I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 104 Men always have some little secrets that they think they have hidden well, but in fact

Chapter 104 Men always have some little secrets that they think they have hidden well, but in fact…

After sending Kuroda Hikaru out like sending his ancestors away, Tiandao closed the door and made sure that the other party could not see him, then he fiercely gave him a middle finger.

"What the hell! You are accusing me, a gentleman, for no reason!"

The middle finger kept poking at the sky, and Tiandao's face was filled with anger that he dared not show in front of others: "You said I should go? Then I will lose face?"

"Whoever wants to go can go!"

As he said, Tiandao turned around and wanted to go back indignantly, but as soon as he turned around, the front end of the crutch had already poked his chest, stopping him from moving forward.

"…You are not serious, are you?" Tiandao slapped his cane away and said unhappily, "He is a well-known talented musician, how can he be interested in us, a poor family?"

"Grandpa, can you think of something more practical?"

"Why? I think my grandson is worthy of anyone!" Taier said happily, "Based on my experience of more than 70 years in the love field, Miss Kuroda actually has a very good impression of you."

"Especially because you hit the nail on the head and proposed the song of life." Taier nodded, with a look of relief on his face: "As expected of my grandson, you are really sensitive in this regard!"

Tiandao rolled his eyes when he heard this.

I don't have that kind of thought at all, okay, only you, an old man, would have that kind of thought!

"For the future of the Shenshan family, you kid, you must go there tomorrow!" Shenshan Taier leaned on a cane, and his originally healthy body suddenly became hunched, looking unusually old.

"I'm old now, and the task of carrying on the family line of the Shenshan family will be handed over to you." Shenshan Taier inexplicably raised his hand and wiped the corners of his eyes, looking very wet: "You will be the head of the Shenshan family in the future. Although everything now is still mine, won't it be yours in the future?"

"Okay." Tiandao sneered and stretched out his hand in front of Taier: "Give me the address book that I searched in your room for a long time when you were in the hospital."

"Grandpa, don't worry. I'll take care of your old lovers."

Taier was furious when he heard this.

"Stinky boy! I knew you were still thinking about it!"

"Give me your life!"

For a while, the Shenshan family returned to the chaotic daily life of the past, which made the neighbors passing by the gate of the Shenshan family look satisfied.

It tastes right, this kind of movement, this is the Shenshan family.


Holding his chest, the Earth Angel looked at the burnt mark on his chest, his face was very ugly.

For it, it could lose to an angel of the same level, to Kuuga, or even to a human.

But losing to Agito was something it could not accept.

Not to mention, it was defeated by the guy with lightning all over his body before it even saw Agito.


Although the Earth Angel suffered some minor injuries, it was not a problem overall, except that its breathing was a little short.

But the Water Angel was hit by the huge thunder beam in the true sense, and even now, the Water Angel’s body is still in a paralyzed state.

But compared to before, it can at least make one or two sounds now.

“I told you a long time ago not to get close to look, but you refused to listen.” The Earth Angel glanced at the Water Angel: “You’ve learned your lesson now, right?”

The Water Angel didn’t speak, but the furious aura that filled his body made anyone feel his current mood.

"That lightning man..." the earth angel pondered: "If we want to deal with that guy... we can only find the thunder angel."

In the past, the god who created this world created seven archangels to exist as the authority to control this world.

Originally, the seven archangels were supreme and even immortal.

But who could have thought that the fire angel among the seven archangels would choose to betray.

Because of it, there are not many angels left now.

Except for itself and the water angel, there are only the wind angel living on the highest peak in the world and the thunder angel entrenched in the clouds above the Atlantic Ocean.

The fire angel was destroyed by the black god.

And the day angel and the night angel...

These two have been taken by the fire angel, and their bodies and powers have been scattered to the northernmost and southernmost parts of the earth respectively.

And the authority of their death and scattering has also been obtained by the world. From then on, this world has the distinction between night and day.

