I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 94 Procne proposes marriage

Pandion wanted his daughter to marry the leader of a large tribe or the king of a city-state. Of course, he had the idea of ​​​​using his daughter for marriage, but he was also a daughter-slave who truly loved his daughter.

Seeing that his wife Zeuxipo could not understand him, Pandion said helplessly.

"You really don't understand! In this era, marrying your daughters to a strong husband and protecting them for a lifetime - this is true happiness."

Hearing Pandion's words, Roy couldn't help but say.

"If that husband doesn't love them, maybe marrying a strong husband will make their lives worse than death. Chief Pandion! If you marry your daughters to a strong husband who doesn't love them, and wait until they are no longer young and beautiful, that powerful Will the husband abandon them or even kill them for a younger and more beautiful wife?”

Pandion immediately widened his eyes, with a shaken expression on his face, and finally said without confidence.

"Then I will marry my daughters to a husband who is strong and truly loves them."

Then, Pandion changed the subject and said.

"We'll talk about other things later. Now let's just focus on enjoying the food!"

After saying that, he picked up a piece of barbecue and tasted it.

Seeing Philomela keep bringing food to Roy as a reward, Procne, who was originally shy, mustered up the courage to pour a bowl of wine for Roy.

"Brother Roy, thank you for doing this for me..."

Seeing that Procne was so shy that she couldn't even finish her words, Roy said with a gentle smile.

"I have long said that I treat you and Philomela as my own sisters. If Perseus dares to humiliate you today, I will make him pay a heavy price in the future."

Although the alcohol content of wine is not high, drinking too much can make you drunk.

It's late afternoon.

Roy returned to Metis Temple a little drunk, and saw Chione cooking dinner with her three maids.

Seeing Roy, Chione stood up immediately and said with tears in her eyes.

"You're finally back! Do you know how much my sisters and I have been worried about you during this time?"

Hearing Chione's cry, Roy walked towards the stone house and said with a smile.

"Are you worried that if I don't come back, you, as slaves, will be assigned to other men? You are all my women, and of course I will not abandon you, so even if it is for you, I will definitely come back. "

After saying that, Roy pushed open the door of the stone house.

Seeing the white wool blanket on the floor of the stone house, Roy was stunned for a moment, then took off his shoes and walked into the stone house, lying on the stone bed also covered with wool blankets.

Chione followed Roy into the stone house, came to the stone bed and smelled the smell of alcohol on Roy's body.

"It seems you drank a lot."

Roy said with his eyes closed.

"Yeah! So I want to get some sleep now."

Looking at Roy's sleeping face, Chione was suddenly surprised to find that there was a change in Roy that was difficult to describe in words.

The more she stared at Roy's face, the stronger her feelings for Roy became.

"What's wrong with me?"

Chione couldn't help but take a few steps back and said.

"Although I regard him as my only support now, there is no reason for me to fall in love with him so quickly!"

After saying that, Chione left the stone house as if running away.

"Brother Roy...Brother Roy..."

I don't know how much time passed, but Roy, who was sleeping, suddenly heard Procne's gentle call ringing in his ears.

Roy opened his eyes and saw Procne standing beside his bed.

She wore a close-fitting white cotton robe, and around her waist was a bronze belt given to her by Roy.

"Am I dreaming?"

Seeing a candle lit on the stone table, Roy couldn't help but smile.

"Procne is always inseparable from Philomela. It is impossible for her to come to me alone. And it is still night, and it is impossible for the reserved Procne to be alone in the same room with me."

Procne held Roy's right hand with her two small hands and said.

"Brother Roy, you are not dreaming now."

Feeling the coolness in Procne's two little hands, Roy immediately sat up, looked at Procne with wide eyes and said.

"Procne, why did you come to me alone at night? If your parents knew about this -"

"My mother has given me permission to come to you, and there are male and female servants outside to protect me."

After listening to Procne's explanation, Roy breathed a sigh of relief and said.

"Procne, why are you coming to me alone at night? What's the important thing?"

Procne blushed shyly and lowered her head.

"Can you really not see what I'm thinking?"

See your thoughts?

Roy looked at Procne carefully, and finally his eyes rested on the bronze belt.

After Roy gave the bronze belts to Procne and Philomela, they had never been seen wearing these two bronze belts.

Because in this era, a girl accepting a belt from a man is equivalent to accepting a pair of intimate clothes from a man.

Now Procne is wearing the bronze belt given by Roy, which is obviously a hint to Roy that she is willing to accept Roy's pursuit.

"Procne, do you think I'm pursuing you?"

"Don't you want to pursue me?"

Procne said with a smile.

"Today I was humiliated by Perseus. Brother Erechtheus is my biological brother. He should stand up and fight for me. Brother Roy, of course you fight for me because you like me! And! When we got along before, I was not unaware of the ambiguity between us. Isn’t it because Brother Roy deliberately had an affair with me? "

Procne really noticed it.

Rather, it was abnormal for Procne to not notice Roy's deliberate approach.

Probably only the naive and simple Philomela would not notice it.

Seeing that Roy did not deny it, Procne continued.

"Brother Roy, seeing you fighting for me today, I finally confirmed that I also like brother Roy. I will ask my mother for help and let my mother convince my father to leave me in the Athens tribe. Are you willing to propose to your father?"

Facing Procne's confession, Roy had a troubled expression on his face.

Although Roy did deliberately approach Procne and Philomela to cultivate their affection for him, it was not because he liked them, but to use them to protect himself.

In fact, Roy knew very clearly that his existence itself was a challenge and threat to the chief family.

So in order to protect himself, Roy even thought about pushing down Procne and Philomela and letting them conceive their children.

When Pandion dealt with Roy, Roy could say with a relaxed look——

Father-in-law, you don’t want your daughter to become a widow and your grandson to be born without a father!

Unfortunately, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Roy now has the strength of the hero [Hundred Enemies] and no longer needs to use Procne and Philomela to protect himself.

More importantly, Roy is already engaged to Harmonia.

If Roy accepts Procne, will Procne endure the humiliation of becoming a concubine's wife, or will his first fiancée, Harmonia, endure the humiliation of becoming a concubine's wife?

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