Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1061 Secret Weapon

Alyssa really wanted to ask the two of them what happened, but she really didn't have time now.

Although the counterattack when the other party had to put away his gun and control the flying motorcycle when he flew to the warehouse had some effect, overall, she still couldn't get rid of the situation of being chased.

As long as the suspension height of the flying motorcycle is set, no matter what obstacles it encounters, as long as it does not exceed three meters, it will automatically fly over.

In other words, the height from the flying motorcycle to the ground will always be the same, and the undulating warehouse roof also makes the flying motorcycle flying on it go up and down constantly.

In this case, even Long, who is very good at shooting, finds it difficult to fight back, but the good news is that the bullets from behind are also disturbed, and many bullets are deflected.

However, they use submachine guns, which are automatic weapons. The firepower density is far from that of pistols. Alyssa and her team still have no advantage.

The good news is that they are very close to the port. This neutral space station is not big to begin with. They would rather die than let go of the accelerator, and they will see the port soon.

But the bad news...

Alyssa led the way down from the roof of the warehouse and saw a truck reversing into the warehouse not far away. The wide body of the truck just blocked the way.

She tried to let the flying motorcycle fly over. At this moment, the roar of the engine sounded from the left, and three more flying motorcycles suddenly rushed out. They should be the three people who were chased and thrown away before. They tried to defeat Alyssa and the others in a way comparable to suicide charge.

But their timing was not good. Alyssa just passed the truck and was at the highest point. At this time, her hands could let go of the handlebars.

With the sound of gunfire, the last few bullets in the pistol magazine were awarded to the three flying motorcycles that rushed up. They must have hit them, but I don’t know where they hit.

Alyssa felt a sinking sensation behind her. It should be a flying motorcycle that hit the rear of her car. Then Emma, ​​who was sitting behind Alyssa, exclaimed:

"My suitcase!"

Emma's strength was no match for the other party. Fortunately, Emma let go quickly, otherwise she would have been dragged down with her.

Two of the three flying motorcycles that suddenly rushed out almost landed hard, and the people were thrown out. The car rolled into the warehouse. Only one landed on the ground relatively steadily, but the fuel tank was also emitting liquefied magic. It was this guy who stole the suitcase.

Because it was moving at high speed, Alyssa had no time to react. It was unrealistic to go back and grab the suitcase now. She could only keep rushing forward.

The shrill sirens also caught up at this moment. The police car drifted and flicked its tail, successfully biting the buttocks of Alyssa and the other three. The guys who dared to shoot on the street almost followed the police car. At first glance, it seemed that even the police had joined the pursuit.

Since the police blocked the shooting line, the flying motorcycles behind were very unhappy, and they started shooting at the police cars directly.

The police cars are much stronger than flying motorcycles, and they are bulletproof, but the people inside must be panicking when they hear the bullets hitting the rear window like raindrops.

The rear wheel of one of the police cars was blown up, and it soon fell into uncontrollable sideways and rolling. If the police communication was intervened at this time, I am afraid that the police would hear the sound of frantic calls for support.

If it drags on, the police of the entire space station and even the police shuttle will rush over.

Now that they have entered the portal of the port area, Alyssa took the lead and went back through the large trucks loaded with goods ready to leave, which attracted loud praise.

However, the dissatisfaction of the drivers was soon suppressed by the bullets of the pursuers behind.

To enter the port normally, you need to pass a checkpoint, but now there is no time to wait in line.

Alyssa pulled the handlebars hard, raising the front of the vehicle. The flying motorcycle floated in through the narrow personnel entrance in a surfing posture, and then swung its tail and headed straight for the berth of the Swan.

The Swan is relatively small, and the berth in the space station is also small inside, which allows Alyssa and the other two to see the matte black ship shadow of the Swan as soon as they drive in.

Alyssa said to the personal terminal on her left hand:

"Carlos, you are on the bridge, open the hangar entrance."

"Okay, Captain, operating it."

Carlos didn't ask what was going on at all. The airlock door on the side of the Swan not far away slowly lifted up. At this time, Alyssa could hear the sirens and gunshots behind her.

The three of them rushed towards the Swan at full speed one step ahead, and those chasing behind, whether police cars or flying motorcycles, braked suddenly outside the Swan and turned around and ran.

It may be related to the dense anti-aircraft guns on one side of the Swan being pushed out of the gun position and trying to aim. Who the hell dares to rush in?


As the airlock door of the Swan hangar closed, Alyssa threw away her helmet, jumped off the flying motorcycle, and asked directly:

"Who are you two? Why do you know Banning?"

Emma also got off the flying motorcycle and said solemnly:

"Thank you very much, Captain Alyssa. You can lend a hand at a critical moment and may avoid a huge disaster."

Alyssa frowned:

"What do you mean?"

"There is no problem with our ID cards. We are both from the Kingdom of Beso, but we are not from the Galaxy Trading Company. Half a year ago, we were still working for the Molybdenum Group."

Emma pointed to herself:

"I am a senior researcher at the Molybdenum Group headquarters, and Sun Lin is a member of the security department. We have been friends since childhood, and this escape was planned by us together."


"The detailed reasons are very complicated. Simply put, the Molybdenum Group has provided a special weapon to the Red Maple Republic. Once launched, it will paralyze all the reactors of a fleet in a short period of time."

"There is no such weapon."

Alyssa's first reaction was that such a weapon does not exist at all.

Whether it is a warship or a merchant ship, even a space station or a colonial satellite, the structure of the reactor is similar, and the difference is at best the output size.

The original design of these reactors came from the ancient elves, and then they were continuously optimized and improved for thousands of years, and they are currently the most stable source of energy.

Moreover, the reactor has a strong anti-interference ability and is very safe. Even if the reactor is attacked directly, it will only stop working, and it will never explode. The warship that is attacked will explode, and it will only hit the energy storage pool, not the reactor itself.

In Alyssa's opinion, the weapon that Emma mentioned is like a weapon that can paralyze all the power systems on the entire earth with one shot, which sounds impossible.

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