I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 65 Aphrodite, Queen of the Gods

The Asopus River not only irrigates the plains on both sides, but also serves as the natural dividing line between the Attica Peninsula and the Thebes region.

Roy swam to the north bank of the Asopus River with a piece of wood, and immediately chased Cadmus and others.

In the woods south of an oval highland.

As soon as Roy entered the woods, he heard fierce shouts and killings coming from the front.

Following the shouts and killings to the center of the woods, Roy widened his eyes in shock and saw that Cadmus and his 300 soldiers were being besieged by about 600 people using wooden spears.

These people using wooden spears were obviously local tribesmen.

Not only did they use wooden spears as weapons, they were not wearing armor, but ordinary coarse cloth robes, looking like a group of ordinary people who were temporarily recruited.

Although the tribesmen had an advantage in numbers, Cadmus' soldiers cooperated tacitly and fearlessly, so they did not fall behind in the battle.

As a hero [100 Enemies], Cadmus was also fighting with the leader of the tribesmen at this time.

What surprised Roy was that the leader of the tribesmen not only had the same strength as Cadmus, but was also a beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"The leader of this group of tribesmen is actually a girl, and she is also a hero [Enemy of Hundreds]——"

The beautiful blonde girl who was fighting with Cadmus at this time had her dazzling golden long hair tied into a single ponytail with a black hairband, and she was wearing a white cotton robe, and her little feet were wearing black strap sandals made of animal skin.

Her weapon was a bronze spear. As she fought fiercely with Cadmus, a solemn expression gradually appeared on her delicate face like a doll.

Because although the beautiful blonde girl was a hero [Enemy of Hundreds] like Cadmus, she was a girl after all, and her natural strength was weaker than that of Cadmus, who was a man.

Cadmus obviously realized this, and he teased the beautiful blonde girl while fighting with her with ease.

"You really look like the daughter of the goddess Aphrodite! If you don't want to be hurt, surrender to me, become my wife, and offer your tribe to me!"

"Stranger, I haven't lost to you yet!"

The blonde girl glared at Cadmus with gritted teeth and said.

"This land is protected by the great goddess of the earth. I will defeat you invaders with the help of the goddess of the earth. Great goddess who has always protected the Thebes region, please lend me your power!"

Hinging, heing, heing--

As the blonde girl prayed, a roar like a dragon or a snake came from the distant Helicon.

Roy turned his head to look at the top of Helicon, and saw a huge black snake flying from the top of Helicon.

When the black snake, which was 100 meters long, flew over the woods, her body instantly turned into a black-haired goddess about 10 meters tall and wearing a black dress.

The goddess's long black hair hanging down to her waist was tied together with a golden headband, she wore a golden belt around her waist, and a pair of beautiful ankles wearing golden strap sandals.

Seeing the black-haired goddess's beautiful face that could not be described in words, Roy held his breath instantly, and his mind went blank.

As if she had noticed Roy's gaze, the black-haired goddess glanced at where Roy was, and then stared at the blonde girl with a pair of golden eyes.

Invisible divine power was released from the black-haired goddess's eyes, and continuously injected into the blonde girl's body.

With the help of the black-haired goddess, the blonde girl immediately increased her combat power and suppressed Cadmus in turn.

Although Cadmus could not see the black-haired goddess descending over the battlefield, he also knew that the blonde girl's divine power had increased greatly, and she must have received the help of the goddess of the earth.

"Great goddess Aphrodite - the queen of the gods in the eastern Mediterranean! Please lend me your power! If I can win, I will definitely fulfill my promise to you and let the land I conquer become your new territory."

As Cadmus prayed loudly, a golden stream of light flew from the distant eastern Mediterranean to the Thebes region and descended over the woods where the blonde girl and Cadmus were fighting.

After the golden light disappeared, a goddess with brilliant golden hair appeared above the woods and confronted the black-haired goddess.

This goddess Aphrodite had a pair of white wings behind her. She was wearing golden armor and holding a golden spear in her right hand. She was obviously a powerful female warrior.

Seeing the posture of goddess Aphrodite, Roy immediately understood why Cadmus said that the blonde girl looked like the daughter of goddess Aphrodite.

Because the blonde girl not only had the same golden hair as goddess Aphrodite, but was also a powerful female warrior.

Goddess Aphrodite looked down at the battle between the blonde girl and Cadmus with her beautiful blue eyes. Cadmus immediately received her divine power and instantly reversed the battle situation suppressed by the blonde girl.

After assisting Cadmus, goddess Aphrodite looked at the black-haired goddess and said.

"Are you the local god? I am Aphrodite from the Eastern Mediterranean, the great queen of gods. People from different regions and nationalities call me Anat because of different pronunciations, while others call me Astarte, Astarte, Astaroth, etc. I am the invincible goddess of war, and also the goddess of Venus, love, beauty, thunder, vengeance, medicine, and the protector of navigation. In addition to these godhoods, I have many more godhoods. Even if I don't mention them one by one, you can understand my greatness!"

"I am Mnemosyne, the earth goddess of the Thebes region."

The black-haired goddess looked at Aphrodite expressionlessly and said.

"I can see that your essence is the goddess of war with sky attributes. Your numerous godheads must have been absorbed from other gods!"

"My birthplace is the Phoenician region, and the Mesopotamian Plain is to the east of my territory, so I absorbed some godheads from Ishtar, the queen of the gods who fell in the Mesopotamian region, and Ishtar also absorbed some godheads from me, so Ishtar and I became sister gods of similar nature. Some stupid humans who don't understand gods confuse Ishtar with me, and even regard us as the same pillar of gods. Later, I conquered Egypt with another Phoenician god, and absorbed many godheads from the lion goddess in Egypt. Now I am the lord of the two lands of Phoenicia and Egypt, and the queen who is above all gods."

"Then you are really amazing!"

Mnemosyne said indifferently.

"But this is Thebes, far away from Phoenicia and Egypt. Your authority as the queen of the gods cannot reach here. If you don't want your beloved human Cadmus to die here, take him away from my territory!"

"No way!"

Aphrodite said with an excited smile full of fighting spirit.

"Cadmus has lost his territory in his hometown, so he wants to seize new territory here. I also want to conquer this land and make your territory mine. If you surrender to me now, the great Aphrodite can allow you to continue to live on this land as my subordinate god."

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