Long time no see, Xiaobai has matured a lot.

If it was infancy before, it should be adulthood now.

I saw that its whole body was snow-white, its roots were straight, long and smooth, and it felt super invincible to the touch.

It looks less and less like a mouse, but more like a cat.

Seeing Li Yongjin again, it still feels very close.

There is no sense of strangeness at all because of the elongated time distance.

Perhaps this is a spiritual object, or it may be because I have realized part of nature.

Under the influence of Taoism, he will get closer and closer to heaven and earth.

It is normal for the creatures in these worlds to approach him involuntarily.

"en... en stunned."

After rubbing the palm of his hand a few times, Xiao Bai actually spit out a few vague syllables.

After the rapid operation of the brain, Li Yongjin understood its meaning.

What it should say is... benefactor?

It's just that I don't know who taught this, why is it still with a strong accent?

"You little guy, it's gratifying."

Li Yongjin pouted.

Seeing this little guy, he felt that the emptiness in his heart seemed to be filled a little bit.

Those dead memories suddenly came back to life and began to attack him.

"Beat, beat."

Xiaobai opened his mouth again and uttered some syllables.

This time Li Yongjin understood quickly.


then go!

He nodded, and directly put Xiaobai on the ground, indicating that he would follow.

Don't ask the destination, don't ask what to do.

Follow your heart, don't ask questions.

After all, his life is destined to be a journey without end.

And the stops along the way, are they important?

No matter how the ups and downs are, it is just the scenery.


Middle Earth, the city of Canaan.

Here is one of the most prosperous cities in Middle-earth.

This is the first time Li Yongjin has come to such a bustling town since he visited Minor World.

Before, he was a wretched development, and his luck was not very good.

The place of birth is either a small town or a small village, or the wilderness.

In the city of Canaan, there is a huge statue of a goddess.

The towering statue can be seen from tens of miles outside the city.

It is said that that is the great god that everyone in Canaan believes in, called Canaan.

The Great God of Canaan rescues disasters and saves the world. He has great supernatural powers and great mercy.

In the world of mythology, her existence is equivalent to the Bodhisattva in the legend of the previous life.

Great compassion, save the suffering.

In short, this is a person with great merit and virtue, and also an admirable god.

After entering the city, Xiaobai obediently followed Li Yongjin.

He lowered his eyebrows and listened to his ears all the way, and he didn't dare to wag his tail.

And the people here turned a blind eye to the existence of Xiaobai.

It can be seen that Xiaobai is already very familiar with them.

"Xiaobai, what did you bring me here for?"

Li Yongjin was a little curious, so he asked anyway.

If he came to fight with him, then Xiaobai really found the wrong person.

He, Li Yongjin, has always been gentle and refined. He never fights or fights. He is recognized as a good man.

Unless, he couldn't help it.

Xiaobai listened,

Immediately stood up, chattered, danced and gestured.

Li Yongjin frowned when he heard this.

"What, you said Ma Xiaoling is missing?"

"You, you haven't found it after searching for a long time. You suspect that you came to me."

Afterwards, he smiled wryly and said, "Then you really found the wrong person, I have never met Ma Xiaoling before."

hear this.

Xiaobai lowered his head again, looking disappointed.

The owner disappeared, which is really not a good thing.

Immediately, Li Yongjin followed it all the way to Ma's house.

The Ma family in the Canaan city is very powerful.

Although Ma Xiaoling is not a direct descendant, she also enjoys many resources that ordinary people do not have.

As the only girl in the collateral line.

She is deeply loved by many elders in the family, and her every move affects the hearts of many people.

It's a pity that even such a big family is just an ordinary mortal family.

Shun is ordinary, reverse is immortal.

The mundane family is just a bigger ant nest in front of the practitioner.

The strongest person inside is just the limit of the mortal Innate Practitioner.

It's a long way from the Qi refining period, let alone a higher Realm.

Ma Xiaoling left, leaving only a letter, saying that she was looking for Xianyuan.

Wanwang, family members don't read it.

Li Yongjin read the letter and shook his head helplessly.

Xianyuan, the most ethereal.

And this thing is the most fateful, generally speaking, people with fairy fate will not be too bad luck.

Most of the time, there is no need for him to find Xianyuan, Xianyuan will come to him by himself.

After all, not everyone is that monkey.

Going to learn art from a teacher to seek longevity, and finally came back with some success.

Generally speaking, if a mortal seeks a fairy fate, the fairy fate will avoid him.

But Ma Xiaoling, could she be an ordinary person?

Who knows.

From then on, Xiaobai seemed to have decided that if he followed Li Yongjin, he would definitely find his master.

So, I was inseparable from Li Yongjin all day long.

In the following decades, one person and one spirit cultivated a lot of tacit understanding.

During these decades, Li Yongjin has never been in a corner.

Instead, he turned into a practitioner, traveling and wandering with Xiaobai.

No, looking for someone.

Find someone who... has disappeared into the crowd.

During these years of traveling.

They ran all over the void continent, but they still couldn't find her.

During this period, Li Yongjin also met many people.

But most of them are casual acquaintances, maybe just passers-by A, B, and C.

Their communication is like a gentleman, and their wit is like water.

Suddenly one day.

After Li Yongjin woke up, he felt very unwell.

he can feel,

In the dark, another voice kept calling him.

Calling him by name keeps telling him to come back.

Come back, come back yo.

Maybe, I'm leaving.

he thinks.

Having experienced it once, he naturally knew that this was the expulsion from Minor World Heavenly Dao and the call from the ontology.

This is an irresistible process.

Unless his spirit is already strong enough to compete with the local Minor World Heavenly Dao.

However, he also couldn't resist the self-awareness of the ontology.

The ontology doesn't know his situation outside, and it hasn't synchronized to his memory for the time being.

But once the main body tells him to go back, he has to go back.

This is not negotiable!

That afternoon, he sat on the cliff with Xiao Bai in his arms and watched the sunset.

"Xiaobai, I'm going back, do you still choose to follow me?"

Xiaobai stared blankly at him.

At this time, Xiaobai had a strand of golden hair growing on his forehead.

The golden-haired thrush dots the eyes, just like the third eye depicts the center of the brows, which is quite miraculous.

Finally, Xiaobai nodded: "Follow you and find her!"

Its words are extremely firm.

Without a trace of hesitation.

This is its original intention and its mission!

Li Yongjin smiled, but it was a wry smile.

because he knows...

If there is no accident, their fate should end here.

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