I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 80 Aphrodite's Curse

In the past few days, Roy has been boasting that after the cement wall dries, it will be as hard as stone.

On the day to verify the hardness of the cement wall, not only Harmonia, but also the two hundred and fifty Phoenicians and thousands of Thebans who followed Roy gathered around the first cement wall. I wanted to see with my own eyes the hardness of cement walls.

With everyone watching, Harmonia brought four tall and strong Theban soldiers to Roy. The four Theban soldiers worked together to lift a square stone.

"Priest Roy!"

Harmonia looked into Roy's eyes and said with a smile.

"Since you said that the hardness of the cement wall is comparable to that of stone, now I will use a stone to hit the cement wall to verify the hardness of the cement wall. If you are not confident about the hardness of the cement wall, I can also give you some more time to let the cement wall Drier. ”

Roy smiled and shook his head.

"I have great confidence in the cement wall! Harmonian Priest, you can hit the cement wall with a stone now."

"Then do it!"

After hearing Harmonia's order, four Theban soldiers used their strength at the same time to smash the square stone against the concrete wall.


The edges of the square stones hit the cement wall.

Then the onlookers were shocked to see that after the corners of the square stone were broken, there was only a crack on the cement wall.

"Goddess of the Earth! This cement wall is really as hard as stone."

"A miracle! This is definitely a miracle!"

"It's just incredible."

Harmonia, who witnessed this scene with her own eyes, looked at Roy with her eyes wide open in shock, her eyes filled with obsession.

The reaction of the onlookers was completely as expected by Roy.

In this era, even using thousands of manpower to stack square stones into a city wall would be enough to be called a miracle.

The legendary King Amphion of Thebes was deified in mythology because he built a stone city wall with seven gates. He used divine power to make the stones on the ground automatically glue together to form the city wall of Thebes.

The cement city walls built by Loy were taller and stronger than the stone walls, and would certainly be considered a miracle.

After recovering from the shock, Harmonia took the initiative to grab Roy's right hand with her little hand and said.

"Priest Roy! As long as we build a two-kilometer-long cement wall to protect the Theban tribe, we Thebans will no longer have to worry about foreign invasion. Because we can rely on the cement wall to fight against five or even ten times our enemies." Enemies. Priest Roy, will you teach us the methods of making cement and building cement walls?”


Roy said without hesitation.

"As long as the Harmonian priests meet my requirements, I will teach you how to build cement walls without reservation."

"What is your request?"

"I want to own a territory on the island of Eubia! Because I need territory to house my Phoenician followers so that they can have fields and houses."

After hearing Roy's request, Harmonia, who looked disappointed, said coquettishly.

"Priest Roy, don't you want to have me? As long as you get me, you can have everything you want in Thebes and Eubia."

"Priest of Harmonia——"

Looking at Harmonia with blushing cheeks, Roy couldn't help but say.

"Are you confused by the [Aphrodite's Blessing] on me again?"


Harmonia shook her head, then looked at Roy with a serious expression and said.

"Priest Roy, I am very sober now. In fact, I have been thinking about an issue these days. You are the first man I have a crush on, so I want you to stay and rule the Thebes tribe with me. . Originally, as a girl, I should not shamelessly propose marriage to a man, but you built the cement wall and made me determined - you are the person the Thebes tribe needs. Even if it is for the Thebes tribe, I I want to marry you too."

Seeing Roy's wide-eyed reaction in disbelief, Harmonia pulled Roy into the woods where the ancient Dierce spring was located.

"Priest Roy! If you don't believe that I am awake, then let the goddess Mnemosyne testify for me that I really want to marry you now."

The ancient spring of Dilce.

Roy and Harmonia came to the altar east of the spring, and Harmonia knelt down piously and said.

"Great goddess Mnemosyne, please accept my request and bear witness to me once again."

A black stream of light immediately fell from the sky.

As the black divine light disappeared, the figure of the goddess Mnemosyne appeared in front of Roy and Harmonia.

"It's because of this man again!"

The huge figure of the goddess Mnemosyne sat on the altar, looking at Roy expressionlessly and said.

"I already know your purpose of coming, and now I will tell you that Harmonia really wants to marry you."

Then, Mnemosyne looked at Harmonia and said.

"You are my priestess, so I must give you a piece of advice. You should give up this man cursed by Aphrodite."

"Mnemosyne, why do you keep saying that I am cursed by Aphrodite?"

Roy frowned and said.

"Although the blessing of goddess Aphrodite [charm enhancement] did not improve my strength, it will not harm me. In my opinion, the reason why Harmonia fell in love with me and wanted to marry me in just a few days of contact is because the blessing of goddess Aphrodite has improved my charm as a man."

"Harmonia's love for you is indeed related to the blessing of Aphrodite."

Mnemosyne teased with a playful smile.

"But you don't think that only Harmonia will fall in love with you because of Aphrodite's blessing! Aphrodite's blessing is not under your control, so women who like you have the possibility of falling in love with you. Those unmarried girls falling in love with you may be a good thing for you, because this is an era when men can have many women. But do you know what the consequences will be if those women with husbands fall in love with you?"

Those women with husbands fall in love with me-

Their husbands will definitely regard me as their mortal enemy!

After all, the hatred of stealing a wife and the hatred of killing a father are two irreconcilable hatreds.

Now Roy finally understood how terrible Aphrodite's blessing was.

If married women fell in love with Roy, their husbands would become Roy's enemies.

If the married woman who fell in love with Roy was a queen, Roy would become the enemy of a king and a country.

In this era, the king's tolerance for rivals was zero.

The legendary Athenian King Theseus, because Queen Phaedra accused Theseus' eldest son of pursuing her, Theseus did not even spare his own son and issued a curse to let the gods kill his eldest son.

The queen of King Acastus of Iolcus accused Peleus of pursuing her, and Acastus immediately took action to murder Peleus.

In ancient legends, there are countless stories of kings murdering rivals.

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