Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1383: Encounter in the Zhenguang Galaxy (9)

The radio storm temporarily blocked all long-distance communications and messed up the fleet command system. Alyssa couldn't even see how many warships she had left under her command on the monitor at the captain's seat.

This fleet command system is actually like the screen of a real-time strategy game. Alyssa can give orders to a single ship or the entire fleet through touch operations. She can also set a route, or observe whether the heading and speed of each friendly ship is affected. loss and other information.

As a result, nothing can be seen above now, only distorted snowflakes and noise.

The radio storm will not last long, and in addition to blocking communications, its biggest impact is to block jumps.

Within the scope of the radio storm, neither jumping out nor jumping in is allowed, which is very disadvantageous for those who want to make a quick transition.

What's even more unfavorable is that the commander of the main fleet seems to have no plan for this situation. Now the main fleet has put up a defensive formation and is being beaten.

Although Alyssa wanted to rush to the command center and give her grandson a hard fight, Alyssa was the commander of the cruiser formation, and she needed to be responsible for the more than a hundred warships following the Swan.

As for the main fleet?

Let's wait until communication is restored.

"The flare went out and the smoke screen expanded well."

"Ship 112 and ship 85 were visually hit, and the damage level cannot be assessed."

The fleet belonging to the Knight Agency is right behind Alyssa. Even if the smoke is spread, there are still a large number of ion beams and invisible shells passing through the smoke screen. One after another, visual damage information makes Alyssa anxious. .

Without the command system, she was unable to adjust to the actual situation in time. The fleet was now sailing according to the route chart sent by Alyssa before the radio storm. Although the general direction was correct, there were many parts that needed fine-tuning.

This is where a little old-school approach comes in handy.

"Send a light signal and recover the carrier-based aircraft at the combat cruising speed of the entire fleet."

Light signals are a must-learn subject for shipbuilding majors. Even if this thing is rarely used, it must be learned.

Villagna, who acted as the correspondent, had some understanding of this, and soon several flares of different colors were fired from above the Swan, using the color and frequency as codes to send signals to the surrounding ships.

After receiving the light signal, the surrounding ships sent out the same signal to show to friendly forces further away. For a while, the top of the cruiser formation was as gorgeous as fireworks.

The void is too big and too dark, and a safe distance is maintained between battleships. Without this relay method, the signal sent by the Swan may not be visible if it is slightly farther away.

This is why when the retreat signal was sent just now, the entire fleet was sent together, otherwise the carrier-based aircraft in the distance would not be visible at all.

As the signal appeared, the entire fleet began to accelerate and complete the turn, and the carrier-based aircraft also returned to their respective motherships one after another at this time.

"The radar function has recovered to 70%, and it has been detected that the enemy cruiser is sailing alongside ours."

"What a tough bunch of bastards!"

The Red Maple Republic's cruiser formation rushed over, not to engage in hand-to-hand combat, but to hold back the Swan and its fleet and provide the Knight Agency's defense fleet with an opportunity to deal damage.

This operation resulted in the loss of many ships, but it was also successful in holding Alyssa back.

Now, as long as the optical sighting system is turned, the Red Maple Republic's fleet can be seen circling from the side of the smoke screen and opening fire to track it.

In this posture, the fleet including the Swan could only use secondary guns to fight back, and had to worry about the torpedoes that the opponent would definitely launch.

Under normal circumstances, Alyssa would reset the course to get the fleet out of an unfavorable situation, but when communications were blocked, it was difficult to make fine adjustments relying only on light signals.

What's more, the light signal is bound to lag behind. After you send the signal, you find that the situation has changed and you have to send it again. It may cause confusion in the fleet, which is not worth the gain.

So Alyssa just sat on the captain's seat, shaking her legs very anxiously.

However, there is another bad news.

"Pulse flight energy signal detected."

Radio storms affect radar, but have little interference with psykers like Anyun, who is now the Swan's most accurate means of detection.

"Where is the target?"

"Unknown, but you will be able to see it visually soon."

Before she finished speaking, Alyssa saw a large group of warships appearing diagonally above the Swan. They were indeed far away from the Swan, not even within bombardment range.

But it can be said to be very close to the main fleet. It almost flew into the artillery range in a pulse and immediately opened fire on the main fleet.

Now the main fleet has to deal with the main fleet of the Red Maple Republic on the one hand, and it is also bombarded by the fortress of the Knight Agency, and even bombarded by the warships of the Knight Agency.

Okay, this is the legendary circle kick.

After all, the Knight Agency is just a neutral space station, and its fleet is a defensive patrol. In fact, the warships are all second-hand, and their armament level is basically similar to that of the Planetary Defense Force.

But second-hand warships are also warships, and their number cannot be compared with that of the main fleet. At a larger scale, it is only about three hundred, but they still have the ability to harm the main fleet.

Counting them, the enemy's numerical disadvantage has been eliminated, and there is even a slight advantage. Add in the fortress artillery...

Retreat, you must retreat immediately.

The Third and Fifth Fleets do not need to fight the enemy here, and it does not matter if they cannot complete the original combat objectives. The Rotating Water Federation has sent a total of five combat clusters, and as long as one of them is completed, the Red Maple Republic is temporarily unable to defend against five combat clusters attacking different targets at the same time.

Since we have encountered the Red Maple Republic fleet here, it means that friendly forces in other directions are likely to win, so it is said that there is no need to fight the enemy here.

Now the fleet is equivalent to falling into a trap, but the Red Maple Republic cannot dig a large enough pit in a hurry. The fleet is like a person who falls into a pit. Although it hurts a lot, it still has the strength to climb out of the pit.

But if it continues to drag on, when there is no strength, or someone covers the lid of this pit, it will really be all over.

Alyssa's reason makes her know that she must retreat while the losses are not too great. Victory and defeat are common in the military. Whether it is retreat or strategic shift, it is not a shameful thing.

Think about the experience of the Swan, it really came all the way from being beaten and running away.

But the main fleet was always in a defensive formation, and the flagship didn't even send out a light signal.

No, wait!

The commander is not paranoid, is he?

Damn it, why don't you retreat?

Although Alyssa wanted to evacuate with the cruiser formation, she was after all under the command of the main fleet. If her superior didn't tell her to retreat, she would run away first. This is called desertion.

As a result, not only did they have no intention of retreating, but the flagship didn't issue any orders.

Ah this...

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