I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 105: Living towards death (Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are approaching, I have been

Tokyo, Shinjuku District.

Even though he was still in the car, and even just arrived here, Tiandao could already hear the melodious piano sound coming from the theater.

Like a spring falling from a high mountain, the piano sound was clear and melodious, like the wind in an empty valley, bringing the mystery of a deep place.

Tiandao sighed, closed the car door, stared at the small theater, and regretted it for a moment.

She asked you to come and you came? Tiandao, how can your will be so unsteady? Even if she wants to frame you, what can she do? The innocent will be innocent!

This was the thought that had been flowing in Tiandao's mind since yesterday, and now, such a thought still exists, but he himself is still standing here.

It was as if the brain could no longer control the body, and the body moved on its own, and Tiandao himself didn't understand why.

Maybe... probably... because he was kicked out of the house early in the morning and had nowhere to go?

But anyway, since he was here, Tiandao had no intention of leaving. Instead, he pushed open the door of the theater. What caught his eyes was an empty auditorium.

The concert, which should have been packed with people, had no one at all. At a glance, there was nothing else except the black playing on the stage.

The sound of the piano remained the same, and the beautiful music remained the same. Even though there was no one on the scene, she was still playing.

Tiandao stared for a moment. Did the girl, who seemed to be integrated with the black piano, know that no one cared about her performance?

Or did she not care about this kind of indifference.

He did not make a sound to disturb her performance, nor did he make any sound to disrupt the smoothness of the music. Instead, he found a seat nearby and sat down, listening and waiting.

The melodious piano sound did not change at all, but it seemed that because of the addition of one person, the girl's mood had changed a little. The originally empty piano brought some different emotions at this moment.

But… this different emotion made Tiandao, who was originally listening, frown involuntarily.

As the last note fell, the remaining piano sound echoed endlessly, and it lasted for a long time in this empty theater.

Tiandao stood up.

The girl stood up.

Although there was a distance between them, they knew each other's identity very well. Even if there was only a tiny black spot in each other's eyes, they knew who the other was.


It was an expectant voice, eager for the answer of the only person at the scene.

"The music in the beginning was very nice, like the wind in the empty valley, or the clear water flowing down from the mountains. No matter what, I have no fault with it." Tiandao said, "But, the music in the end..."

"It was performed extremely perfectly when no one was around, but after I was there, it added a breath of death."

"I have almost no musical attainments, but I can hear that your last part is like a funeral song."

"Funeral music?" The corners of the girl's mouth curled up slightly: "You can really hear it."

"At your age, there shouldn't be such emotions in music." Tiandao walked forward and began to approach the other party: "Ms. Kuroda Hikaru, are you worried about something?"

"Yes." She said, "I have been thinking since yesterday, what is your so-called song of life."

"I am very curious."

There was an amazing brilliance in her eyes. The death that she saw everywhere in her life had made her look particularly calm, but she didn't know what the thing that could be called life was.

"I can't play the piano." Tiandao stood up, standing in the first row of the stage, looking up at Kuroda Hikaru: "I never can."

"But I can hum it for you." Tiandao didn't wait for Kuroda Hikaru's answer, but hummed it by himself.

"Two tigers~Two tigers~Run fast~Run fast..."

Although it seems a bit strange for such a grown man to still sing such a nursery rhyme, Tiandao's face is normal and he doesn't feel anything about it.

At most, he can treat the woman in front of him as his daughter or niece, and then just sing this song to coax her to sleep...

"Very interesting." After Tiandao finished singing, Kuroda Hikaru gave this comment: "Then do you know what song I played just now?"

"I don't know." Tiandao answered honestly.

"Chopin's Etude de la Revolucion is a piece of music that Chopin created out of his inner grief and indignation after the failure of the Warsaw Revolution."

"The whole piece is passionate and indignant, deeply reflecting Chopin's mood after the fall of Warsaw and the failure of the uprising. The inspiring melody expresses the cry and resistance of the Polish people."

Kuroda Hikaru introduced the origin of the piece she played to Tiandao like a treasure.

"Don't tell me about this." Tiandao waved his hand: "I don't care if it's Chopin's etude or Chopin's nocturne, I don't understand."

"I don't have that artistic talent."

"Really?" Kuroda Hikaru didn't mind, but continued: "Then, can you hum it again? Your song of life."

"I want to try to play it."

Tiandao had no objection, anyway, it was just a nursery rhyme. As a talented musical girl who was rising in fame, wouldn't it be easy for Kuroda Hikaru to slightly adapt a nursery rhyme and play it on the piano?

Tiandao really thought so.

But when he sang it again and again, and then sang it again, he began to feel something was wrong.

Especially when Kuroda Hikaru sat in front of the piano, pondered for a moment and began to play, that strange feeling filled his heart.

A nursery rhyme doesn't take long, Kuroda Hikaru finished playing it quickly, and with both hands on the keys, she turned her head and looked at Tiandao expectantly.

"How is it?"

"It sounds like two tigers fighting for food." Tiandao gave his sharp comment: "In the end, they both died."

"Is that so." Kuroda Hikaru was not discouraged, but changed a way of playing and then played it again.

"This is good, this is better than the previous one." Tiandao gave his evaluation again: "It sounds like two tigers lying under a tree together and begging for death."

"Like starving to death."

Kuroda Hikaru: ...

After a little preparation, Kuroda Hikaru closed his eyes, exhaled deeply, and then played again.

The song was finished.

Tiandao: "It's like one tiger bit off the tail of another tiger, and the other bit off the ear of this tiger, and then the two tigers pretend to be good brothers."

Kuroda Hikaru: ...

Although his face was a little sour, Kuroda Hikaru still didn't get angry. After all, music is something that needs people to evaluate.

After playing another song, Kuroda Hikaru still waited for Tiandao's evaluation.

"This time the two tigers really became good friends."

Tiandao gave his own answer, and this rather positive answer made Kuroda Hikaru raise his head and look a little proud.

"Like the kind of good friends who go to the underworld together."

But the following words made Kuroda Hikaru's pride go down before it even emerged.

"Are you...really a genius music girl?" Tiandao looked Kuroda Hikaru up and down: "It's just a nursery rhyme."

"Really?" Kuroda Hikaru rolled up the hair by his ears: "Maybe it's because there is no life in my music."

A fallen leaf fell from the window, fell in front of the two, and fell at their feet.

It is clearly the season of spring when everything revives, but the green leaves have become dead leaves and are about to die too early.

"You..." Tiandao picked up the leaf: "What happened?"

"Before, when the unconfirmed life forms were not rampant, there were many people here." Kuroda Hikaru cast his eyes on the entire venue: "But now, everyone is afraid that they will become the target of the unconfirmed life forms, and this place has changed from being full to what it is now."

"Isn't the theme of death in this world now?" Kuroda Hikaru stroked the piano keys: "Such death appears in front of everyone."

"No matter who it is."

Tiandao was silent, looking at Kuroda Hikaru's figure.

"Do you have any relatives or friends who died at the hands of unidentified life forms?"

"No." Kuroda Hikaru answered truthfully: "In just half a year, more than a thousand people died. Now everyone is facing death that will come to them at any time."

"I don't know what your song of life is." Kuroda Hikaru said: "I have been to many funerals and witnessed many deaths."

"I know how to die."

"I don't know what life is."

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