I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 9 I have my temple and altar

Roy certainly knew that in human history, the older the era, the more conservative the relationship between men and women.

At this time, Roy finally realized that using something that Procne and Philomela had used was a rude and offensive act.

If Roy was an ordinary person and did something like this to offend the leader's noble daughter, Procne could have ordered his servants to beat Roy to death.

Thinking of such serious consequences, Roy couldn't help but blame himself.

Although this is my second day in this world, I should abandon the concepts of the modern world early.

Procne looked at Roy with a complicated expression, then suddenly lowered his head and said.

"Don't tell this."

After saying that, he took his sister Philomela back to the stone house.

Looking at the backs of Procne and Philomela, Roy couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"What a pair of innocent and kind sisters! If they pursue my offensive behavior, it will definitely be a big trouble for me."

In order to avoid embarrassment, Roy did not return to the stone house, but observed Pandion's male and female servants in the courtyard.

These male and female servants do not appear to be slaves.

Although they serve the Pandion family, it is more like serving the Pandion family as a job.

After preparing a rich and delicious breakfast for the Pandion family, these male and female servants began to prepare a light breakfast for themselves.

When the Pandion family began to enjoy breakfast, a young and beautiful maid found Roy and took Roy to the stone house hall.

After sitting down at the dining table, Roy couldn't help but glance at Procne, who also looked at Roy. After their eyes collided, Procne immediately turned his head shyly.

After finishing the breakfast carefully prepared by the maids, Roy finally asked Pandion.

"Chief Pandion! Do you decide to enshrine the goddess Metis as the patron saint of the Athenian tribe and make me the priest of the Athenian tribe?"

Pandion drank a bowl of oatmeal, then looked at Roy and said.

"Priest Roy! After discussing with my wife, I decided to agree to you becoming the priest of our Athenian tribe. To the east of the Acropolis, there is a temple and altar dedicated to the goddess of rain. From now on, this temple and altar will belong to Metis goddess."

Temple -

Thinking of having his own house on the Acropolis and not having to stay in Pandion's house as a guest, Roy immediately looked forward to the temple.

Seeing Roy's reaction, Pandion stood up and said.

"I will take you to the temple and altar now!"

Roy stood up immediately and said.


Philomela said excitedly as she watched Roy and Pandion leave.

"Mother, can we go to the temple with father?"


Pandion's wife said with a straight face.

"Unmarried girls should not run around casually. You should practice weaving with Procne at home and develop a pair of skillful hands that can make clothes for your husband and son. Only in this way can you marry a good husband."

Philomela said with an unhappy face.

"Weaving, weaving - I was not born to weave! After I go out, I will completely cover my face with a veil, so my mother can't let me go out?"

Pandion's wife ignored her youngest daughter's coquettishness and looked at her eldest daughter Procne and asked.

"Procne, are you worried about something?"

Procne was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said.

"What can my daughter be worried about?"

"You have reached the age of marriage now, haven't you considered your husband? For the benefit of the Athenian tribe, we should marry you to the leader or the son of a leader of a large tribe, but mother values ​​your happiness more, so I want to marry you to a young noble from the Athenian tribe. Are there any young nobles from our Athenian tribe or sons of nobles that you like?"

Procne shook her head again and said.

"Mother, I don't want to get married yet! Could it be that mother is tired of me and wants to send me away on purpose?"

As the leader of the Athenian tribe, Pandion would be accompanied by a dozen young warriors even if he was just traveling around the Acropolis.

Roy and Pandion walked together, not only enjoying the sense of security brought by Pandion's soldiers, but also seeing the awe of the Athenians towards Pandion.

Wherever the leader Pandion goes, everyone will get out of the way in advance to avoid hindering Pandion.

When Roy, Pandion and others arrived at the temple that originally belonged to the Rain Goddess, they saw that it was a building composed of a stone house and three wooden houses. Outside the temple was a square where hundreds of people could stand. There was a stone altar in the center of the square. .

On the Acropolis, which extends from west to east, Pandion's stone house is located northeast of the Acropolis, and this temple is located southeast of the Acropolis. The two buildings are about fifty meters apart.

"Priest Roy, this is the temple of the Rain Goddess. Because we don't have the craftsmen and tools to carve the statues, there is no statue of the Rain Goddess in this temple. When we offer sacrifices to the Rain Goddess, we always point directly to the sky on the altar. Sacrifice. Now I give this temple and altar to you and the goddess Metis. We can’t solve the matter of the statue for the time being, but we can prepare a rich sacrificial ceremony for the goddess Metis.”

"Chief Pandion! Sacrifice to the gods is just a ritual, because the gods do not need to enjoy human food, so the goddess Metis will not ask for rich sacrifices from us. The benevolent goddess Metis will not ask for it either. The Athenians are now building statues in her honour.”

Pandion nodded with satisfaction and said.

"Then when will we prepare the ceremony to welcome the goddess Metis into the Athenian tribe?"

"Of course, the sooner the better! And there is no need for a grand ceremony. The key to letting the goddess Metis take over the Athenian tribe is for the leader of Pandion to honor the goddess Metis as the leader on behalf of the Athenian tribe and let the goddess Metis become The owner of this territory.”

As soon as Roy finished speaking, he saw a group of Athenians coming over.

This group of people gathered around a ten-year-old boy who had fallen into a coma with fever yesterday. The boy's hands were holding his mother and eldest brother.

The family of three came to Roy and Pandion. The boy's mother kneeled in front of Roy with her two children and said.

"Thank you for saving my child. Now his fever has recovered. Without you, I might have lost my youngest child by now."

The hundreds of Athenians who were watching were watching Roy whispering, obviously amazed that Roy saved the boy who was suffering from fever.

Seeing that the boy who was unconscious yesterday was now able to walk healthily, Pandion couldn't help but say.

"Priest Roy! It seems that you used your wisdom to save a child's life."

Then Pandion shouted to the Athenians who were watching.

"Dear Athenians! Let me introduce to you that this foreigner who can cure fevers is a priest of Loi who serves Metis, the goddess of wisdom. Because the priest of Loi possesses the magical wisdom given by the goddess, it proves that Metis, the goddess of wisdom, The greatness of the world, so I decided to enshrine Metis, the goddess of wisdom, as the patron saint of our Athenian tribe, and make Priest Loi the priest of our Athenian tribe.”

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