I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 64 I want to follow Cadmus

In fact, Roy never said that if Chione killed him, Aries and his men would kill 500 Eleusins ​​to bury him.

But in Chione's heart, Roy obviously fits the image of a villain, so Chione believed Roy's threat and chose to surrender to Roy.

Because Chione did not dare to bet with the lives of 500 tribesmen.

The next morning.

Roy finished his breakfast of white bread and oatmeal porridge with the help of Chione and three maids, and then came to Pandion's house.

The courtyard outside the stone house.

Pandion, who was putting on shoes with the help of the maid, saw Roy and asked.

"Roy, have you thought of an answer?"

Roy shook his head and said.

"Chief Pandion, I came to you for two things. Yesterday I bought Cadmus' ten ships with 5,000 kilograms of grain. Now I want to borrow your male servant to carry the grain and complete the transaction with Cadmus."

Pandion nodded and said.

"Cadmus's stay in Attica is always a threat to us. We hope he will accept our food and leave Attica on his own initiative. If they refuse to leave, we can only declare war on them."

"Captain Pandion! The second thing I want to say is that I want to track and monitor Cadmus and confirm with my own eyes that they leave."

"You want to track Cadmus? This kind of thing should be left to-"

"This can only be done by me!"

Seeing Pandion's puzzled expression, Roy said solemnly.

"Cadmus is not only a young hero [Enemy of a Hundred], but also a favorite of the gods. If others follow Cadmus, they will definitely be discovered by Cadmus if they follow too close, and they may lose him if they follow too far. Only I, who have been given divine power and blessings by the goddess Metis, can safely track Cadmus."

Pandion said after thinking for a moment.

"Cadmus's matter is so important that I even want to follow Cadmus in person. Unfortunately, as a leader, I cannot easily leave the territory of the Athenian tribe. Roy! In order to reward your contribution, I will provide the 5,000 kilograms of grain that you traded with Cadmus!"

Roy nodded and did not refuse Pandion's kindness.

Half an hour later.

Roy left the Acropolis with fifty male servants and carried 5,000 kilograms of grain to the station where Cadmus and his 300 soldiers were.

Cadmus, who learned the news, immediately came out of a tent to greet Roy.

After the two stood face to face, Cadmus said with a reluctant expression.

"Priest Roy! Since you have brought the grain, my ten ships are now yours."

Seeing Cadmus' reluctance, Roy asked curiously.

"Cadmus, since you are reluctant to give up these ships, why do you still want to trade with me?"

"What if I am reluctant? I have no way out now."

Cadmus looked at his soldiers and said.

"My men are tired of drifting on the sea, so I must abandon these ships and take them to find a foothold on land as soon as possible."

After speaking, Cadmus looked at Roy.

"Priest Roy! You are not the child or relative of the leader Pandion, but you occupy an important priest position. You should know how dangerous your situation is. We are both young heroes. Do you want to find a foothold with me? As long as the two of us cooperate, we can conquer one tribe after another in this backward land and establish a great city-state kingdom, or even a great empire with a vast territory like the Egyptian Empire. When we achieve hegemony, I am willing to share the throne with you and govern our kingdom together."

Cadmus actually bewitched himself to leave the Athenian tribe and follow him to establish the so-called hegemony.

Roy couldn't help rolling his eyes.

After all, Pandion is already an old lion, while Cadmus is a lion in his prime.

Roy would rather believe that Pandion will share the throne with him than that Cadmus is willing to share the throne with him.

"Cadmus! I don't have the ambition to become the leader of a big tribe or the king of a city-state, so I won't leave the Athens tribe."

"Do you really have no ambition?"

Cadmus said with a playful smile.

"Priest Roy, I can see that you and I are of the same kind, so you must have ambitions that are not inferior to mine. Now you say you have no ambition, just because you dare not show your ambition, or your ambition has not yet awakened."

"Since you say this, there is no need for us to communicate."

Roy said expressionlessly, and turned away directly.

Acropolis of Athens.

When Roy returned to the temple, he asked Chione and three maids to make white bread for him and put a bag of boiled water in a sheepskin bag.

Chione and three maids prepared white bread and sheepskin water bags. Roy put the sheepskin water bags and ten white bread bags in a cloth bag, then took the bronze spear and left the Acropolis with the cloth bag on his back, and began to follow Cadmus and his three hundred soldiers.

After Cadmus and his three hundred soldiers left the Athenian tribe, they went straight to the northwest.

Roy followed Cadmus and others far behind, until night fell, Cadmus and others did not leave the Attica Peninsula.

The darkness of the night enveloped the earth.

After Cadmus's men used wood drilling to make fire and lit a bonfire, some soldiers began to cook with bronze tripods, and some soldiers began to build tents.

Roy hid in the woods on a hill and could only eat hard white bread and drink cold water for dinner.

In a blink of an eye, day and night alternated.

After the dawn broke through the darkness, Cadmus' soldiers began to cook breakfast.

In the woods on the hill.

Roy, who was lying in the grass, was awakened by a sound from a distance. He ate white bread with cold water for breakfast while cheering up.

After breakfast, Cadmus and others continued on their way.

Because Cadmus and others had not left the Attica Peninsula, Roy could only continue to follow them.

In the afternoon.

Cadmus and others swam across a river and entered the plain on the north bank of the river.

Roy stopped on the south bank of the river.

Because this river is the dividing line between the Attica region and the Thebes region.

The north bank of the river does not belong to the Attica Peninsula, it is a fertile plain belonging to the Thebes region.

Roy stood on the south bank of the river and looked into the distance. He saw that there seemed to be a large tribe with thousands of people on a high ground in the plain on the north bank of the river. Roy immediately had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Now Cadmus and others are like wandering lions in desperate situations.

The large tribe on the high ground is likely to be attacked by Cadmus and others.

If the large tribe does not have the strength to defeat Cadmus and others, Cadmus and others will conquer the large tribe and build a city belonging to Cadmus on that high ground.

"Should I return to the Athens tribe now, or stop Cadmus from gaining a foothold in the Thebes region?"

Thinking of the legendary Kingdom of Thebes, which was a powerful city-state that could threaten the city of Athens for hundreds of years because it was fed by the fertile plains in the Thebes region, Roy immediately made a decision in his heart.

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