I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 79: Securing Tents for the Phoenicians

"Priest Roy... Priest Roy..."

Roy woke up from his sleep immediately after hearing the call.

Opening his eyes and seeing Taurus' honest face, Roy sat up and said while touching his cold arm.

"The Thebes region is located in the north of Athens. The nights here are even colder than Athens. If you keep sleeping outdoors at night, you will definitely get sick."

Hearing Roy's words, Taurus froze and said with emotion.

"Priest Roy, compared to being imprisoned in a sheepfold as a captive by the Thebans, where we can't even sleep on the ground, it's good for us to sleep in the woods with a bonfire."


Roy stood up and said to Taurus while turning his head to look around at the Phoenicians around him.

"I'm sleeping outdoors with you, not for show, but to experience the problems you encounter. Now I know that sleeping outdoors at night will make you sick, and I'm going to solve this problem next."

It was dawn when the sun just rose.

Some of the Phoenicians who woke up earlier than Roy were collecting firewood in the woods, some were cooking oatmeal porridge next to the bronze tripod, and some thirsty people were lying next to the ancient spring of Dirk and drinking spring water.

Seeing that no one among the Phoenicians showed symptoms of illness, Roy looked at Taurus and said.

"Taurus, after we finish breakfast, I will teach you how to make cement and build a cement wall under the oval highland where the Theban tribe is located. After the cement wall is built, I can negotiate with the Harmonian priest and ask her to provide us with tents. You are all my important companions. Only when you can sleep in the tent can I sleep well."

"Priest Roy...you are really a strange person."

Taurus looked at Roy with complicated eyes and said.

"In addition to Prince Cadmus and his father, I have met other rulers. Among the rulers I have met, no one cares about us civilians like you do."

Roy patted Taurus on the shoulder and said.

"I care about you so much because I am not a prince of noble birth, but an ordinary civilian like you.

After breakfast, Roy ordered the Phoenicians to get busy. Some Phoenicians made cement, some Phoenicians dug the foundation of the cement wall, and the rest used branches to build the framework of the tent.

While the Phoenicians were busy, the Thebans were also cutting down trees and building new wooden houses on the oval high ground.

The Theban tribe was going to annex five small tribes of a thousand people, and the newly built wooden houses were prepared for the five small tribes that were about to migrate.

In a blink of an eye, it was evening.

Roy ordered the Phoenicians to build a five-meter-high, half-meter-wide, and ten-meter-long wall under the oval high ground. Cement wall.

When Roy and the Phoenicians who built the cement wall were sitting by the cement wall to rest, Harmonia came over with a team of about a thousand people.

Seeing that there were men, women, old people and children in the team behind Harmonia, Roy immediately understood that this was a small tribe annexed by the Theban tribe.

Unexpectedly, Harmonia, as the highest priestess of the goddess Mnemosyne and the leader of the Theban tribe, would personally lead the people of this small tribe to migrate here.

Seeing the cement wall built by Roy and others, Harmonia stopped with her eyes wide open in surprise.

Coming back to her senses, Harmonia walked towards the cement wall and said.

"Priest Roy, is this the cement wall you mentioned?"

Roy stood up and walked to Harmonia.

Seeing Harmonia trying to reach out and press the cement wall, Roy immediately said.

"Priest Harmonia, the cement wall is not dry yet. Wait for another three days, and you can try the hardness of the cement wall. "

Harmonia said with some disappointment that he could not verify the hardness of the cement wall immediately.

"Then I will wait for another three days! Priest Roy, I successfully moved a small tribe here today, so I want to reward myself with a sumptuous dinner. Do you want to enjoy dinner with me?"

Faced with Harmonia's invitation, Roy really couldn't refuse.

"Priest Harmonia! Now I regard you as an important friend. Since it is an invitation from a friend, I certainly can't refuse. But I want to make a request first, and I hope you can agree to it. After I camped with my companions last night, I felt that the nights in the Thebes area were too cold. My companions would easily get sick if they camped at night, so I hope you can provide us with some tents. "

Harmonia looked at the Phoenicians next to the cement wall, then looked at the cement wall and said.

"Although I haven't verified the hardness of the cement wall yet, I believe Priest Roy will not lie to me. Seeing that you built a cement wall for our Thebes tribe, I can give you fifty tents. "

Fifty tents were divided among two hundred and fifty Phoenicians, and five Phoenicians slept in one tent.

Although it would be a bit crowded, it was better than sleeping outdoors on a cold night.

Thebes tribe.

Harmonia's stone palace.

As night fell, the candlelight illuminated the hall.

Roy and Harmonia sat at the stone table enjoying a sumptuous dinner. Seeing that Harmonia's eyes were always on him, Roy couldn't help but say.

"Priest Harmonia, do you have anything to say?"

Harmonia smiled and shook her head.

"I have been thinking about something very important. "

After drinking and eating, Roy could only say shamelessly when he saw that Harmonia had no intention of retaining him.

"Priest Harmonia, can I sleep in your guest room tonight?"


Harmonia said with a surprised expression.

"Priest Roy, don't you want to share the joys and sorrows with those Phoenicians? Then you should go back at night and huddle in the tent with those Phoenicians."

Roy said with a blushing face.

"I had to sleep with them last night because sleeping outdoors at night was really hard. I have secured a tent for them tonight, so there is no need for me to go back and share a tent with six of them."


Seeing Roy's embarrassed look, Harmonia smiled sweetly.

"Priest Roy, you are such an interesting person. But as you said, if you go back and squeeze the tent with them now, it will make them squeeze the tent from five people to six people. Then you will be in my guest room. Go to sleep! You are a young man after all. Do you need me to arrange a young and beautiful maid to serve you? "

Roy was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

How could Roy be interested in Harmonia, who was as beautiful as a goddess and hid something very sinister in front of her?

the next day.

Roy continued to direct the Phoenicians to build cement walls, and Harmonia continued to personally move other small tribes to the oval highlands where the Thebes tribe was located.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

All five small tribes migrated over, increasing the population of the Theban tribe to tens of thousands. The first cement wall built by Roy under the command of the Phoenicians has also dried.

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