Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 534: Subspace Entrance

There are many types of seals, but no matter what kind of seal, it is just a confrontation between spear and shield.

For example, there is a magic contract in the multiverse world. The effectiveness of the contract is affected by the strength of the maker. The more powerful the maker is, the less likely he is to breach the contract.

Among the magic contracts, the strongest one is the divine power contract signed with the name of God. Unless you have more power than the god responsible for witnessing, it is almost impossible to breach the contract.

In the same way, there is no superiority or inferiority between the sealing and unsealing methods. It is just a simple contradiction. The amount of divine power far exceeds the limit that the seal can withstand, so it can be easily destroyed.

Li Chengxi pulled his hand out of the screen expressionlessly. Although Aoerdai and others could not understand the international friendly gesture, at least it represented Li Chengxi's attitude.

I just don't know whether he wants to break the seal or express his feelings to Aoerdai...

I really want to join the WeChat group of Aidas and others, and then send a message saying, "What should I do if the believers are disobedient? I am waiting online urgently."

Putting him aside for now, with the naked eye, there is actually no obvious difference between a seal and a seal. In any case, in the eyes of Zora and Nimia, the stone is still a simple big stone, and there is no entrance or anything like that.

Aoerdai raised her staff to the stone. I don’t know what spell she used. The center of the ordinary big stone suddenly became "hazy", with a fade-in and fade-out effect. Then a square hole about two meters wide appeared in the center of the stone. Standing outside, you can vaguely see the broken stairs inside.

"For the level of the mythological era, the means of hiding the entrance are pretty good."

Leaving such a comment, Aoerdai rubbed the blue gem on the top of the staff, making it emit a faint phosphorescence.

"This is a subspace entrance. Follow me closely and don't get lost."

Usually when entering the underground ruins, the wanderers walk in front to search for traps or mechanisms.

But this time it doesn't work.

The subspace entrance is essentially the same as a portal. On the surface, they walked into a hole in the stone, but in fact, the physical location is no longer in the original place.

Usually the subspace entrance is connected to a half-plane, which is an underdeveloped plane. It is hard to say how big it is and what you will encounter.

For example, the magic bag on Orde's shoulder is also a subspace entrance. The storage space of the magic bag is a half-plane.

Once you walk around here, you may be teleported to the void. You must be careful.

Zora and Nimia followed Orde's footsteps. After the three of them entered the cave, they didn't feel anything unusual at first. It was just like going down the stairs to the cellar.

But if you continue to walk down, you will find that the darkness around you becomes blurred. You can't even confirm whether the rock walls on both sides of your body are still there. You have the illusion that you are walking on the dark and deep seabed.

The blue phosphorescence of Orde's staff is like a bubble. Once you leave this bubble, who knows what will happen.

The difference between the subspace entrance and the general teleportation technique is that this thing consumes very little energy. Once it is arranged, it can exist for tens of thousands of years. It is the process of passing through the subspace entrance, which is far less convenient than the portal.

The space here is chaotic, and even the concept of time is vague. If you look down, you may see that your footsteps are stepping back step by step on the steps, but you feel that you are walking down, which can easily make you dizzy.

I don’t know how long they have been moving forward. Zora and Nimia are a little confused. They just mechanically follow Aoerdai until they see her suddenly stop and they almost collide with each other.

At this time, Aoerdai raised her staff, and the blue phosphorescence on the orb spread in all directions at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zora and Nimia blinked their eyes. The darkness around them just now disappeared, as if another layer covered the darkness. Now what appeared in front of them was an oversized stone door with obvious traces of artificial repair.

The size of the door is enough for a giant seven or eight meters tall to pass through. On the left and right sides, there stands a stone brazier more than one person tall. There is a kind of pale green flame burning in the brazier, providing the most basic lighting.

The two door panels of the stone door were decorated with skulls, swords and other patterns, but the most eye-catching ones were the two huge pentagram patterns.

There were three flame-shaped emblems in the pentagram, which looked like a symbol with special meaning, but for some reason, a sharp sword pierced through the middle of the two patterns, leaving ugly scratches.

Aoerdai recognized at a glance that the pentagram emblem was the holy emblem of the previous generation of the Demon King God, and splitting the holy emblem into two was a contempt and insult to the Demon King God. This was obviously a relic built by people who rebelled against the previous generation of the Demon King God.

The last time Aoerdai went to get the Demon King's Ring, although he found many traces left by the rebels in it, the relic itself was probably the temple of the previous generation of the Demon King God, which was equivalent to being recycled. That's why a large number of golems loyal to the Demon King God were seen in it.

And this time...

Just by looking at the emblem on the door, you can tell how unfriendly the builders of the ruins are to the Demon King. This may be a ruin built entirely to seal the Demon King's Ring. The degree of danger is completely different from last time.

The good news is that this huge stone door is open. Although it is not fully open, it is at least enough for three people to enter.

The bad news is that from the slightly opened door, there is a very pungent stench, or to be more specific, the stench of a rotting corpse.

This time, Alde could not be allowed to walk in front. The three of them switched positions, with Nimia in the front, Alde in the middle, and Zora in the rear, and passed through the stone door in a standard adventurer formation.

Behind the door is a wide and tall tunnel. From time to time, you can see several stone braziers with pale green flames to provide lighting. The vision is not clear, but the impact on the vision is not great.

The strong stench of corpses became clearer and clearer as the three entered the tunnel. They were getting closer and closer to the source.

The tunnel turned a corner about fifty meters ahead. After the three carefully went around it, they finally saw the source of the corpse stench.

It was a small hill made of human bodies, like a stinking Shaqima. Many people were incomplete, with broken limbs and body fragments scattered all over the ground.

Nimia was a typical rookie adventurer, who had never seen such a scene before. Goose bumps appeared on the back of her neck, and she covered her mouth tightly, not knowing whether she was afraid of screaming or of getting sick from inhaling the stench of decaying corpses.

Zora and Alde were better. Usually, they piled up the bodies of the enemy soldiers after the battle and burned them. But the visual impact of seeing a small mountain of corpses was a bit big.

But what surprised Alde the most was that these corpses were all wearing a golden and red robe, which looked like the kind worn by priests, and these corpses did not look like normal people at all.

Because if you look closely, you will find that many parts of the corpses seem to be covered with mechanical structures, like prosthetic limbs, or some special creations...

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