Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1385 I will lead the charge

Victory and defeat are common in the military. Since the Red Maple Republic and the Rotating Water Federation went to war, both sides have won and lost. Now the Rotating Water Federation has switched from defense to offense, and it has only won a decisive victory in the key battle, which does not mean that it has no defeats.

The five combat clusters have penetrated into the territory of the Red Maple Republic to establish a forward base. As long as one of them succeeds, it will not be in vain. At that time, they can continue to blossom with this as the center, making full use of the current shortcomings of the Red Maple Republic's insufficient manpower, and kick it to death when they find a flaw.

So from a strategic point of view, the failure of the third and fifth fleets to retreat to the space fortress Ilxia is not a big problem, and the masters of the rear military department cannot require all goals to be achieved.

But the big strategy is fine, but the specific problem at the level of fleet command is too big.

The current commander of the third and fifth fleets is a young major general, who was originally the commander of a squadron. He still has qualifications and capabilities.

But his experience, combat awareness and mentality are too poor.

As the saying goes, the military is a major event of the country, a place of life and death, and a way of survival and destruction, which must be observed.

A qualified commander should start making advance plans for all possible situations along the way as soon as he gets the battle plan.

These plans include a series of common and uncommon situations such as ambushes, fleets losing combat capability due to non-combat casualties, and communication failures caused by star explosions.

This is something that commanders and staff must consider, otherwise what use are you?

However, this time the commander not only temporarily changed the jump position, but also did not make any plans for the encounter with the enemy in the Zhenguang star field at the jump position, not to mention that the Knight Introduction Agency Space Station would side with the Red Maple Republic.

This alone is a dereliction of duty, not to mention the wrong orders issued after the battle, and no action was taken under unfavorable conditions, even the retreat was left to the commander of the squadron to decide.

This caused heavy losses to the fleet.

When counting the battle afterwards, Alyssa's cruiser formation lost more than 70 warships, most of which were recruits, and of course many veterans were also lost. Before the arrival of the reinforcements, it was impossible to continue the mission.

The main fleet lost nearly 400 warships, which is one-third of the strength of the third and fifth fleets combined, and these warships should not have been consumed in this way.

Not to mention the unprecedented defeat, it was also the most tragic loss of the third and fifth fleets since they participated in the battle.

And the fleet commander needs to bear the main responsibility for this defeat.

As soon as the fleet docked at the space fortress Ilxia, the commanders of various fleets immediately took the shuttle to enter the fortress. Among them, there were many officers and soldiers who were injured after entering the escape pod because the warships were destroyed. A group of people almost went to find Lieutenant General Ken who was guarding Ilxia as if they were going to riot.

The so-called incompetence of a general can tire out the three armies, and this is a typical example.

Why keep such a commander?

Keep it to kill you?

Strictly speaking, this operation of the officers violated the regulations. Not to mention that they will be sent to the military court, at least they will be punished.

Because this is a violation of the immediate superior, it is an act of crossing the line in the military command system.

But everyone accepted the punishment. Even Alyssa took the lead in the charge and rushed directly into Vice Admiral Ken's office.

Let's put it this way, after everyone came back, they didn't rush into the fleet commander's flagship and hang him on the cannon and shoot him out. This was considered rational.

Vice Admiral Ken also received the news. He did hear that he had lost the battle, but he didn't hear that it was so serious.

After all, the battle report he read was sent to him by the fleet commander, so of course he would avoid the important issues and try to get himself out of it.

When the officers heard that the grandson actually lied about military intelligence, they became even more excited. Many people claimed that they must crush the grandson's bird with their own hands!

However, Vice Admiral Ken was worthy of being an old general. He immediately appeased the indignant officers and said that if it was true, he would report it to the military department to investigate the dereliction of duty.

Vice Admiral Ken was very popular in the Third and Fifth Fleets. After all, he was the one who commanded the two fleets from the beginning of the counterattack, and everyone was very convinced of his command.

After appeasement, it was official business.

These officers who made trouble, including Alyssa, received experience cards for a one-day tour of the confinement room. This degree of punishment is actually a formality. Lieutenant General Ken knows the seriousness of the situation. While maintaining procedural justice, he must also let them off the hook, otherwise everyone's resentment will be even greater.

When these things happened, the fleet commander who was the source of all this hid on the flagship and did not dare to come down. He seemed to know very well that he would be beaten to death if he showed up.

Even when Lieutenant General Ken ordered him to come down, he did not dare to listen until Lieutenant General Ken promised to send soldiers to protect his safety, and then he left the flagship and returned to the fortress.

It is not clear how to deal with it afterwards. It is said that the military sent people from the rear to pick up the grandson, as if they wanted to pick him up high and put him down lightly.

Maybe someone behind the scenes wants to protect him, or maybe they don't want to make a big fuss that will affect public opinion and military morale.

But Alyssa herself participated in the complaint action. Her prestige is quite high. There is almost no one in the entire Xuanshui Federation who doesn't know her.

This news, as well as the photos and videos of Alyssa leading a group of officers to find Vice Admiral Ken, were somehow exposed, which made many ordinary people in the Xuanshui Federation know that the Third and Fifth Fleets were defeated because of the blind command of a person with connections.

And discontent is still brewing. In some places, people have taken to the streets to protest, demanding that all information be made public and that those responsible be severely punished.

It is hard to say whether this is a political struggle within the Rotating Water Federation, using this as an excuse to attack political opponents.

After all, when Alyssa took officers to find Lieutenant General Ken, only the surveillance in the fortress could leave clear photos and videos, and only the people in the fortress knew the specific details.

This is likely to be deliberately released by a certain faction.

In any case, the commander will not have an easy time recently. If the people behind him decide to abandon the car to save the general, the military court’s verdict may not be very friendly to him, especially for his health.

But then again, although this matter is quite a big deal, the strategy of the Rotating Water Federation has not been affected.

The third and fifth fleets were beaten back halfway, but there are still four combat clusters.

And the enemy fleet chose to intercept the third and fifth fleets, which means that friendly forces in other directions will be smoother.

The current news is that the battle is still going on, and it is expected that a detailed battle report and whether the strategic goals have been achieved will be issued in a few days.

But this has nothing to do with Alyssa. The Third and Fifth Fleets where she is can only stay in the space fortress Ilsha and cannot move until they complete their troop replenishment.

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