I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 516 God damn it, I have always been the one bullying others, when have I ever been bullied b

This was the first time that Tiandao sent a child to school.

The main reason was that he was a bachelor, and the Kamiyama family was declining, so there was no way he could experience sending a child to school, so it was not the first time.

Of course, after sending the child, Tiandao was ready to leave. After all, the closedness of Neon’s school was still good, and Tiandao felt that he was not qualified to represent the Sakurai siblings.

He turned around and limped to leave, but just as he took a few steps, his sensitive five senses allowed him to hear some words from behind.

"Look! There is a lame uncle outside!"

"It's really funny to limp, he looks like a duck."

"Hehe, I don't know whose father it is."

Such words mixed with ridicule and fooling resounded in Tiandao's ears.

There is no doubt that the ridicule of this group of children towards him was a contempt for him as a disabled person.

Tiandao ignored it. If such a simple two sentences could make him explode with anger, he would not be so calm in facing those powerful enemies.

It's just the foul mouth of an elementary school student, nothing compared to those guys.

Leaning on a cane, Tiandao walked away, ready to go to the fruit and vegetable market to buy some vegetables and then go home.

Although Tiandao can't cook, it doesn't matter, Sara can!

Tiandao only needs to be responsible for buying vegetables, and then wait for dinner with Jinghe.

It's not a big deal.

Tiandao is not worried about this aspect. What he really wants to think about is the other side, that is, the economic burden caused by having an extra mouth after living in the Sakurai family. This is the thing that is on the surface.

The Sakurai family is not a wealthy family. The two siblings are still young. After losing their parents, it is already difficult for the two siblings to depend on each other.

Tiandao is not the kind of person who waits to be fed. He directly takes this responsibility on himself and is determined to take on the responsibility of saving the finances.

Let Sakurai Sara and Sakurai Jinghe have a childhood similar to other peers is now Tiandao's main goal.

It's just...

He's limping now, so it's always difficult for him to make money.

He didn't find a job, but after losing his brother and sister by his side during the day, Tiandao felt the world alone for the first time.

Although he didn't feel nothing in the previous month, it was still a little different to have a pair of brothers and sisters by his side and to be alone.

It seemed that his fate had fallen infinitely after leaving the two kind people. During Tiandao's actions alone, he had encountered many strange eyes.

This kind of eyes is the exploration and scrutiny that normal people have for a disabled person, and it also contains unique emotions.

Pity, pity.

Laugh, disdain.

This emotion is especially obvious in places with more people, especially in places with more normal people, and his appearance is more likely to become the focus.

Only when he really becomes a disabled person can Tiandao feel this keen emotional fluctuation personally.

Therefore, he finally understood why those disabled people were so sensitive to the eyes of the people around them, and why disabled people liked to live in seclusion.

This kind of look, this kind of disappointment from normal to abnormal, is really hard to accept.

Tiandao can still tolerate this kind of look, after all, he knows that he is not unable to recover, so his mentality is very calm.

But sometimes, in an already unfortunate life, a more unfortunate life will come and throw people into the abyss.

Tiandao doesn't understand, but when a green-haired man with long hair passes by him, he can still feel the feeling of falling into his pocket when his shoulder touches.

So he reached out and grabbed someone who was about to pass by him.

"What are you doing?" Turning his head, the social man with green hair looked at me with a "ferocious" look. Tiandao: "You cripple, let go!"

Tiandao smiled slightly and let go of the hand holding the other's shoulder.

"Tsk... dead cripple." Knowing that the cripple was unable to move and could run away even if caught, the man said smugly: "I..."

The subsequent words were hit on the face by a black and shiny cane, which made the entire bridge of the nose dented and silenced the other party.


If this matter is reported to the Metropolitan Police Department, don't ask, Tiandao must have a reason.

...After all, if you want to say that he took the initiative, Tiandao is now a cripple and has no reason to take the initiative. He is originally a vulnerable group.

Moreover, Tiandao clearly stated how much money was in the other party's pocket and even how many cards were in the wallet in front of the interrogators of the Metropolitan Police Department, as if "the money and wallet" belong to me.

