Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1060 Street Shooting

Alyssa is used to doing what she says. When Emma and Kong Lin climbed onto the flying motorcycle, the three of them twisted the throttle.

The roar of the engine made many people on the street look sideways. The flying motorcycle maintained a maximum suspension height of about three meters above the ground. To avoid obstacles that may be encountered during high-speed advancement.

It was not a very comfortable experience to be hugged by the crystal man's waist. It felt like a large piece of warm stone was pressing on your back, and for some reason, it was sticky.

Alyssa looked down and saw that Emma's hands were covered with blood, and now they were rubbed on Alyssa's clothes.

"Where did the blood on your hands come from?"

Crystal people don't bleed, at least not red blood.

"It was the staff member who met with us. He was discovered and ran desperately to the meeting place to inform us."

"What's going on? Someone is chasing you? Who are you..."

Before Alyssa finished speaking, she heard the roar of the engine not far away, and then three guys wearing leather jackets and motorcycle helmets rushed out from the path on the right and were approaching them.

Alyssa smacked her lips:

"Hold on tight, follow me, we'll take a shortcut."

Alyssa turned to the alley on the left, and Long and Fang Lanyin, who was carrying the silicon-based Kong Lin, followed one after another.

It was not an illusion, the gang was really coming towards them.

The alley was too narrow, and this kind of place was not suitable for shaking off the pursuers. If the opponent had weapons, they would be targets.

But since Alyssa dared to run here, she was sure of it.

She immediately controlled the flying motorcycle to ride on the wall, using the floating characteristics of the flying motorcycle, the whole person was almost parallel to the ground, and then pulled the front of the motorcycle hard, and the flying motorcycle really landed on the roof on one side of the alley as if it could fly.

This is a little trick for playing with flying motorcycles. When I was in the Storm Kingdom, I learned it from the local motorcycle gang.

Long and Fang Lanyin followed closely behind, and did the same thing. The three flying motorcycles went from running on the road to speeding on the roof.

The other party seemed to want to do the same, but before that, Alyssa took the lead and turned, and instantly disappeared from the sight of the pursuers.

The flying motorcycle returned from the roof to the main road. Many vehicles were driving normally here. Moreover, since this was a space station mainly for cargo transfer, the road was full of large trucks and the streets were full of portals to other worlds. If you were not careful, you would be sent to reincarnation on the spot.

When Alyssa and the other three rushed down from the roof, they scared the driver of the truck that was driving normally. The flying motorcycle used the container of the truck as the road surface, hovering on it like a stunt, jumping over different vehicles.

Going against the flow on a one-way street, and doing stunts, it was definitely dangerous driving, but it was indeed a shortcut.

The three flying motorcycles quickly passed through the truck drivers with a curse and honking, and turned again after moving forward about five or six hundred meters.

Now you just need to pass through a warehouse to reach the port area.

But obviously, things will not go so smoothly.

As soon as they turned down the one-way road full of trucks, the roar of flying motorcycle engines sounded on the left, and then several flying motorcycles jumped down from above.

The three of them dodged immediately, and one of them almost hit Fang Lanyin. Fortunately, she had played with flying motorcycles a lot when she was in Alan Starlink, otherwise she would have been knocked to the ground.

Passersby thought that these guys were doing some stunts and stopped to watch.

But they soon realized that some excitement could not be watched.

Mixed in the sound of the engine, there was a sharp sound of breaking wind. Alyssa glanced back and found that the pursuers behind picked up the submachine gun with a silencer and fired at them.

The flying motorcycle has a simple, light and sturdy structure, but it has no shield.

Bullets can easily leave sparks on the flying motorcycle or even penetrate the shell. Even military flying motorcycles are just a means of transportation, not an armored unit.

Using a gun in a busy area of ​​the neutral space station is simply courting death. After all, this place is different from the guest star city. The police will arrive in minutes.

On the other hand, the other party dared to use a gun here, and there must be a reason to keep Emma and Sun Lin at all costs.

The three of them rode on flying motorcycles and started to move in an S shape. Since both sides were moving at high speed, the accuracy was really not good.

Alyssa and Long also took out their pistols and turned back to fight back, but this is definitely not a long-term solution.

The sharp sirens have reached their ears and are gradually approaching. I believe that the local police will arrive soon.

But the problem is that if the police really join in, it will be more troublesome.

Alyssa doesn't trust the police unit of the neutral space station at all. These people can be easily bribed. It mainly depends on who pays more and who has stronger connections.

As expected, three police cars with sirens blaring appeared at the intersection ahead. The police used car doors or car fronts as cover, set up their guns, and someone shouted with a loudspeaker:

"Stop the flying motorcycle in front immediately and put down your weapons immediately, otherwise we will open fire!"

The question is that you can't stop now, or you will be shot to pieces.

"Follow me!"

So Alyssa pressed down the front of the car fiercely, and then pulled it up.

The flying motorcycle was like doing a running jump, and it flew to the roof of the warehouse.

In terms of speed, flying motorcycles are definitely not as good as wheeled vehicles, but in terms of flexibility and controllability, flying motorcycles can beat wheeled vehicles by several blocks.

Especially in the complex terrain environment in the city, if you just find an alley and go in, the police car will be dumbfounded.

Perhaps this is why many places prohibit motorcycles.

The people who were chasing behind would not confront the police, and they all put away their guns and flew to the roof in the same way.

However, they were hit by Alyssa and Long's pistols as soon as they came up.

Alyssa's shooting skills were not much better than those behind her in this situation, and she was almost just tracing the edges, but Long was very good at shooting. She usually used the main gun to bombard warships from a long distance. For her, shooting flying motorcycles at this distance was just an entry-level operation.

Two shots, bang bang, the bullets accurately hit the disc at the front of the flying motorcycle, and the latter stopped in a spark, and the flying motorcycle lost the front lift.

The result was that the two flying motorcycles fell forward, turned three and a half times in the air on the roof of the warehouse, and the people were thrown out.

"Lend me your gun."

Fang Lanyin had no chance to draw her gun and fight back in this fierce gunfight, and she didn't hear what Kong Lin behind her said clearly. Then the small revolver hanging on her waist for self-defense was taken away.

Kong Lin's shooting accuracy was also extremely exaggerated. One shot hit the chasing motorcyclist in the face, and the latter's flying motorcycle immediately lost control and collided with others.

She fired a total of three bullets, two of which hit the enemy's face accurately, and one hit the magic storage box of the flying motorcycle, turning it into a fireball on the spot.

Although silicon-based people are good at shooting, such accuracy cannot be explained by racial talent. It is obvious that they have undergone systematic shooting training.

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