I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 95 The Suspicion of the Goddess Metis

Is this really Procne?

Looking at Procne's expectant eyes, Roy couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.

In Roy's impression, Procne's education gave her a shy and reserved character, so Procne would not be so bold as to stay in the same room with Roy alone at night, let alone ask Roy to come to him. She proposed.

I'm afraid that Aphrodite's blessing [charm enhancement] had an impact on Procne, which made her do something completely different from normal.

"Procne, I think you need to calm down now."

"Brother Roy, do you think I'm just impulsive?"

Procne said with a gentle and sweet smile.

"Actually, I have always had a crush on you. It was just because I didn't dare to resist my father's marriage arrangement for me that I turned a blind eye to your intentions. But you gave me the courage today. I am willing to break through all resistance and be with Brother Roy. Together."

After saying that, Procne took the initiative and threw herself into Roy's arms, hugging Roy's waist with both hands.


Feeling Procne's accelerated heartbeat due to strong shyness through her thin clothes, Roy said with a solemn expression.

"In the past, you and Philomela were with me at the same time, and I treated you two sisters with the same attitude. If you think that my attitude is that I am pursuing you, it means that I am also pursuing Philomela. Are you willing to become a love rival with your sister?"

After hearing Roy's words, Procne instantly stiffened.

"Brother Roy, are you kidding me? My sister... Philomela is still a child!"

"Fifteen is not young anymore! Among the common people, let alone girls who get married at fifteen, there are even girls who get married at thirteen. If you think fifteen-year-old Philomela is... Child, I also think that you are a child at the age of sixteen."

"Brother Roy said this to me to make me give up being with you?"

"I just want you to be aware that you will not be the only girl around me. If Philomela has the same idea as you, are you willing to serve the same husband as other girls?"

Procne was silent for a moment, then buried her face in Roy's arms and said.

"For other girls, I can accept them becoming concubines with a lower status than me. After all, it is normal for men to have many women. If Philomela likes brother Roy as much as I do, I am willing to let Philomela do it First wife, I will be Brother Roy’s concubine.”

"Even if you are my side chamber, do you still want to be with me?"


Procne immediately shook his head and said.

"I am willing to let Philomela be your head wife! If Philomela does not have the same idea as me, of course I will not agree to let another woman be your head wife."

The effect of Aphrodite's blessing [Charm Boost] is so powerful.

She was actually able to make Procne willing the sisters to serve one husband together, even if they were to be concubines, they would still be with her.

If he had not made an engagement with Harmonia, Roy would have accepted Procne's love without hesitation.

Now Roy could only change the topic and said.

"Procne! Perseus is the grandson of Acrisios, the king of Mycenae. If he wants to defeat his competitors and become the heir to the throne, he can only launch wars to build merit and prestige. So Perseus soon He will launch a war against our Athenian tribe and use the Athenian tribe as a stepping stone for him to ascend to the throne of Mycenae. I just want to concentrate on the upcoming war. After the war is over, I can respond to your wishes after careful consideration. "

"Dealing with the war is indeed a more important thing. I am willing to wait for brother Roy."

After hearing Procne's answer, Roy breathed a sigh of relief and said.

"It's very late now. If you don't go back, Mrs. Zuksipo will definitely think that I ate you, and then she will take me to marry you."

"Eat me?"

Procne raised her head and said doubtfully.

"Brother Roy can eat people? Or can men eat women?"

"It seems that Mrs. Zuksipo hasn't taught you about things between husband and wife."

Looking at Procne's innocent little face, Roy couldn't help but whisper a few words into her ear.


Procne screamed in shame and hurriedly ran away from Roy's arms.

"Brother Roy, you have to wait until you get married to me to have a child. If I have a child before I get married, my father will definitely beat me to death as a shame to the family."

"Silly girl! Chief Pandion values ​​his daughter more than his family's reputation, so he won't beat you to death, but will quickly get us married. As long as we have children, even if my father-in-law doesn't like me, he will Hold your nose and recognize me as your son-in-law."

Looking at Roy's confident smile, Procne mustered up the courage to say.

"If...if my mother can't convince my father, I'm willing to dedicate my body and soul to Brother Roy to get my father to agree to our marriage."

After saying that, Procne's cheeks turned red with embarrassment, and she turned and ran away from Roy.


Looking at Procne's leaving figure, Roy put away his smile and whispered with a complicated expression.

"Aphrodite's blessing [charm improvement] is indeed a curse! Without Aphrodite's blessing, I would not have faced the problem of choosing between Harmonia and Procne. . Philomela also has a crush on me. If she also falls in love with me because of Aphrodite’s blessing——”

Thinking of the scene where Harmonia, Procne, and Philomela were fighting for one man, Roy walked out of the stone house with a headache and came to the statue of Metis in the center of the temple square.

Under the bright moonlight.

Roy looked up at the statue of Metis and whispered.

"Goddess Metis..."

Roy just read out the name of Metis, and did not call the goddess to come.

But the next moment-

The statue of Metis burst into a dazzling blue divine light, and then the statue of Metis turned into the goddess Metis herself.

Seeing Metis lower her head and look down at him with cold eyes, Roy said with some doubts.

"Great goddess Metis, did I do something to make you angry?"

"You have the blessing of other gods!"

Metis said in an interrogative tone.

"Did you betray me and join other gods?"

It turned out that Metis took the initiative to come to him because she realized that he had the blessing of other gods and suspected that he had betrayed her.

Roy immediately shook his head and said.

"I didn't betray you! I have the blessing of other gods because I helped the earth goddess Mnemosyne in the Thebes region and offended the foreign god Aphrodite--"

Roy explained why he received the blessing of Aphrodite [charm enhancement] and the blessing of Mnemosyne [foresee the future], and Metis smiled faintly and said.

"After you return to the Athens tribe, you should come and explain this to me immediately so that I can clear up the misunderstanding."

After speaking, the blue divine light bloomed again on Metis' body.

Seeing that Metis was about to leave, Roy couldn't help but say.

"Goddess Metis, please wait a moment."

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