Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 533 Universal Gestures

Having connections does save trouble. Ivan has a good relationship with the army of Academic City.

This is mainly because Ivan's father, who had a direct encounter with the witch, is the military governor of Academic City, and all the troops of Academic City are under his control.

The eldest lady has spoken, so what's the big deal about letting a carriage out?

So Aoerdai and the others drove the carriage all the way out of Academic City, and turned onto the field path without slowing down, and soon disappeared from the mercenaries' sight.

Although they escaped, they still couldn't relax. The longer they delayed, the more disadvantageous it would be.

The three did not stop the car, but immediately turned to the mountains on the east side of Academic City, where the Demon King's Ring was.

At this time, Aoerdai had the leisure to think about what had just happened.

There was a person or an organization behind the scenes who was controlling the change of the kingship of the entire continent. In the past, Aoerdai only vaguely realized that there was such a thing, but there was no evidence.

But now it seems that this organization or individual not only exists, but its power is far beyond expectations.

Let’s not talk about anything else. When Alde was first teleported to the Academic City, there was no problem. After just a few minutes, when she wanted to teleport out again, she immediately found that her pass had been cancelled and could no longer be used.

You know, due to her academic contributions, although Alde has no real power, she has a high status in the Academic City. And there are only a few people in the entire Academic City who have the ability to cancel her pass within a few minutes.

To put it more clearly, only the top management of the Academic City has this ability.

It is not clear whether it was done by several people or one or two people. At least it can be confirmed that the other party’s power is so great that they can reach out to the completely neutral Academic City, which is more difficult than infiltrating the palaces of various countries.

As for the Wild Bear Mercenaries, it is difficult to say whether they are directly controlled by that organization or simply do not want to be exposed and find white gloves. The power of this organization or individual has exceeded any political entity.

This also means that Viola’s situation is actually very dangerous.

The four-nation coalition suddenly attacked the Avarus Demon Kingdom because Avarus was studying how to open the seal of the Demon King's Ring. The people behind it were afraid of calling back the Demon King, so they immediately joined the four countries to launch an attack.

The most direct evidence is the blocking magic circle used by the four-nation coalition. Although it cannot completely block the interference of the Demon King, it is not something that can be made up on a whim. They must have prepared these in advance and expected to use them in the worst case.

But think on the bright side. Since this group of people are so afraid of the Demon King, it is enough to do the opposite. The stronger the Demon King is, the more beneficial it is to Viola.

Orde also feels that the Demon King's Ring must be obtained.

As for being ambushed, this is not surprising at all.

After all, the information about the Demon King's Ring comes from Theresa, that is, the White Hand Association, and the White Hand Association does not care who the client is. They sell the information first and then sell the client's information. There is no psychological burden for them.

Even if Orday thought about it, she knew that it must be the White Hand Association that sold the information that 'Theresa sent information to Orday'. The other party must have weighed the possible location of Orday and set up an ambush in advance.

It's just that the White Gloves they found were not capable enough, and Ivan didn't come out to help halfway, otherwise it would be really difficult to escape from the Academic City.

In that case, Li Chengxi should have taken action. How much loss would the Academic City suffer at that time...

Anyway, Li Chengxi definitely didn't care.


Even after escaping from the Academic City, the three did not slow down. The horse pulling the carriage was blessed by Orday's magic throughout the journey. If the horse was not strong enough, he would directly feed the horse with physical strength elixir to force it to overdraw its physical strength.

The result was that they ran all the way for almost two hours, and in the end the horse was so tired that it foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground and twitched. If it could speak, it would definitely complain, 'Although I am not a human, you are really dogs'.

The carriage could not be taken, but fortunately, the run all the way completely left the mercenaries behind and greatly shortened the distance.

Previously in the villa, Aldea illegally connected to the secret eye of the academic city to confirm the terrain mentioned in the intelligence, but because someone kicked the door right away, she only took a look and could not teleport there, otherwise there would be no need to let the horse suffer so much.

After nearly two hours of running, they were not far from their destination. Now all they had to do was to climb up along the sloping hillside through the dense vegetation on the hillside.

From Aldea's current location, going southeast, they could reach the ancient ruins that Ivan was busy with recently. Many of the things that Aldea learned about the Demon King God and the mythological era were dug out from this ruins.

But I didn't expect that there was actually a Demon King's Ring just a few kilometers away from the archaeological site.

I couldn't tell Ivan this, otherwise she would have to follow even if she risked her life. The Demon King's Ring was of great importance, and it was really not appropriate to make trouble, especially since Ivan, like Aldea, had a very fucked-up research spirit.

It can be expected that once Ivan sees the Demon King's Ring, it won't be long before Ivan announces his research results at the seminar in the Academic City, which will make things more complicated, and the organization hiding in the dark will bury itself deeper.

Let's not talk about these things in the future. The three of Ao Dai climbed up the hillside little by little, and they had to be careful not to be discovered on the way.

It's easy to focus on one thing and lose sight of the other when multitasking, but fortunately, Li Chengqi is watching over them.

Compared with the martial arts script where the perspective can only follow Yang Yiyi, here, Li Chengqi can look wherever he wants as long as the map is opened. He can even urinate against the computer screen to create mudslides and rush away any possible enemies. Come on, Aldai and the others are blessed by God in a literal sense.

——It’s just kind of disgusting to do that.

The other party must have known about Aldai's escape from the academic city, so the closer they got to the destination, the more cautious the three of them were, thinking that the enemy would be waiting at the destination, waiting for a wave of attacks.

But when the three of them finally climbed up the hillside and arrived at a relatively flat clearing on the mountain range, which was also their destination, they saw no one.

This is one of the few places on the mountain range that is not covered by vegetation. There are only bare stones. If there are people nearby, it can be said that it is clear at a glance.

Before getting closer, Aldai also cast a detection spell such as detecting invisibility to confirm that no one was really squatting nearby.

This is not a good thing, because if you don't squat at the door, you might be waiting for her to deliver the goods inside the ruins.

And speaking of the ruins of the Demon King's Ring...

At least there are no traces of any ruins on the surface.

After all, it is very close to Academic City. If there were any ruins such as a group of buildings, they would have been dug up by the archaeologists of Academic City.

The three of them walked out of the woods and came to this clearing. Aldai took out the wiring diagram Theresa gave her and looked at it.

"Over here."

The three of them came to a large flat boulder lying on the ground. On the surface, there was nothing wrong with the stone. But as Aldai reached out and touched it, a huge golden magic circle appeared on the stone and released The fierce arc of electricity repels Aldai's touch.

"A very strong seal. This must have been set recently."

After all, Aldai has already taken away a Demon King's Ring. It would be strange if the organization hiding in the dark is not ready yet.

Zola and Nemea didn't understand magic, so they heard this and asked:

"Can you untie it?"

"It is possible, but it will take a lot of time. There is no cover here. It is estimated that the group of mercenaries will be chasing us before the seal is released."

Having said this, Aldai raised her head and waved to the sky. This action was not like a spell-casting gesture.

Neemia said curiously:

"Professor, what are you waving at?"

"I'm asking the Demon King and God Lord for help."

Are you sure it's that simple?

To ask God for help, there must be a sacrificial ceremony or something, right?

Then Nemea saw a huge palm emerging from the air. It was much smaller than the huge palm that could easily knock away thousands of soldiers, but it was at least close to ten meters high.

It directly pierced the golden magic circle with its raised fingers. In the fierce electric light, the golden magic circle shattered into countless light spots with a click.

I just don’t know why, but the raised finger on this hand is the middle finger, not the index finger most commonly used by ordinary people...

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