Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 532 Super Brave

It is difficult to describe Aldee's character as extrovert or introvert. When she interacts with people she is not interested in, she is mostly introverted, and due to her expressionless face, she will appear very cold and difficult to approach. .

But if you encounter something that interests you, it will be completely opposite.

As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together, and those who can be friends with Aldai are probably not serious people...

This can be seen from Ivan's appearance.

Fey creatures are a general term. Most of the creatures in this category come from a plane called the Fey Wilds, which is full of chaotic primitive magic and miracles. For example, what kind of apples can grow legs, and swarms of tumbleweeds can grow on the ground. Migration on the Great Plains, etc. are strange scenes that cannot be seen in the mortal world.

Most of the fey creatures are very beautiful, such as tree elves, water goblins, goblins and fairies, but there are also evil fey creatures. The most typical example is the hag, who looks like she is making soup in front of a big cauldron. Old witch.

And if you marry a fey creature and have children, the child will be born with the spell-casting ability of a fey creature. This kind of person has different names in different places, such as witch, son of disaster, etc. Anyway, they don't sound good.

However, the most recognized and widely used term is to call this type of person a warlock, which is a completely different type of spell caster than a mage.

The mage relies on his liver to cast spells, and knowledge is power.

It is the ancestors who determine the upper limit of a warlock. The more powerful the ancestors are, the stronger the warlock's spellcasting ability will be.

But having said that, it is still very rare for a fey creature like Ivan to have such obvious characteristics on the surface of his body. It usually only appears after a generation of mixed blood.

Seeing Zola and Nemea looking over, Ivan shrugged:

"This is about my dad. He is a man who dares to face the crow hag."


As I said just now, the appearance of the hag can no longer be described as ugly, it is completely disgusting. The crow hag is a subspecies of the hag. It has the characteristics of a bird and can fly short distances.

It's really brave to dare to face the hag head-on.

"Ivan resisted the call of the hag mother and did not become a hag. She is now a fey warlock, and she is also the most authoritative historical scholar among the people I know."

It sounds very magical. The way hags reproduce is to use illusions to lure mortals to do something with them. If the child is a boy, it will be strangled to death. If it is a girl, it will be raised by the father until the child grows to about ten years old. , you will receive the call from the hag mother, walk into the forest to accept the mother's hug, and eventually turn into a hateful hag.

Only a handful of people can resist this call and completely distance themselves from the hag.

"It's annoying, I'm not the most authoritative."

Zola and Nemea were still shocked by the shocking words of someone who dared to go to the hag. Ivan didn't care at all about the amount of information he just said. He turned to Aldai and said:

"The spring seminar has just ended. You came back a little late, but I believe you must have made important new discoveries. It will be easy to hold another seminar in your own name."

"Wrong, I didn't come back this time to release new results."

Ivan was a little confused:

"You haven't solved your trouble yet? How long has it been?"

"It's not that simple..."

Aldai said, turning her eyes towards the mercenaries standing at the entrance of the alley looking into the crowd of scholars.

Ivan understood immediately and couldn't help but hold his forehead and said:

"What trouble did you get into?"

"I can't explain it in a sentence or two. In short, we have to leave the academic city immediately."

Listening to Aldai's tone, Ivan also understood that she was not joking.

"Okay, I'll help you figure it out."

As she spoke, Ivan pointed to a carriage transporting goods parked on the street, and then she separated from Aldai and walked in the other direction as if they just had a simple chat.

Of course Aldai understood what she meant, and gestured to Zola and Neemia, who were still in a state of shock, and the three of them approached the carriage.

The carriage was full of crates, and workers were moving them down to restock the stores on the street.

The act of approaching the carriage also separated the three of them from the crowd of scholars. The mercenaries saw them at a glance and hurried towards them.

Originally, the workers didn't pay much attention when they saw Aldai and the others approaching, thinking they were just passing by. Unexpectedly, Aldai waved her staff at the carriage, and the crates in the carriage immediately floated and fell to the ground one after another.

"Lend us the carriage."

He casually took out a small bag of gold coins and threw them over. Without waiting for the confused worker to reply, the three of them immediately jumped into the car. As Zola raised his whip, the carriage immediately sped out.

The mercenaries who were chasing behind thought to themselves that it was a bit nonsense to chase the carriage on two legs. They quickly sent people to use short-distance communication spells to contact others to pursue and intercept them.

Don't expect horses to be as fast as war horses when pulling goods. They are usually mules and horses with good endurance. Aldai grabbed the shoulders of Zola who was driving the carriage with one hand and raised her staff towards the horse with the other hand.

A whirlwind-like cyan light surrounded the horses. Although they were clearly pulling the cart, their speed suddenly increased, running at more than twice the speed of normal full speed.

If the horse can't do it, isn't there magic that can speed it up?

There weren't many people strolling around on the streets in the early morning. The magic-enhanced horses pulled the carts and ran all the way. The shock absorption of the truck bed was almost non-existent. The ups and downs almost threw Nimia, who was sitting at the rear of the car and looking behind.

With a carriage and taking the main road, the speed increased immediately. In a few minutes, the three of them saw the gate of the academic city.

The huge gate was flashing with colorful magic lights. Countless things that looked like eyes but were translucent were hovering over the gate, monitoring everyone who tried to enter the city to see if they had any problems.

At this time, a sound of horse hooves came from behind, and the mercenaries were chasing on horseback.

Although there was magic to speed up, which doubled the speed of the carriage, the foundation was too poor after all, and the mercenaries were riding horses closer and closer.

Casting spells in such a bumpy environment is tantamount to seeking death. It is easy to fail to cast spells and cause magic backlash. Nimia took out the crossbow as a secondary weapon to fight back, but because it was too bumpy, the arrows flew out and no one knew where they flew.

Good news, we are not far from the city gate now, and we can rush out in a few tens of seconds.

The bad news is that the city gate seems to be about to close.

The city gate of the academic city should not be closed day or night. In fact, only when it is inspected will a certain city gate be closed to test whether the mechanical structure is operating normally.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence that Aoerdai and others just caught up.

Seeing that the city gate was about to close, the soldiers guarding the city gate also noticed the rapidly approaching carriage, and raised their weapons and shouted to stop Aoerdai and others from getting closer.

Stopping is definitely not allowed. If you stop now and turn around, you will have to go around a big circle to get to the next city gate. During this period, you will definitely be caught up by the mercenaries.

But if you force your way through the gate, you may be stopped by the soldiers. Don’t forget that there are too many magics attached to the walls of the academic city. Forcing it is tantamount to seeking death.

At this critical moment, Ivan landed from the air behind the soldier and immediately said something to the officer next to him.

The latter was stunned for a moment, waved his hand to signal the soldiers to disperse, and the closing city gate also stopped.

Almost the next moment, Aoerdai and her team drove past in a carriage, and Ivan even made an OK gesture to Aoerdai before leaving.

The mercenaries were not treated so well. As soon as Aoerdai and her team rushed out of the city gate, the soldiers immediately returned to their original positions and shouted at the mercenaries to get off their horses.

No matter how rampant the mercenaries were, they could not fight against the regular army. They could only watch Aoerdai and her team's carriages running farther and farther, and soon disappeared on the field path outside the city...

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