I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 93 The battle ended in a tie

Because Roy had the upper hand, Perseus was initially at a disadvantage in the battle.

But Perseus soon noticed Roy's lack of combat experience, and he joked while easily parrying Roy's attack.

"I'm so surprised! I didn't expect that you are not only a priest, but also have the strength of a hero [Hundred Enemies]. Pandion actually allows people like you to exist. Does he really regard you as his son and is willing to let you and E Rectheus competes for the position of heir?"

Roy immediately sarcastically said.

"Perseus! You are obviously the son of Polydectes, the king of Seriphos, and the prince of Seriphos, but you claim to be the prince of Mycenae. Do you really think that Mycenae is so naive? King Acrisios will let you inherit the throne? You are only a grandson after all. Acrisios will definitely let his grandson become the heir to the throne."

"You guy-"

Roy's words clearly angered Perseus.

Perseus immediately struck back at Roy, his spear biting Roy's neck like a poisonous snake.

Roy seemed to have anticipated Perseus' attack, and turned slightly to avoid Perseus' attack.

Perseus launched several more rapid attacks, but Roy easily dodged them all.

Unexpectedly, his attack would not be able to hurt Roy at all——

Perseus originally thought that Roy's combat experience was seriously lacking and that he could defeat Roy as long as he counterattacked Roy, but the reality slapped him in the face.

At this time, Pandion, Zeuxipus, Erechtheus, Procne, Philomela and two minor leaders were watching the battle. After seeing Perseus' counterattack, Loy did not fall. Being at a disadvantage, everyone was shocked that Roy's strength was not inferior to that of Perseus.

"Roy was only away for a few days, how could his strength suddenly rise to the point where he could rival a young and powerful hero like Perseus?"

Pandion looked at Roy with complicated eyes, and there was a faint worry in his eyes.

Erechtheus murmured in disbelief.

"Impossible! This is impossible! I lost to Perseus, but Roy was able to equalize with Perseus. Am I not even as strong as Roy?"

Philomela said, waving her little fists.

"Brother Roy, come on! We must defeat that hateful Perseus."

The reserved Procne prayed in a low voice.

"Great goddess Metis, please lend your divine power to brother Roy."

Zeuxipo observed the reactions of his two daughters, with a meaningful smile on his face.

Bang bang bang bang bang——

Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang——

As time went on, the battle between Roy and Perseus became more and more intense.

Although Perseus had already used all his strength, Roy had the blessing of Mnemosyne [predicting the future] and could predict Perseus' attack in advance.

No amount of attacks from Perseus could hurt Roy.

Although Perseus' attack could not hurt Roy, Roy's attack could not hurt Perseus, who was experienced in combat.

The battle between the two has now become a war of attrition.

Half an hour later!

Seeing that Roy and Perseus still couldn't decide the winner, Pandion suddenly said loudly.

"You two stop!"

Roy and Perseus stopped and looked at Pandion, who said to them.

"Since you can't decide the winner until now, it should be regarded as a deadlock. Roy! Perseus! This is just a duel to win or lose, not a life and death fight. I don't want any of you to There were casualties on one side.”

After hearing Pandion's verdict, Perseus sneered and said to Roy.

"You are so lucky! If this duel goes to the end, the winner will definitely be me."

Roy said without showing any signs of weakness.

"You are obviously the lucky one, there is no reason why I should lose to you."

Perseus smiled contemptuously, then looked at Pandion and said.

"Great Pandion! Since I failed to defeat Roy, I respect the decision you made. Now I will leave the Athenian tribe. When I come to the Athenian tribe next time, I hope you will not regret today's decision."

With that, Perseus turned and left, and his two attendants led the white horses to follow their master.

After Perseus left with his two followers, Roy and others also returned to the stone house hall.

As soon as everyone sat down at the stone table, the maids brought barbecue, white bread, fruits, vegetables, and wine to the stone table.

Looking at the sumptuous food on the stone table, Pandion forced a smile and said.

"This banquet was originally to celebrate the arrival of Perseus, but now it is changed to celebrate Roy getting rid of Perseus, a bad guest."

After Pandion finished speaking, Philomela immediately picked up a piece of roast meat and put it into the earthenware bowl in front of Roy.

"Brother Roy, you taught the hateful Perseus a lesson for your sister. This is your reward."

After saying that, Philomela took off her veil.

Now that there was no stranger like Perseus, Philomela and Procne no longer had to hide their faces with veils.

After Procne took off her veil, she looked at Roy and immediately blushed and lowered her head.

Erechtheus looked at Roy with unconvincing eyes, obviously still unable to accept that Roy was stronger than him.

Roy didn't pay attention to Erechtheus, looked at Pandion with a serious expression and said.

"Captain Pandion! Perseus is not a fool. He certainly would not be so naive as to think that he could make us Athenians surrender to the Mycenaeans with a few words. So Perseus's visit to the Athenian tribe today was just a test. It was a pleasant surprise for him that we Athenians were cowardly enough to surrender to him directly. It was also expected for him that we Athenians would not surrender. I think the Mycenaeans must have been prepared to attack the Athenian tribe, so we must also be prepared to go to war with the Mycenaeans."

Pandion nodded and said.

"You are right. We should indeed be prepared for war."

Errichtheus sneered at this time.

"Roy, you are really smart. Perseus has already said that the Mycenaeans will go to war with the city of Corinth next, so how could they come to attack our Athenian tribe."

I didn't expect Errichtheus to be so naive——

Roy said with a smile.

"Prince Erechtheus, Perseus is our enemy, how can we believe his words? The strength of Corinth is stronger than our Athenian tribe. When choosing between a strong enemy and a weak enemy, it is a wise choice for the Mycenaeans to launch a war against the weak Athenian tribe. Because by conquering our Athenian tribe, the Mycenaeans will have more strength to attack Corinth."

After Erechtheus was speechless by Roy, Zeuxippe suddenly said to Pandion.

"Dear Pandion, do you regret your idea now? You just want your daughter to marry a husband of noble status and strength, but Procne was humiliated by Perseus. I think daughters should marry people who truly love them so that they can have a truly happy marriage. Do you think your daughters are just tools for marriage?"

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