I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 106 Heavenly Dao, women are like beautiful women who bring disaster, you (Heavenly Dao: Envy

Chapter 106 God’s way, women are like beauty and disaster, you... (Heaven’s way: Envy it, single author.)

“But after seeing death, shouldn’t we see more life?”

Tiandao tilted his head: "Death can be seen by people, and life can also be seen by people."

"I can't see it." Kuroda Hikaru shook his head: "To me, the world now is so lifeless, and it looks like it is about to die."

"He's dead." Tiandao muttered, then turned and said, "Then, when the world returns to normal, you should not be able to see life."

"Although the death caused by unconfirmed life forms is real, this is just an excuse for you." Tiandao stretched out his finger and shook it in front of him: "Even if there are no unconfirmed life forms, what you have lost should be Can’t find it or can’t find it.”

Kuroda Hikaru covered his chest, having difficulty understanding such words for a moment.

"If you don't understand, you might as well go and see the children." Tiandao said in turn: "For children, the world is not that desperate, and death is just a kind of hope for them. A concept that exists in the mind.”

"There's no need for you to go back to those scenes of death." Tiandao turned around: "Have you collected enough inspiration?"

Kuroda Hikaru did not speak, but silently raised his head and stared at Tiandao's face.

"I want to hear the song of your life."

"Didn't I already sing it to you?"

"But I can't hear it." Kuroda Hikaru took a step forward, getting close to Tiandao, and at the same time, he also got in front of Tiandao.

She was only as tall as Tiandao's chin, and she could see her drooped eyelids as long as she raised her head.

"I want to hear it again."

Heavenly Way:.

"Okay, okay, listen up." Tiandao was very helpless. Fortunately, there was no one here. If the place was full, he would not dare to sing such children's songs here.

Although it's not a big deal, singing something like that in a place like a theater always makes me feel like I want to die.

"She actually jumped over us?!" Chameleon stood up directly from the chair. Since the death of Mushroom, Rose Girl has never assigned new game participants to participate in the game. Instead, she is driving the bat with all her heart. , allowing the bat to go back and forth between Tokyo and the ruins of Mount Kuro.

It is said that he is looking for the prize needed to start the game of Ge Group.

But just look for it, Rose Girl seems to have forgotten the only remaining Chameleon and Mantis Girl of the Charm Group.

Although it was not explicitly stated that they had lost their qualifications to participate in the competition, it was clear that this was what Rose Girl meant.

"She is unkind, don't blame us for being unjust." Mantis Girl was also very direct. Since Rose Girl did this in the end, don't blame them for leaving here and participating in the Wolf King's game.

Although the Wolf King is not as powerful as Daguaba, the Wolf King himself is also a royal family. By participating in the game from him, the game rating can also be improved, and the power can also be obtained to become stronger.

That's enough.

"Let's go!"

Mantis Girl left first, and her movements obviously moved the chameleon, causing the chameleon that was still hesitant to follow Mantis Girl's movements.

After all, Mantis Girl is originally the strongest being in the Charming Group. It is definitely right for Chameleon to follow Mantis Girl's actions.

The two left their stronghold in Tokyo and chose to head to the suburbs, looking for the smell of vultures.

Now in Gurungi's group, who doesn't know that Vulture has defected to the Wolf King and became the referee of the games under the Wolf King.

And it does have the power to determine the victory or failure of a game.

Prior to this, a few of the Ge Group had been attracted by the Wolf King, joined the Wolf King's camp, and became warriors under the Wolf King.

But before that, Mantis Girl and others had not moved.

Because at that time, no one could have imagined that Rose Girl could be so heartless.

"Wait, Rose, I will make you regret making such a decision!" Mantis Girl's mind once again recalled the scene in the past when Yanlong came in and out behind Rose Girl. She secretly clenched her fists and let Mantis girl made a decision at this moment.

"That thing you cherish, I will take it away with my own hands!"

"When the time comes, just go to hell with that pitiful assumption!"

Is it over? My voice is hoarse!

Staring at the girl who was once again close to him and staring at him expectantly, Tiandao covered his face and felt quite a headache.

It’s just a children’s song! Why can you play this children's song with a murderous aura!

It's not that complicated!

Just two cute tigers, not realistic tigers with hungry stomachs and mouths full of blood!

Children won’t laugh when they hear your version.

They will definitely cry, crying loudly!

"I've found some feeling." As if thinking that Tiandao would not speak again, Kuroda Hikaru quickly raised his hand to express his progress.

"Oh, I heard this sentence once half an hour ago." Tiandao turned his head to the side. Although he didn't say anything, it seemed that he had said everything.

"This time it's true." Kuroda Hikaru jumped in front of Tiandao: "I promise!"

"Ahem. Just this once!" Tiandao coughed a few times, and Kuroda Hikaru was very considerate and went to the back of the theater, took a glass of water, walked over carefully, and handed it to Tiandao.

Tiandao drank it all in one gulp, moistened his dry throat, and then he had the energy to continue singing.

"Let me confirm again, is it the last time?!" Before speaking, Tiandao turned around and confirmed again and again.

"Yeah, yeah!" Kuroda Hikaru looked at Tiandao expectantly, and nodded without caring about anything else.

Singing it again is not a difficult thing, but the problem is that such a song has been repeated until now, and almost two hours have passed.

This is really torture.

Even Tiandao was a little annoyed.

"Okay! I'm done singing!" After the last few words, Tiandao leaned over, grabbed his clothes on the side of the piano and prepared to leave.

But unfortunately, Kuroda Hikaru's reaction was faster. He almost flew over, passed over the piano, and landed on Tiandao's clothes. He grabbed it and didn't want to get down at all.


Kuroda Hikaru's posture on the piano looked so strange that Tiandao couldn't pull it up in the first time despite the force of his arms.

"After you finish singing, you have to listen to my performance again before you can leave." Kuroda Hikaru twisted Tiandao's clothes with both hands, raised his head, and still looked at him with pitiful eyes: "You can leave after listening, okay?"

"It's really not an excessive request." Tiandao nodded seriously, but then changed his tone: "But, I refuse."

"Huh?" Kuroda Hikaru's eyes turned into small eyes.

"You always say this, who would believe it!" Tiandao used both hands to pull his clothes desperately: "Let go, let go!"

"I don't want it!" As we all know, the more you ask someone to let go at this time, the less likely they are to do what you want. Even if you are strong enough to tear your clothes, the remaining half will be held tightly by the other party, not giving you any chance to take it back.

"Stop it!" With Tiandao's inhuman physical fitness now, it is too easy to pull Kuroda Hikaru's body, especially on a piano.

This also led to Tiandao's fierce strength, and he pulled his clothes over, but there was also a small exclamation, a sudden sound of breaking through the air, and a figure approaching.

Tiandao subconsciously opened his hands and caught Kuroda Hikaru's body in the form of a princess hug.

The moment the two sides were completely in contact, panicked eyes and shocked eyes looked at each other, reflecting each other's faces.

At that moment, the two seemed to know what happened, but they seemed to know nothing.

The light in her eyes became sticky. Even the talented music girl who could play "death" could not help but feel her heart beating here.

She had always seen the heart stop beating, but she had never seen the heart running and beating so fiercely.

Her face turned red uncontrollably. Kuroda Hikaru stared at Tiandao's face and closed his eyes for some reason.

Why did he close his eyes? Or was there something that required him to close his eyes to continue?

Or was it because at this time, he closed his eyes to experience this feeling that he had never experienced before?

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