I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 8 Pandion and his wife choose to give in

After nightfall.

Looking down at the ground from a high altitude, you can see that the earth has plunged into darkness, with only a few places shining with the light of bonfires.

Pandion's Stone Hall.

The industrious maids added firewood to the copper stove and let the light of the fire illuminate the hall.

Pandion and his wife sat together to discuss matters, while their son Erechtheus and their two daughters Procne and Philomela could only sit and listen.

"My dear! Even if that stranger, Priest Loi, serves a real god, we do not need to give in to him and let him threaten our authority to rule the Athenian tribes."

As a couple who had lived together for more than ten years, Pandion's wife had already seen that her husband wanted to worship Metis as the patron saint, and even considered accepting Loy as a priest of the Athenian tribe.

After hearing his wife's words, Pandion said with a complicated smile.

"My dear wife! Now our Athenian tribe is the strongest tribe on the Attica Peninsula. You and your children must feel that we can be content with the status quo because other tribes cannot pose a threat to us. But you only consider the situation in front of you. , without considering the future situation. The Mycenaeans who migrated from Crete continued to expand in the Peloponnese with the bronze weapons they brought with them, and now they have conquered the Argos region. They may conquer the Corinth area, or they may invade the Attica Peninsula directly from the Isthmus of Corinth and become the enemy of our Athenian tribe. To be honest, even if we have an easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack Acropolis, I have not defeated the Mycenaeans. confidence."

At the end of the sentence, Pandion showed a fearful expression on his face.

Pandion's wife frowned and said.

"Do you want to accept new gods in order to deal with the threat from the Mycenaeans?"

Pandion nodded and said.

"And Priest Roy is just a lonely stranger. I don't think he can really pose a threat to our ruling authority. If he really has thoughts that he shouldn't have - we can also kill him and let you or It is our children who become the new priests.”

Pandion's wife nodded and said.

"Then we will make concessions first, let the goddess Metis become the patron saint of the Athenian tribe, and let the priest Roy become the priest of the Athenian tribe. If the priest Roy wants to compete for the power of the leader, we will kill him. At that time The goddess Metis is already the patron saint of the Athenian tribe, I believe she will not abandon us for a dead priest.”

As soon as Pandion's wife finished speaking, the two maids crawled into the hall on their knees.

Seeing the two maids, Pandion's wife said with an unhappy expression.

"Aren't you supposed to be serving distinguished guests now? Is Priest Roy dissatisfied with you and wants to switch to other maids?"

The two maids hurriedly shook their heads and said.

"The distinguished guest is not dissatisfied with us."

"The distinguished guest said that he is a priest who serves the goddess of virginity, so he cannot behave wildly."

After learning the reason why the two maids failed to complete the task, Pandion couldn't help laughing.

"He's such an interesting young man."

Of course Pandion could see that that was Roy's excuse for refusing the service of the two maids.

In this era, when young and energetic young people face young and beautiful women, few would make the same choice as Roy.

Click - click - click -

The crisp sound of splitting wood reached his ears, and Roy suddenly opened his eyes and woke up from his sleep.

Sitting up and seeing himself lying on a stone bed, with two woolen blankets made of sheepskin under him, and a layer of weeds under the woolen blanket, Roy said suddenly.

"I almost forgot... I have arrived in Athens 3,600 years ago, and there are still gods in this world."

When he went to bed last night, Roy not only didn't take off his clothes, but also didn't take off the socks on his feet because he was in a strange environment.

At this time, Roy got up and walked to the door of the guest room, and saw a group of young male servants chopping wood and lighting a fire in Pandion's courtyard. Young and beautiful maids were also busy making barbecue, bread, oatmeal and other foods.

After scanning the courtyard, Roy walked up to a young maid and asked.

"Hello! I want to wash my face and brush my teeth. Where can I get water? What tools do you use to brush my teeth?"

The maid who was spoken to by Roy looked at Roy as if she was seeing a monster, then lowered her head and saluted Roy, and then left in front of Roy as if she was running away.

Roy scratched his head inexplicably and didn't know where he said the wrong thing.


Just then, a burst of cute laughter came.

Roy turned around and saw the two noble daughters of the leader of Pandion, Procne and Philomela, who were as lovely and beautiful as elves, watching him whispering and laughing.

Roy took a deep breath, walked up to Procne and Philomela and said.

"Princess Procne! Princess Philomela! Good morning to both of you! Now I want to wash my face and brush my teeth. You Athenians should also have the habit of cleaning your face and teeth!"

Procne and Philomela looked at each other, Philomela bumped Procne with her shoulder, and Procne, as her sister, shyly said to Roy.

"Priest Roy! There is no well in our Acropolis, so the servants wash their faces with water. The male servants can only share a basin of water, and the maids share a basin of water. The servants can only use branches, salt or sand to clean their teeth. "

After listening to Procne's words, Roy noticed that there were two basins of very dirty water in the corner of the courtyard.

Thinking that it was the water used by a dozen male servants or a dozen female servants, Roy shook his head and would rather not wash his face than wash his face with such dirty water.

At this time, four maids came to Procne and Philomela. The first maid held a basin of clean water, the second maid held two clean cotton cloths, the third maid held a pottery jar with something like bone powder in it, and the fourth maid held a bronze jar of water.

Procne and Philomela washed their faces with clean water one after another, then used cotton cloths to apply bone powder to clean their teeth, and finally rinsed their mouths with water from the bronze jar.

After the whole set was finished, Procne ordered the four maids.

"Throw away the things we used!"

The four maids were about to leave, and Roy said hurriedly.

"Wait a minute! I haven't washed my face or brushed my teeth yet."

After saying that, Roy went over and first used the water used by Procne and Philomela to wash their faces, then used the cotton cloth used by Procne to apply bone powder to clean their teeth, and finally rinsed their mouths with the water in the bronze jar.

After the whole process, Roy said with a bitter face.

"You really use bone powder to clean your teeth! It's okay to wash your face with clean water, but you can't do it without toothpaste. Princess Procne! Princess Philomela! To thank you for helping me wash, I will invent toothpaste for you."

After saying that, Roy saw Procne and Philomela staring at him with wide eyes, as if he had done something very rude to them.

But these are all things they have to throw away after using them!

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