Therefore, with the tacit consent of Green Hair with his eyes closed peacefully, the money and wallet belonged to Tiandao at this moment.

Then, as a disabled person, Tiandao was driven to the school gate by the Metropolitan Police Department. After talking to each other, he waved goodbye happily.

Sometimes, people need to use their strengths flexibly.

What a nice guy! How did he know that I was in urgent need of money?

Tiandao took out his wallet and counted how much money he had "earned" today. He hummed and was obviously in a good mood.

"Tsk, a little less." Tiandao, who used the ancestral skills of the Shenshan family, curled his lips in disdain.

"Not as good as my grandfather."

Tiandao remembered clearly that if it was Shenshan Taier, he would be guaranteed to earn a million neon coins in a day.

Much better than himself.

Tiandao, who was in a good mood, hummed a little tune and came to the school gate. At a glance, he saw the adults gathered at the gate, and there were many children gathered together talking about something.

"A little bastard who was born by a mother but not taught by her, and he didn't admit it when he did something wrong!"

"That's right, he stole things and beat people, he really has no education at all."

"After all, his parents died early, so he is a bastard with no one to discipline him."

The mixed scolding of the adults fell in front of the girl who opened her hands to protect her brother. Although her body was trembling, she was still fearless and wanted to protect her brother no matter what.

"I didn't steal it!" Jing He covered his face, tears in the corners of his eyes could not stop falling: "Obviously..."

"What's wrong? Are you not happy after I said a few words to you? Are you still pushing the matter onto others?" With her hands on her waist like a bucket, the woman spitted and called the adults around her to talk together: "Listen! Listen to this! What a wild species!"

"Mom!" Throwing herself into the woman's arms, a boy said in a muffled voice: "He just hit me in the face!"

"Don't worry, mom has hit you back." The woman touched her child's head: "Everyone come and judge, these two..."

The spitting slander and abuse were imposed on the two children. Jing He had his sister to support him and protect him with difficulty, but Sha Luo could only face it alone.

Jing He has not grown up yet, and so is Sha Luo?

But the two who lost their parents also lost their support, and could only face all this and let them be beaten and scolded.

The suffering that children without parents have to endure is even worse than that of disabled people.

The people around them were just watching, but under the constant instigation of this woman, their eyes on the siblings gradually changed.

At this time, silence is an act that must not be made.

The young bird propped up its incomplete wings to protect the younger children from wind and rain, exposing itself to the wind and rain.

But when a pair of broad palms covered Sha Luo's head, a pair of wider wings propped up a complete harbor, blocking everything out.

The limping figure stood in front of Sha Luo, blocking all the waves for the two.

Along with this figure, there was also a cold and piercing voice.

"Compared to having a mother who gave birth but not a mother who taught, having a mother who gave birth and taught but still taught like this, isn't it more ridiculous?"

Sha Luo raised his head and looked at the back of the person blocking him in front of him, and unconsciously lowered his head, not wanting him to see the tears in his eyes.

Tiandao raised his cane and pressed it against the woman's belly, keeping the distance between them and preventing the flying spit from falling on him.

"Besides, whether someone stole something or not, or who stole something, you don't need to emphasize it." Tiandao narrowed his eyes: "You don't have that right."

"Where did this dead cripple come from?!" Unexpectedly, someone was willing to stand up for the two orphans. The woman's expression froze, and she asked with her neck stiff, "What's your business?"

"I am the guardian of these two children now." Tiandao slightly pinched his head: "So..."

He stepped forward, opened his hand and raised his five fingers, and slapped the woman in the face, making a crisp sound.

It also caused the people around him to inhale sharply.

Looking at someone who spun several times like a spinning top, Tiandao turned his head and looked at Jinghe.

"Who hit you in the face?"

"It was him!" Jinghe pointed at the child in the woman's arms: "I saw him stealing things! He also hit me and threatened me not to tell anyone!"

"Oh~" Tiandao stretched out his tone and then gave up his position.

"Go, give him a slap." Tiandao patted Jinghe's head.

"Ah?" Jinghe raised his head and looked at Tiandao with a dull look in his eyes.

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