In the eyes of the cultivator, the [Art of Change] in Taoism has always been an extremely profound supernatural power.

It is even a legendary fairy art, and ordinary people can't comprehend its mystery at all.

Because of it, the essence of being a "human" has been completely changed.

Turn people into gods and immortals.

After all, the principle of the art of change is beyond their comprehension.

In the face of the changing mysterious Taoism, the cultivator feels that he is nothing more than a mortal.

In many ancient books, the art of transformation can be practiced to a great extent [to seek good fortune and avoid evil].

Water and fire do not invade, do not fall into Samsara.

These are all explanations for "change".

This is also an important reason why cultivators are very enthusiastic about this technique.

In the fifteenth year, Li Yongjin mastered the art of changing seagulls, and since then he has soared into the sky by himself;

In the 20th year, he learned the art of whale illusion, dived into the deep sea, and danced with the whale;

In the twenty-second year, he entered the mountains and turned into a fierce tiger, roaring and all beasts crawling;

In the twenty-fifth year, he transformed into a one-horned ant in the nest and escaped into the earth, and saw the wonderful underground kingdom.


Thirty-first year, spring.

The weather is fine, sunny and sunny.

Today's wind is not as noisy as yesterday.

He has thoroughly grasped the mysterious changes in Taoism.

A barren mountain with dead trees on top of a steep cliff.

He opened his arms and jumped down, taking a leap of faith.

If someone sees it, they will definitely exclaim.

This person doesn't want to live anymore, he wants to commit suicide.

And just when he fell halfway.

Golden wings grew out of his arms, and he transformed into a golden roc.

The whole process was smooth and flowing, without any jerky or hindrance.

The strength pierces the clouds, and the flowing light jumps into gold.


Pengniao opened its mouth and screamed sharply, and plunged towards the water below the cliff.

The moment it was about to hit the water surface, it stepped on the water surface and went away.

flop flop.

The moment it hit the water, its claws turned into fins.

The next moment.

A big fat carp appeared and jumped into the water.

This process is like mercury pouring down the ground, like big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate.

After entering the water, it swam a few times back and forth freely.


There was a snap.

A giant beast suddenly swam over.

Then the big carp's eyes went dark, and it was directly swallowed by the giant beast.



A dull roar appeared in the belly of the giant beast.

I saw bursts of red light coming out of the giant beast's belly, and its entire body began to swell.


The belly of the giant beast is bursting!

A Black Tortoise beast with intricate and mysterious runes tattooed on its back crawled out of the giant beast's stomach ferociously.

Black Tortoise's coercion enveloped the entire sea area.

Countless schools of fish sensed the terrifying aura and scattered in all directions.

Soon, Black Tortoise swam out of the water and climbed onto a Gobi Desert.

Its body gradually faded, and black and gold stripes gradually appeared on its body.

A ferocious tiger completed its transformation without making a sound.

The tiger ran happily, and slowly transformed into a human form as it ran.

The humanoid boy ran on all fours at first, and slowly recovered his two legs after running.

"Hahaha, cool."

"From then on, everything in the world can change, this is the real freedom and happiness!"

This person is Li Yongjin who perfectly controls the transformation technique.


And throughout this process,

Taking heaven and earth as his teacher, Li Yongjin initially understood the unique rhythm of everything in the world.

Whether it's flying in the sky, running underground, or swimming in the water.

As long as a little time is given, he can consume varying amounts of Magic power to change it.

Consuming Magic power again after transforming, he can even simulate some of the characteristics of the transformed object.

Not only has its shape, but also a Fractionated Divinity rhyme.

Since then, the seventy-two changes have been easy.

Although this kind of spell is useless.

But it is more interesting and fun, and it is also in line with the orthodox cultivation of immortals in Li Yongjin's mind.

After all, an immortal must have the basic ability to transform.

Otherwise, still cultivating a fart fairy?

And it is reasonable for a fairy to be omnipotent.


As usual, Li Yongjin returned to the village after going out for training for a while.

The isolation of the small village was perfect for a hermit like him.

Leisurely, like an idler outside the world.

There is nothing to do all day long, after all, the structure of the village is simple.

There are not too many interests, and there is no need to intrigue.

So every day here, he feels ordinary and happy.

Da da da.

The sound of horseshoes is not chaotic, but the dust is flying.

Suddenly, a war horse came from outside the village.

An officer and soldier, holding a golden imperial decree, came here on a journey of hundreds of miles.

After the officers and soldiers entered the village, they held up the imperial decree and shouted:

"Who is Ge Xianzhao? Let Ge Xianzhao take over..."

The voice was very sonorous, with a hint of hoarseness in it.

Yo, it's still a smoky voice, buddy.

Li Yongjin folded his hands to watch the show, he came to make soy sauce anyway.

