I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 10 Humans cannot see gods

Pandion formally introduced Loy to the Athenian tribe, and Loy followed.

"Dear Athenians! I am a priest who serves Metis, the great goddess of wisdom. The great goddess Metis is the daughter of Pontos [the sea] and is the ocean goddess who can protect us Athenians from sailing safely on the sea. Metis As the goddess of wisdom, the wisdom she bestows on me can help Athenians live a better life than they do now.”

After hearing Roy's words, the surrounding Athenians did not react much.

After all, to these Athenians, Metis, the goddess of wisdom, was a strange god and had no authority that convinced them at all.

Seeing that the ten-year-old child, his mother and elder brother were still kneeling in front of him, Roy came over to help the family of three and said.

"Madam! You and your children don't need to thank me, because my wisdom comes from the goddess Metis, so what you should really thank is the goddess Metis."

Then, Roy turned to Pandion and said.

"Chief Pandion! Since my method of treating fever has been proven effective, I hope you can promote this method among the Athenian tribe and let all Athenians know that this is a gift from the goddess Metis."

Pandion nodded and said.

"I will arrange manpower to promote it, so that all the five thousand Athenians in the Acropolis and the vassal tribes will know the method of treating fever, and I will also make them all grateful for the gift of the goddess Metis."

Although in modern society, fever is just a minor illness, and it can be cured by the body even without taking medicine.

But in the era 3,600 years ago, fever was one of the common diseases that could kill adults and children.

Roy's contribution to the treatment of fever was enough to make all Athenians grateful to the goddess Metis.

After persuading the child's mother to leave with her two children, Roy suggested to Pandion.

"Chief Pandion! I want to make the goddess Metis the patron saint of the Athens tribe as soon as possible. Why don't we go to the seaside to greet the goddess Metis now?"

"no problem!"

Although Pandion has not yet come into contact with the goddess Metis in person, out of respect for Metis, he does not dare to keep a god waiting for too long.

So Roy and Pandion left the Acropolis with a group of soldiers and walked towards the nearest coast to the west.

After Roy and others arrived at the nearest coast, Roy walked into the sea alone, looked at the sea in front of him and called Metis's name.

"Great goddess Metis, please respond to your priests coming to us."


As soon as Roy finished speaking, Metis appeared on the sea in a figure about ten meters tall, swimming with his snake body and slowly came to Roy.

Arriving in front of Roy, Metis looked at Pandion with his beautiful blue eyes, and then asked Roy.

"Human! Did you successfully convince the leaders of the Athenian tribes to accept me?"

"Yes! Chief Pandion has decided to honor the goddess Metis and make you the master of the Athenian tribe and this territory."

"Then let him kneel before me and swear his surrender."

After hearing Metis' order, Roy turned to Pandion and said.

"Chief Pandion! Kneel down to the goddess Metis quickly and swear that the Athenian tribe surrenders to the goddess Metis."

Pandion looked around with a blank look on his face and said.

"Priest Roy, where is the goddess Metis?"


After hearing Pandion's words, Roy realized that neither Pandion nor his soldiers could see Metis.

At this time, Roy was the only one here who could see Metis' divine form.

Before I became the priest of Metis, I could see the form of the goddess. Why did Pandion and others-

Looking at the reactions of Pandion and others, Roy suddenly understood that it was not an accident that Metis made him her priest.

Perhaps it was because he could see her form that she saved herself and made herself her priest.

After coming back to his senses, Roy pointed at Metis and said.

"Chief Pandion! The goddess Metis is in this direction. Please kneel down to the goddess Metis and swear loyalty to the goddess on behalf of the Athenian tribe."

Although Pandion couldn't see Metis' form, he seemed to be able to feel Metis's power.

Pandion took a deep breath, then knelt down to where Metis was and said.

"The great goddess Metis! I am Pandion, the leader of the Athenian tribe. Now I ask the great goddess to become the patron saint of the Athenian tribe. From now on, the territory of the Athenian tribe will be the goddess's territory. I and my descendants will respect the goddess Metis. "Anyone who challenges the authority of the goddess is equivalent to challenging my family."

After Pandion's oath was completed, Metis's face immediately showed a bright and sweet smile.

Then, under Roy's surprised gaze, Metis left the sea and moved towards the beach.

Just when Metis' body was about to touch the beach, her snake body instantly transformed into a pair of beautiful long legs, with delicate and lovely ankles wearing beautiful silver strappy sandals.

After stepping on the beach with his feet, Metis couldn't restrain his joy and said.

"I finally took this step and left the sea and came to the land."

Then, Metis leaned over and stretched out her right index finger, pressing her finger between Pandion's eyebrows.

Roy immediately felt that the blessing given by Metis to the goddess Pandion poured a divine power into Pandion.

After receiving Metis' blessing and divine power, Pandion finally saw Metis standing in front of him and said with tears of surprise.

"Goddess - it's really a goddess! The Athenian tribe finally welcomed a true god as its patron saint."

Looking at Pandion's joyful and excited reaction, Metis said with a satisfied smile.

"Pandion! I have observed you for a long time. You are a very good leader. As long as your family defends my authority, not only you, but also your children, your descendants and grandchildren will receive my blessing."

Watching the interaction between Metis and Pandion, Roy suddenly realized that even if he did not appear, Pandion would definitely meet Metis and let Metis become the patron saint of the Athenian tribe.

On the contrary, it was his appearance that snatched Pandion's opportunity to become the priest of Metis.

Roy, who felt neglected by Metis, could not help but say at this time.

"Great goddess Metis! Now please come with us to the Acropolis of Athens and enter the Temple of Metis that we dedicated to you. Because the Athenian tribe does not have craftsmen and tools to carve statues, your Temple of Metis does not have statues for the time being."

"It doesn't matter!"

Metis, who was in a good mood, smiled and said.

"The temple and the statue are just symbolic. The most important thing is that the leader of the Athenian tribe has worshipped me as the patron saint. Now I will go to the Acropolis with you, and I will take care of the statue issue."

After saying that, Metis walked towards the Acropolis.

Roy and Pandion immediately trotted to catch up with Metis who was walking forward.

Looking up at Metis's back, Pandion said to Roy with a complicated expression.

"Priest Roy! It was not until I saw the goddess Metis with my own eyes that I truly believed in the existence of the goddess. You are a priest serving the great goddess, and I will give you the status you deserve in the Athenian tribe."

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