Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1062 Countermeasures

The multiverse world is a world of miracles. As long as the probability is not 0, it is possible to appear under a huge base number.

But for the parties involved, this is too subversive.

The safety, stability and reliability of the reactor have been confirmed in thousands of years of navigation, and no weapon can interfere with the operation of the reactor.

This is common sense.

"Captain Alyssa, common sense is just a prejudice. There is no impossibility in this world."

Emma said:

"We don't know where the technology of this weapon comes from, but we can be sure that the Red Maple Republic is already building this weapon, and it has even been built as we speak. Although from the data I have, its size will definitely not be small, and it is very troublesome to transport and use, but you also know how much impact this weapon will have once it is put into use."

Including starships, the power of all warships comes from reactors. Once the reactor stops working, the endurance of the entire fleet will be greatly shortened.

This is not the most fatal. Once this weapon is launched against an earth-like planet or space station, the cost of losing energy is more terrible than mass slaughter.

Space stations and colony satellites may lose control due to loss of energy, and then disintegrate or even fall into stars. If the earth-like planet loses the energy supply of the reactor, all public facilities will be paralyzed, medical equipment, and planetary defense mechanisms will also be paralyzed, which is equivalent to being directly undefended.

If the Red Maple Republic launches such weapons against the Rotating Water Federation, the consequences will be devastating. The Rotating Water Federation cannot win a war without energy.

"I have secretly contacted friends in the Rotating Water Federation. The Rotating Water Federation is very interested in my intelligence. Their intelligence officers helped us escape from the headquarters of the Molybdenum Group. There was originally a warship contacting us, but perhaps for various reasons, the warship did not arrive, and we could not stay any longer."

This is why the two of them dared to come to the Dark Star Region on a high-speed commercial ship, and they were unlucky to encounter pirates.

"There were intelligence personnel in this space station who were supposed to contact us, but the Red Maple Republic or the Molybdenum Group was too fast to hunt us down. The intelligence personnel told me that Captain Alyssa's ship might have passed by here, and showed me your photo. Only then did we realize that we came here on your ship."

"I don't understand. Since you have already informed the Whirlwater Federation of the news, is there any need for the Red Maple Republic and the Molybdenum Group to hunt you down?"

If it is just to eliminate the traitor, there is no need to chase so far. After all, the secret has been leaked. The most important thing is to put the weapon into use before the Whirlwater Federation reacts. It doesn't make much sense to spend extra effort to hunt down Emma and Sun Lin.

"That's because I have the information about the countermeasures in my hands. If the information is obtained by the Whirlwater Federation, the secret weapon of the Red Maple Republic will be useless."

"You mean... that suitcase?"

"Fortunately, there are only some of our personal belongings in it."

Emma and Sun Lin looked at each other and lowered their heads.

One of the areas on their heads cracked like a folder, revealing a data stick.

This was just for Alyssa to see, and then their heads returned to their original state.

"We need to rush to the Water Federation before the Red Maple Republic's secret weapons are put into actual combat. We are not sure when the Red Maple Republic's secret weapons will be put into actual combat, but time is probably running out."

Alyssa closed her eyes slightly. Not participating in the war is the bottom line of recyclers, and this is also the biggest difference between recyclers and mercenaries.

But there are many places for operation here. Anyway, if she doesn't go to the front battlefield and no one sees her, then it doesn't count as participation.

She recalled the star map in her mind, and found an overlapping route between the route to the Water Federation and the route to chase the starship.

"Okay, we will send you to the Water Federation, at least we will send you to the fleet of the Water Federation."

Although Alyssa doesn't have much patriotism for the Water Federation, the motherland on her ID card, the Water Federation worships Alyssa's grandfather as a hero, and the main activity area of ​​Alyssa as a recycler is actually near the Water Federation.

It is not reasonable to sit idly by.


The battleship engine ignited, and the Swan sent a request to leave the port, and soon received a reply from the tower.

"No reaction from the space station?"

"Nothing special, but I didn't forget to send me the dangerous driving notice."

Alyssa answered Villania casually, and then said to Carlos, who was the helmsman:

"Leave the port at one-quarter speed, let's leave here as soon as possible."

"Okay, Captain, one-quarter speed."

The engine of the Swan lit up with a surging light, pushing the hull out of the berth of the space station.

After a brief exchange with the tower in the communicator's position, Villania turned her chair around and said to Alyssa:

"Do you really believe what those two people said? A weapon that can suppress all reactors?"

"Common sense tells me that this is nonsense, but they know Benning, and I am willing to believe Benning's judgment."

"From my professional perspective, the principle of this weapon may exist, but it should not be practical."

The principle is one thing, and being able to turn theory into a physical object is another.

Just like the principle of the atomic bomb can be told to you by anyone, and a high school degree can even master all the technology of the atomic bomb.

But how to process it?

First, you need a little bit, about 3,000 tons of uranium ore, crush it into powder.

Second, you need about 30,000 tons of hydrogen fluoride, mix it with the powder, separate it and dry it, repeat it hundreds of times, and you can get uranium oxide, which is yellow cake.

Then use a high-power centrifuge to separate uranium 236 and further purify it to get 235.

Nuclear centrifuges consume a lot of electricity, about 52 billion kilowatt-hours, so there must be a large number of power plants.

Getting uranium 235 is just the beginning. You still have to store enough uranium 235, about 52 kilograms, to reach the critical mass, otherwise it will not explode.

These 52 kilograms of uranium 235 are divided into two parts, and they cannot be too close before detonation, otherwise they will explode directly.

Place them at both ends of a hollow cylinder, and put high-energy explosives behind one end. Ignite the explosives when needed, and the gunpowder gas pushes one piece of uranium 235 to collide with another piece, and a nuclear fission reaction occurs because the critical mass is reached. This is the simplest structure of an atomic bomb, the principle of the gun-type configuration.

This is not something that can be made with just theory, and it requires a lot of manpower and material support.

The secret weapon of the Red Maple Republic is also similar. Villania has heard of the principle of weapons that can interfere with the work of the reactor, but with the current processing and manufacturing capabilities, she thinks this is almost impossible.

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