The name Xianzhao is really domineering...

Ordinary people really dare not get up.

Immortal and Zhao, I am afraid that only the emperor of the world can suppress it.

Why did such a wandering dragon appear in this small village?

However, the officers and soldiers walked around the village again and again, but no one answered the order.

"Damn, isn't there anyone with the surname Ge here? It's so weird, it's impossible..."

Hearing this, Li Yongjin's heart skipped a beat.

He raised his hand weakly: "Maybe, what you're looking for is Mr. Ge?"

Really can not blame him, hindsight.

He has been with the Ge family for more than thirty years, but he has never known the old man's name.

After all, the old man is not very literate, and has hardly written a few words.

The officers and soldiers heard the words and knew the situation.

Not only displeased, but also annoyed.

"Bold and unreasonable, you have known about it for a long time but you have been hiding it, how intentional are you..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was pulled off the horse.

Wait until Li Yongjin took the imperial decree and left lightly.

In situ, the officers and soldiers stared blankly,

A few words kept chanting in his mouth: "Immortal, please forgive me..."

Old man Ge is really called Xianzhao.

Ge Xianzhao!

It is a name that is enough to make the demon's legs tremble just by mentioning it!

Many people have said that old man Ge's name is too loud for him to hold back.

But the old man often said that he didn't believe in fate.

As long as there is a whale as a companion, even God dare not accept him easily.

When Li Yongjin took the imperial decree and handed it to Xianzhao.

Old man Ge was trembling all over, very excited.

He quickly knelt down to accept the order, and the muddy tears in his eyes couldn't stop flowing.

Li Yongjin was afraid of him, so he directly turned his back.

The old man Ge had two mouths, and murmured like a convulsion: "Our old Ge's family has finally arrived. It's really smoke from the ancestral grave again. It's finally here..."

Afterwards, Old Man Ge looked at his thirty-odd granddaughter who was still in good spirits, and smiled kindly: "Grandpa, even if I die, I will rest in peace."

in the kitchen.

Wearing an apron, Ge Wushuang came out with two plates of seafood: "Grandpa, if you are here, you will be healthy."

She put the dish in front of her daughter, pretending to be fierce and said: "I will eat this today, if you are picky eaters, you will be hungry, and you can forget it if you starve to death."

Li Yongjin couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

He watched this little girl who joked that she would marry him when she grew up when she was a child, but she married someone else.

On the day of the wedding, he, the big brother, saw her off all the way.

this moment,

He secretly sighed in his heart: "Sure enough, Tongyan Wuji."

Maybe an inadvertent sentence you said when you were young will become the eternal laughing stock of your elders.

Suddenly, he became aware of the existence of time again.

Yes, it's half a year old again.

own longevity, has reached more than 800,000 years.

Unfortunately, no rewards were triggered.

So he estimated.

There will be better rewards when you live a million years, right?

"Great-grandfather, my mother won't feed me! Tell me about her."

Wushuang's daughter pouted, she looked very much like when she was a child.

Old man Ge put his hands behind his back, laughed and said: "Then you have to ask your Uncle Li for instructions, my great-grandfather, I have no right to speak."


Mohe Town.

"Uncle Li, great-grandfather went to sea again, what did he do?"

Ge Wushuang's daughter is called Ge Hong.

She held Li Yongjin's hand, just like back then.

Just a name, evolved from big brother to uncle.

Li Yongjin was a little helpless, but he had to respond.

It's a bit shameless to call it big brother again.

He felt that if he stayed any longer, he might become super senior.

At that time, maybe he will be in the same generation as the old man.

Like to mention the title of grandpa, this is simply nonsense!

So, it's time to leave, right?

He didn't think of it himself.

One day I had the idea of ​​changing places, but it turned out to be because of the name problem.

"The old man should have gone to guard the sea. Your emperor ordered him to guard the lighthouse."

"For the first time, gain insight into the movement of the Japanese pirates' invasion."


Under the inspection of Li Yongjin's powerful Divine Sense, he can know the content of the imperial decree without looking.

Only now did he know that he was originally a tower guard.

It is their real duty to defend their homeland!

"Wokou, what is a Japanese pirate... Can I eat it?"

Ge Hong bit her finger, looking cute.

"Hey, whatever you want to eat, I'll just buy it."

Li Yongjin stroked the jasper wrench of his thumb, very confident.

After all, Mrs. Bai said that this item is priceless.

He was convinced of this, and he felt that he had a lot of money.

However, it is also strange to say.

When he was in the lower realm, how could this finger-wrench still follow the soul?

Walking around the market, Ge Hong crouched in front of a hamster stall and refused to leave.

Li Yongjin didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and remembered all the stupid things he had done.

As it turns out, litters of hamsters don't live forever.

