold back at all.

Tiandao let go of his hand, his eyes were calm.

He wanted to see how powerful this spider was.

He used his arm to pull the head out of the wall. Although his face was covered with dust, this injury was nothing to the Spider-Man. On the contrary, it even angered it.

The spider roared and rushed towards Tiandao, trying to take the enemy's life with the posture of a hungry spider pouncing on its food.


The power of will turned into telekinesis, forming a powerful cannonball that hit the spider monster heavily, causing its body to stagnate in mid-air, and then flew backwards at a faster speed, crossing the distance of the entire alley, and fell directly into the garbage dump at the end.

Tiandao is of course quite proficient in the use of converting power of will into telekinesis.

But in this way, looking at his lame leg and this powerful telekinesis, his sense of déjà vu became more serious.

Shaking his head, struggling to stand up from the garbage dump, the spider monster looked at the vague figure in the air. The fear in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and he turned around and ran away with a strange cry, no longer having the courage to face Tiandao.

If it were the past, Tiandao should have caught up with him at this moment, and he would definitely find out the origin of the other party.

But he had just taken a step, and his suddenly crooked figure also showed his current inconvenience.

After thinking about it, he still didn't chase after it, but gave up.

But this ordinary world is no longer ordinary, and his idea of ​​wanting to be an ordinary person has also changed.

Along with it, he also has new ideas about the training of Sha Luo and Jinghe.

If it is an ordinary world, let them be ordinary people.

But if this world is not ordinary, if the safety of the siblings cannot be guaranteed, the way of heaven may have to...

Shortly after the spider monster left, even when it was still running at high speed, a figure with black hair and black skirt suddenly appeared and stood in front of the monster.

"Injured?" Looking at the injuries on the spider, the woman was stunned, and her beautiful eyes suddenly showed astonishment.

"Someone can actually hurt the evil demon?"

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