Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1384: Encounter in the Zhenguang Galaxy (10)

When people face a major crisis or are extremely nervous, they tend to enter a paranoid state.

This situation often occurs on the battlefield, and often occurs in pilots in peacetime.

Take civil aviation pilots as an example. When the plane breaks down, some extremely nervous pilots will paranoidly determine that there is an error in a certain place, and blindly correct it, while turning a blind eye to the real error.

Therefore, civil aviation introduced the mechanism of flight inspection and double inspection by two people, just to prevent pilots from being paranoid when something goes wrong.

It is the same on the battlefield. Some commanders will be extremely paranoid when they are extremely nervous. It seems that their brains have lost the ability to work in multiple threads and will only stare at one place.

For example, when the front line is defeated, some commanders will order to defend a certain fortress. This is not a rational judgment of the situation. It is purely a paranoid belief that as long as a certain fortress is defended, it will not lose. It does not care about other aspects at all, and does not consider whether the fortress can be defended.

What's more terrible is that when people fall into this state, they will not listen to advice at all, unless you can go up and slap them in the face, or simply beat them up until they wake up.

Alyssa knew that there must be a large number of staff officers in the flagship's headquarters, and it was impossible for all of them to enter a paranoid state, but it was hard to say whether the staff officers had the courage to beat up the commander.

As time passed, Alyssa saw with her own eyes that the warships in her formation caught fire one after another. Some warships exploded into fireworks on the spot, and there was no time to abandon the ship and escape.

She tightly grasped the handrail, and was already thinking about how to defend herself in the military court if she led the team to evacuate without permission.

At this time, Vilania brought good news:

"Although there is still noise, the communication has been restored."

Alyssa immediately called up the fleet command system. At this time, in the occasional flashing snowflakes, she could barely see that the ships under her command had been reduced from 135 to less than 70, and the loss rate was almost half.

"Order all shuttles to take off and drop mines at the location I specify. All warships are ready for pulse flight."

No matter whether the fleet command has issued an order or not, Alyssa will never watch her warships die in vain. Her sense of responsibility makes her never stand there stupidly even if she will be in a military court afterwards.

However, with the mentality of giving it a last try, Alyssa sent a retreat application to the command. Once the mines are deployed, Alyssa will take her people away regardless of whether the command agrees or not.

During the mine deployment, Alyssa kept staring at the display and corrected the fleet's route from time to time.

The impact of the radio storm is gradually decreasing, but there is no guarantee that it will happen again. After all, whether the stellar activity is intense or not is not up to her.

So the window for escape is now. If you miss this time, it will be uncertain.

"The mines are deployed. The shuttles are recovered."

The command still did not send any reply, just "read".

Alyssa snorted and called up the optical sighting equipment.

Soon he saw flashes of explosions in the direction of the Knights' Introduction Agency warship and the Maple Republic warship that were chasing behind, and knew that the mines had been triggered.

This should delay the speed of the pursuers a little.

She immediately ordered the entire fleet to sail at superspeed.

The cruiser is the fastest of all ships, and superspeed sailing takes speed to the extreme.

The engine lights of each warship were lit to the limit, and even the mobile aircraft carrier, which was slightly slower than the cruiser, could barely keep up with the team.

The Swan did not need to sail at superspeed. It was now the fastest legend in the void. At full speed, it could match the speed of half of the cruisers at the risk of their lives, and it had to hold back the throttle.

The distance was quickly widening, and the smoke also made the artillery fire from behind gradually sparse, slowly rushing out of the enemy's artillery range.

"Received the command information, each squadron evacuated on its own, and the squadron commander was responsible for the specific content of the retreat."

Although she finally received the retreat order, Alyssa still couldn't help but cursed it as a pitfall!

The cruise fleet can evacuate on its own because the cruise ships are flexible and the intensity of the battle is not high. The main fleet is currently being circled and kicked. You let the commanders of the squadrons that make up the main fleet study the details of the retreat on their own?

Without the flagship to coordinate, won’t this lead to chaos in the fleet?

What a pitfall!


When Alyssa’s blood pressure went off the charts, Li Chengxi took a big sip of the lemonade on the armrest. The cool taste seemed to soothe the fatigue caused by the concentration just now.

Li Chengxi really didn’t know how bad Alyssa was. He was watching Fang Lanyin and a group of mechanics trying their best to repair the damaged Silver Cyclone.

It is estimated that Villania did not expect that the first battle of the modified Silver Cyclone would be to follow Li Chengxi to attack the warship, and it could actually come back relatively intact.

And Hall...

She was pushed away by the medical team.

Hall was not injured, but was mentally exhausted and dehydrated due to extreme concentration and tension. She fainted immediately after entering the Swan's hangar. Fang Lanyin and a group of mechanics opened the cockpit door from the outside, and the medical team rushed out to give Hall an emergency injection at the speed of light and pushed her to the ward.

Hall was a little too hard on herself. She was almost risking her life for a breakthrough in driving skills.

But it is this kind of person who can reach the peak. She is just too impatient and should be more stable.

Li Chengxi also reflected on himself. It is okay to take Hall to charge the warship, but not too much. After all, she is sitting in the cockpit in her physical body, and the burden on her body is different from that of Li Chengxi who sits at home.

Having said that, although Li Chengxi did not know that Alyssa was going to greet the fleet commander's family and did not understand fleet command, he could easily see that the battle situation was unfavorable.

The main fleet was being circled and kicked, and the patrol fleet led by Alyssa lost nearly half of its warships.

The most important thing is that the enemy's losses are very minor, and you can't fight back effectively.

In this case, retreat is the best choice. Unless a fleet suddenly comes to support halfway.

But this is not realistic. The Red Maple Republic's troops are not enough for the time being, and the Xuanshui Federation's troops are not rich either. Otherwise, the ships added to the fleet would not be recruits.

Forget about support. If we retreat now, we can still preserve most of our strength. If we continue to drag it out until we can't even run away, then we'll be really helpless.

At this time, he saw the Swan and the patrol fleet detach with a pulse flight acceleration, and then immediately started the jump.

The patrol fleet was the first to evacuate, not to sell out teammates. The normal retreat process is to let the patrol ship go first. On the one hand, it is because the patrol ship is small, and if it leaves later, it will be dragged into the shielding force field and can't escape.

On the other hand, it is to let the patrol ship fleet go first to scout whether there is an ambush at the retreat site, which is equivalent to exploring the way.

This also means that the attack of the third and fifth fleets ended in failure.

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