I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 78: Annexing five small tribes with a population of 1,000

Harmonia was both the chief of the great tribe that ruled over the tribes of Thebes and a priestess serving the goddess Mnemosyne.

Her status was obviously higher than that of the five minor chiefs, so the five minor chiefs did not question Harmonia's decision to let Roy attend the meeting.

After everyone sat down around a stone table, a young leader took the initiative to speak to Harmonia.

"Priest Harmonia, you summoned us to the Thebes tribe to make us wary of foreign invaders?"

Harmonia shook her head and said.

"Although I summoned you to do with the foreign invaders, my purpose is not to make you wary of the invaders. Without the help of the Roy priests, I would lose the war with the Phoenicians, which made me realize a problem , now the Thebes tribe is not strong enough to defeat the powerful foreign invaders. In order to improve the strength of the Thebes tribe, I decided to merge the tribe you rule with the Thebes tribe. As compensation for you, I will. The status of the highest priestess of the goddess Mnemosyne will grant you the status of ordinary priests, allowing you to go to the Temple of Delphi to serve the goddess Mnemosyne for life. "

"You not only want to annex our tribe, but also deprive us of the identity of our little leader——"

After hearing what Harmonia said, the five little leaders stood up at the same time and said angrily.

"Priest Harmonia, you are going too far. If you can retain the identity of our little leader, I can barely accept the merger of my tribe with the Thebes tribe."

"Even if you are the highest priestess of the goddess Mnemosyne, you cannot bully us little leaders and annex our tribes at will."

"Priest of Harmonia, I will not surrender to you unless you retain my identity."

"I'm not asking for your permission."

Harmonia stood up, holding the hilt of the sword at her waist with her right hand and said coldly.

"As Thebans, don't you want to serve the goddess Mnemosyne? Then you are the biggest sinners who betrayed the goddess. Now I will punish you in the name of the goddess."

After saying that, Harmonia swung her sword directly towards the neck of a small leader.


The sword flashed.

Harmonia's bronze sword slashed across the young leader's neck.

Blood spurted out and sprinkled on the faces of the other four little leaders.

The four little leaders immediately knelt down in fear and said.

"I would like my tribe to merge with the tribe of Thebes."

"I am willing to give up my identity as a minor leader."

"I am willing to go to the Temple of Delphi and serve the goddess Mnemosyne as a priest for life."

"Priest Harmonia, please don't kill me."

Glancing at the four little leaders who were kneeling and begging for mercy, Harmonia said with a joking sneer on her face.

"You are smart! If you are killed by me, you will not only lose your status as a minor leader, but you will also become a major sinner who betrayed the goddess Mnemosyne, and even your family will be punished. Now you stay in Thebes Si tribe, after I send someone to take over your tribe, I will send you and your family to the Temple of Delphi."

After Harmonia finished speaking, a group of Theban soldiers who had been waiting outside rushed in, took away the four minor leaders, and dragged away the body of the dead minor leader.

After Roy and Harmonia were left alone at the stone table, the maids immediately knelt on the floor and used wet cloths to clean the blood stains on the wool carpet.

After Harmonia wiped off the blood on the bronze sword blade with a piece of cotton cloth, she looked at Roy and said.

"Priest Roy, do you think I'm scary now?"

Roy shook his head and said.

"As the leader of the Thebes tribe, you should find ways to increase the strength of the Thebes tribe. But without the cooperation of these small leaders, can you successfully take over their tribe?"

"I am the highest priestess of the goddess Mnemosyne!"

Harmonia said confidently.

"The goddess Mnemosyne has protected the Thebes area for thousands of years. We Thebans all worship the goddess Mnemosyne. I use the name of the goddess to take over other tribes. No one should be stupid enough to resist me. Because of confrontation I am fighting against the goddess Mnemosyne. This is a grave sin of betraying the goddess Mnemosyne and will be despised by all Thebans."

"Is this the authority that the goddess Mnemosyne has accumulated over thousands of years in guarding the Thebes area?"

Roy murmured a little enviously.

"The goddess Metis I serve is still a new god and has almost no authority in the Athenian tribe. Even if I use the name of the goddess Metis to compete with the leader Pandion for dominance, most Athenians will support the leader Pandion."

Harmonia didn't hear Roy's whisper, she said it like a show off.

"Priest Roy, the five small leaders each rule a tribe of about a thousand people. If my Theban tribe annexes these five small tribes, it will become a tribe with a population of tens of thousands. I heard that the Athenian tribe also has five tribes. A large tribe with a population of thousands, but in the future, the population of the Athenian tribe will only be half of that of our Theban tribe.”

"Priest Harmonia, your news is out of date. The Athenian tribe has annexed the Eleusinian tribe and is now a tribe with a population of eight thousand."

Seeing Harmonia's shocked expression, Roy continued.

"Since the Thebes tribe is about to have a population of tens of thousands, then I will teach you how to make cement, use cement to build tall and strong city walls, and turn the Thebes tribe into a city-state called Thebes City!"


Harmonia frowned and said.

"Priest Roy, the city walls made of water and mud are probably not as strong as the wooden walls we use now."

"Priest Harmonia, you misunderstood. The cement I am talking about is a building material as hard as stone. I know you can't believe it now. You will believe it when I instruct the Phoenicians to make cement tomorrow. my words."

As soon as Roy finished speaking, Harmonia's maids brought a sumptuous dinner - roasted meat, white bread, vegetables, wine, oatmeal - to the stone table.

Roy and Harmonia finished dinner. Harmonia, whose cheeks were slightly red after drinking too much wine, drunkenly smiled at Roy.

"Priest Roy, I will ask the maids to clean the guest room for you. You can sleep in the guest room tonight!"


Roy shook his head without hesitation.

"Give me a torch and I'll go back and sleep in the woods with the Phoenicians."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Harmonia couldn't help but laugh.

"You are obviously greedy for food and enjoyment, why do you deliberately endure hardship?"

"You don't understand, this is a way to win people's hearts."

Roy explained with a smile.

"As a foreigner from the far east, I have no connection with any ethnic group in the Mediterranean world. In order to gain the trust and loyalty of the Athenians, Eleusins, and Phoenicians, I must perform a show that can match their Sharing joys and sorrows.”

"Hehehehe - then you really have a hard life. I was born as the daughter of the previous leader of the Thebes tribe, so even if I enjoy rich food when others are hungry, it will not cause other people Dissatisfaction will not affect their loyalty to me."

"You can only win the loyalty of the Thebans! If you want to win the loyalty of other ethnic groups, then you must be like me and show that you can share the joys and sorrows with them."

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