They will only kill each other, or they may not survive a plague, or they may not survive a severe winter.

The original bustle and bustle in the cage is just a little illusion!

"Shu Shu, I want this... my great-grandfather said that there might be a lack of living things in the house."

that's it.

Ge Hong hugged a cage, full of emotion.

On the way, Li Yongjin suddenly smiled and said, "By the way, Xiaohong, go back and secretly ask your mother when the fireworks will be ready."

Fireworks were taught to Ge Wushuang by him.

On that day, he suddenly hummed, "I have never seen a village where the aurora appears, nor have I seen anyone setting off fireworks late at night."

It happened to be heard by Ge Wushuang, so he kept asking what fireworks were.

Based on previous life experience, Li Yongjin gave dozens of possible ways to make it.

No, it hasn't been successful for more than ten years.

If it is done,

Li Yongjin feels that she will become the originator of gunpowder making in this field.


"Is it what my great-grandfather said, it will be a beautiful firework?"

Ge Hong tilted her head: "I will, thank you for helping me buy a little hamster."

"Then your great-grandfather, what else did you say?"

Li Yongjin was curious, and he didn't leave for long.

This little girl, why did her mouthful grandfather say that?

Zu Baonu, the stone has been hammered.

"That's too much, let me think..."

Ge Hong bit her finger, and said in a childish voice: "He said that when a person dies, he will turn into a star to protect the one he loves in the sky. This is what he suddenly told me last night... "

Hearing this, Li Yongjin's expression was extremely solemn.

After a while, he patted the girl on the shoulder: "If you have time, spend more time with your grandfather."

Perhaps, not long after.

The old man will really turn into the brightest star in the night sky, illuminating his star.

The Japanese pirates did not come.

Something happened to the whales anyway.

There are foreign guests appearing, and they form a group to hunt whales.

Fortunately, they didn't succeed. The whales in this sea are very smart.

Every time they understand the old man's message, they will gather together to prevent each other from succeeding.

But this matter still made the old man's lips turn purple with anger, but he didn't dare to pursue easily because of the imperial decree.

In the face of family, country and feelings, he seems to make wrong choices.

one day.

It was very windy and rough.

When master Ge was reporting the number, he found that several old buddies were missing.

Almost a small group.

He immediately copied the oars and was about to go into the sea.

At this moment, he can't care about any imperial edicts.

Maybe there are no Japanese pirates at all, but he really owned a group of elves!

Just when Li Yongjin came here, he immediately held down the runaway old man.

Facing the endless storm, he smiled: "Old man, they also saved my life, now it's time for me to repay the favor, leave it to me."

Master Ge was taken aback for a moment, then nodded solemnly.

Compared with his own crippled body, he is more willing to choose to believe in a fairy whose face has not changed for decades.

Although this immortal is more leisurely than ordinary people.

But this does not prevent him from being powerful and mysterious.

The next moment,

Li Yongjin turned into a seagull and began to search for the missing whales in the dark sea.

He quickly found each other,

The group used some special inducer spice to attract some young calves.

However, they were still scared to pee when they faced a huge Buddha statue suddenly rising from the sea.

This group of people kills and creates karma, but they believe in gods and Buddhas all over the sky.

that's it,

Li Yongjin completed the own task for the first time without bloodshed.

When he brought the whale back, Old Man Ge smiled contentedly.

Smiling and smiling, he suddenly closed his eyes, and the old man died completely.

Before leaving, he left a suicide note:

Instruct future generations not to do big things, but to be creative.

This was the last problem he handed over to the descendants of the Ge family.

Li Yongjin remained silent, not knowing what he should do to rewrite the ending.

"Brother Jin, I made it..."

Behind him was Ge Wushuang who ran out of the village excitedly.

Her face and hands were covered with black powder, as black as the gradually dimming night sky.


The old man has gone to heaven.

Die very creatively, being launched by a huge firework cannon.

It's called Sanchi Yu Wushuang Fireworks, and it's Ge Wushuang's most proud improved version.

On that piece of sea that he once guarded.

The bright colorful light once again illuminated the gloomy sea.

The light stayed for a long time, and it seemed that the old man was very satisfied with this way of saying goodbye.

The fireworks in the world are short and brilliant.

Major events in life are nothing more than birth, old age, sickness and death.

Others seem to be nothing to mortals.

All things in the world are always like this, and they will collide reasonably and unreasonably.

That night, Li Yongjin noticed...

There is a star, which seems to be extremely bright.

When it was bright that night, the Japanese pirates who wanted to invade while taking advantage of the chaos were known to the local officers and soldiers before they landed.

They set up an ambush on the shore and killed the shit out of him.

That night, Chinchilla found Li Yongjin.

The moment he saw Xiaobai, Li Yongjin seemed to see his next stop.

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