"Stay here and don't move." Thinking about something else, the Earth Angel turned and said, "Since the other side has such a powerful external aid, it's time for us to regroup."

"I'll go find the Wind Angel, and then go find the Thunder Angel with it." The Earth Angel made a decision: "Since Agito and Gurongi have become one, the war between us angels and humans... mutant humans can also begin."

"Woo woo woo woo!!" The Water Angel listened to the words of the Earth Angel and made a series of sounds in succession, seeming to be extremely excited.

But unfortunately, the Earth Angel didn't know what the Water Angel wanted to say. Who knows what this woo woo sound wanted to express?

His mouth was still numb?

"It's been a long time since we last met." Early in the morning, Sakurako and Godai came together and appeared at the door of the Kamiyama family.

The person who greeted them was none other than Zero, who had returned to Kamiyama's home.

"Mr. Godai? Miss Sakurako?" Of course Zero also knew Godai and Sakurako. After all, Zero had visited Tiandao when he was hospitalized and was familiar with Tiandao's social circle.

"It's Zero." Godai said with a smile: "I want to go to the beach with Sakura today to relax after a long time."

"Uncle, Nana, and my sister all agreed to go, so I came to ask if Tiandaosang is free today."

"Going to the beach to relax?" Zero tilted his head, looking at Godai's comfortable appearance and Sakurako beside Godai, he couldn't help but think of a lot.

"If Mr. Godai and Mr. Tendo-san go on vacation together, what will happen in Tokyo?" Rei then asked this question: "If an unidentified life form appears, Mr. Godai is not there, and neither is Mr. Tendo-san, wouldn't it be... "

"I have also struggled with this issue, but Ichijo-san..." Godai scratched his head: "He said that I must take Sakurako out to relax."

Presumably Ichijo felt that the Metropolitan Police Department had given Sakurako the task of deciphering super-ancient texts, which caused Sakurako to work crazily every day, and there was still no reward for such a move.

Ichijo has always been extremely sorry for Sakurako.

"...If it's Mr. Ichijo, he would indeed do this." Zero looked at Godai and Sakurako, and suddenly smiled: "But Mr. Godai, I'm sorry, Tendo-san went out early this morning."

"Eh?" Godai and Sakurako sighed repeatedly.

"Have you gone to the Metropolitan Police Department?" Sakurako asked quickly.

"It's not the Metropolitan Police Department." Zero shook his head: "It's Miss Kuroda Hikaru's concert in Shinjuku, Tokyo."

Fifth Generation:?


What the hell? When did Tiandao become so artistic?

The two of them couldn't help but recall the impression Tiandao had always made on everyone, that iconic two-part smile, and his often unexpected and inexplicable behavior. No matter how they looked at it, they couldn't imagine Tiandao looking intoxicated at the concert. The look on his face.

With his style, it's more like he can do a dance at a concert.

Godai and Sakurako looked at each other, feeling disbelief in each other's eyes.

When the two of them looked at each other, Zero was also looking at the two people in front of him with hidden eyes.

There is no doubt that the fifth generation is Kuuga, and Kuuga's former transformer was Rick.

Zero has learned about the situation of the fifth generation. In his opinion, the life experience of the fifth generation is surprisingly similar to that of Rick.

He is also dependent on his sister, he is also adopted and has someone to rely on, and he is also the transformer of Empty Self.

The only difference is that maybe he has an extra girlfriend?

But that's not important. What Zero cares more about is the criteria for selecting users of Adam's belt, and... Kuuga's strength.

The Kuuga transformed by Rick has been very strong from the beginning, but this strength is compared to other Gurungi. For him, it is almost the same. It is all a matter of one punch.

So, is the person in front of me the same as Rick?

Zero looked at Sakurako and thought with some evil intentions.

Would something happen to Sakurako make you go berserk, or would something happen to your sister make you go berserk?

Zero's memory instantly returned to the super ancient era, the scene where he killed Rick's sister and was then inexplicably pushed to the ground and beaten by an angry Rick.

Thinking about it, he suddenly shuddered.

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