Eyes of Ascension.

Juehai, on the back of the turtle.

Li Yongjin sat cross-legged, his body that had been motionless for a long time finally moved.

At first, it was just a slight movement of a finger.

Behind him, his eyelids blinked.

Afterwards, a ray of Nascent Soul remnant between illusions jumped out from the endless "bubbles" on the sea surface.

With a swipe, he entered his Tianling Cap.

After returning to the soul, it is the moment of sobriety.

The Heavenly Dao rules of each Minor World are different.

This leads to.

The time of sinking Minor World is different every time.

Maybe, some Minor World Heavenly Dao is half a beat slower.

Or it is relatively bad, allowing outsiders to wait for hundreds of years before they notice and expel it.

And some Minor World Heavenly Dao are sharper and more diligent.

Often within a hundred years, they find the other party and expel them.

this time,

Li Yongjin felt that the time was relatively short, not as long as last time.

Naturally, it is not fun.

Soon, Li Yongjin opened his eyes.

In the gloomy pupils, the burning golden light reappeared.

Afterwards, he slowly asked, "Are you back?"

There was no one in front of him.

I don't know who I'm talking to, it seems very inexplicable.

Because of his question, Xuan Gui, who was still sleeping at this moment, twitched slowly.

For some reason, he also let out a sleepy "hmm".

It rubbed its nose, but didn't fully wake up.

The next moment.

Li Yongjin himself actually opened his mouth and replied: "Well, I'm back."

"Is it fun?" he asked.

"Not very fun," he replied.

This scene is completely talking to himself.

If it is seen by ordinary people, I am afraid that it will be treated as a mental illness.

"What have you learned, you should have benefited a lot, right? No...it should be me." He asked again.

"Yes, we have benefited a lot." He replied again.

In this kind of self-questioning, Li Yongjin slowly integrated these memories, and gradually mastered all the perceptions of spiritual comprehension.

At this moment, he couldn't help raising a hand.


Under his urging, his right hand immediately turned into a dead tree root.

"Well, it's amazing."

He smiled, very satisfied with the realization of own.

"So, do you think it's enough? Is there still room for improvement?" he asked.

"E...Maybe, not enough?" He replied again.

"Go, then go for the second time!"

Li Yongjin waved his hand in high spirits.

Like an emperor commanding an expedition!

"Go and go!"

"He" is also very Tsundere: "How fierce!"


Yes, once is not enough.

Then go for the second time!

This is Li Yongjin's real thought.

His soul has the same root as him, and his thoughts are naturally the same.

He felt that he hadn't developed to the limit of magical Taoism such as "Tao follows nature".

This technique, at present, should be at the stage of Xiaocheng.

There is even greater potential, waiting to be tapped by myself.

Moreover, he also likes this kind of process.

Like idle clouds and wild cranes, you can blend in with nature.

If you visit another Minor World, you may have more insights.

No rush at all...


Anyway, he has a lot of time to squander.

In this way, Li Yongjin quickly threw himself into his second sinking.

The first time is raw, the second time is cooked.

He sat down cross-legged, cooperated with Xuangui's sleeping skills, and fell into a deep sleep again.

Unshakable, I slept very soundly.


The sinking of the Minor World is always unexpected.

But Li Yongjin never thought that he would enter in this way.

This time, as soon as he came down, he landed directly in the middle of an altar.

This seems to be a special ceremony.

The entire altar is a large altar!

On the huge sacrificial square, there was a large black mass of kneeling people.

In the altar, there is a huge statue.

The statue spread out a hand, and Li Yongjin just landed in her palm.

When Li Yongjin got up and saw the face of the statue clearly, he was almost frightened.

Good guy, is this still Canaan City?

Didn't I change to a Minor World?

He was a little confused.

You know, in the billions and billions of infinite Minor Worlds.

He chooses randomly, and the probability of continuously entering the same Minor World is so small that it hardly exists.

It stands to reason that this should be another Minor World.

But why, there are also statues of Canaanite goddesses?

Could it be that Canaan is the same as the Devil's Cave, and all Minor Worlds will have her existence?

"Everyone is silent, worship the God of Moon Cultivation!"

Under the shout of the high priest below.

The tens of thousands of people below collectively raised their hands high, and made a solid kneeling salute.

Li Yongjin was numb.

I can't bear it, I can't bear it.

This worship, how much merit and longevity will be lost!

In his confusion, he still heard clearly.

It turned out to be a misunderstanding.

This is not Canaan, but Yuexiu!

Because...he had already seen the statue stele below.

The moon of the moon, the nun's nun!

Suddenly, a child raised his head mischievously.

Found the hand of the statue, someone!

"Look, there's someone up there."

"Children, don't talk nonsense, don't blaspheme the Great God!"


In the chaos, Li Yongjin was kicked out of the venue.

Such a cool way of entering the arena did not allow him to gain the respect of a fairy like before.

Instead, he was chased and beaten by tens of thousands of people armed with wooden sticks.

Obviously, he has committed public outrage.

If he hadn't comprehended the art of transformation and turned into a big bird and flew away in full view, he might have been killed directly.

When he left, many people at the scene were paralyzed with fright.

They sat slumped on the ground, whispering constantly.

The scene was a mess.

"Feifeifei, is that how you fly?"

"It's over, it's over, this is an immortal, and we have offended an immortal?"

"This is the divine art recorded in ancient books! This person has actually learned the divine art. Could it be the envoy sent by the great god Yuexiu?"

"Look what we've done, we've committed the wrath of God, and it's all over now."

"Next, we will encounter unimaginable natural disasters and natural wrath, just watch!"


They panicked, they regretted it.

As a mortal, they have a lot of helplessness.

I can only respect the heaven and the earth and fear ghosts and gods.

In exchange for a little peace of mind and reason.

Looking at the scene, it is about to lose control completely.

Suddenly, the black-robed high priest at the top waved his hand and forcibly calmed down: "Why panic, please go and ask Da Zhuyou, there must be a way!"

"We set up the altar, and the God of Moon Cultivation will definitely forgive us!"

This is the end of the matter, and there is only this way.

The people below nodded and got up.

Yes, they still have big blessings.

Every time there is a natural or man-made disaster, Dazhuyou always takes action to help them turn the danger into good luck!

So, there must be a way!

The scene was once again in chaos.

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