I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 66 Earth Goddess Mnemosyne

Hearing Aphrodite's declaration of war, Mnemosyne sighed and said.

"The more territories we have as gods who have ascended to the throne of guardian, the greater the power we can draw from the throne. But after leaving the territory, the farther we are from the territory, the less power we can draw from the throne. You are now in my territory, which is thousands of miles away from your territory. Can you draw one percent or one thousandth of the power from the throne?"

"Even if I can only draw one ten-thousandth of the power from the throne, it is enough to defeat you."

After Aphrodite finished speaking confidently, she waved the golden spear and stabbed Mnemosyne.

Mnemosyne retreated to avoid Aphrodite's attack, then stretched out her right hand to summon a black spear.

"Aphrodite! I want to avoid fighting, but that doesn't mean I don't have the confidence to defeat you. I just think the battlefield is my territory, and this battle is unfair to you, because I can draw all the power from the throne to fight you."

"How arrogant! You are just the patron saint worshipped by the natives of tribal civilization, and I am guarding the city-state that has entered the bronze civilization. There is a gap in civilization level between you and me."

"Who is arrogant, me or you?"

There was a loud bang!

Mnemosyne launched a counterattack against Aphrodite, and the spears of the two collided with each other, making a thunderous sound.

Roy watched the confrontation between the two goddesses intently, and his heartbeat seemed to slow down.

Although both goddesses were confident of victory, they fell into a situation of being evenly matched after the battle.

As the goddess of war, Aphrodite seemed to have more combat experience.

Mnemosyne, fighting in her own territory, showed a power slightly better than that of the goddess Aphrodite.

Watching the two goddesses fighting at a speed that the human eye cannot follow, Roy murmured with eyes wide open.

"Is it because I am now activating my divine power to my eyes that I can barely see the two goddesses fighting? The battle between the two goddesses seems to be evenly matched, but if this battle drags on, it will obviously be more disadvantageous to the goddess Aphrodite. Just like Cadmus couldn't conquer tens of thousands of Thebans in the Thebes region with only 300 soldiers. The legendary King Cadmus of Thebes was able to rule the Thebes region because he did not assimilate the Thebans and let the city of Thebes worship the goddess he brought. It was because Cadmus assimilated and merged with the Thebans, and worshipped the local goddess of the Thebes region together with the Thebans."

Clang clang clang clang——

Mnemosyne teased while fighting with Aphrodite.

"Aphrodite, do you really want to be a Greek god? Then you have to come up with a new name! Because foreign gods must be integrated into Greece, they must take a Greek name. For example, Heron, the god worshipped by my northern neighbor, the nomadic Dorians in Thessaly, was regarded by the Dorians as a god with foresight [Prometheus]. So when Heron was integrated into Greece, he would have a Greek name Prometheus [foresight]. Since you are the goddess of vengeance who represents justice and judgment, you can have a Greek name like Themis [Law]."

"Themis [Law]——"

Aphrodite laughed and teased.

"This Greek name that belongs to me sounds good. Mnemosyne! Since you are the goddess of the earth, shouldn't you also have the Greek name Gaia [Earth]?"

"Gaia [Earth] is indeed my past name."

Mnemosyne smiled bitterly.

"But the Thebans who worship me made up a myth of the creation of the Earth Mother Goddess for me, and worshipped Gaia as the incarnation of the entire earth. I am only the Earth Goddess of this area of ​​Thebes, and I dare not claim to be the goddess symbolizing the entire earth, so now Gaia [Earth] has nothing to do with me and has become the name of the god symbolizing the entire earth."


After listening to Mnemosyne's words, Aphrodite couldn't help laughing.

"The tiny human beings are so stupid and ignorant that they actually made up a creation myth for a small Theban goddess. But this can also reflect how high your status is in the hearts of the Thebans."

"If you can understand that you can't defeat me, quickly accept your failure."

"No——the victory of this war belongs to me!"

Aphrodite took the initiative to step back and distance herself from Mnemosyne, looking down at the battle between the blonde girl and Cadmus and said.

"Although I will lose to you if our battle drags on, the war of mankind has already been decided. As long as my beloved Cadmus defeats your priestess, this war will be my victory."

Hearing Aphrodite's words, Roy lowered his head and saw the blonde girl struggling under Cadmus' attack and could lose to Cadmus at any time.

When Mnemosyne saw this scene, she showed an anxious expression on her face and injected more divine power into the blonde girl's body.

"It's useless!"

Aphrodite said with a smile of victory.

"The divine power that a human body can contain is limited. Cadmus and your priestess have the same qualifications, and the total amount of divine power that their bodies can contain is also the same. In this case, what can determine their victory or defeat is their own strength. It is obvious that your priestess, as a woman, cannot defeat Cadmus, who is a man. If nothing unexpected happens, Cadmus will defeat your priestess, then conquer the priestess, control the priestess's tribe, and establish a city-state in the Thebes region that belongs to Cadmus and even more to me."

Looking at the blonde girl who was fighting Cadmus with her teeth clenched, Roy couldn't help but have an idea in his mind.

When Roy came back to his senses, he found that his body was running fast, rushing to the place where the blonde girl and Cadmus were fighting.

With a clang!

The blonde girl's spear collided with Cadmus's spear. The blonde girl could no longer hold on. After her body fell down due to the recoil force, Roy shouted while urging the divine power in his body.

"Cadmus - salted!"

Hearing Roy's voice, he felt the divine power fluctuations behind him.

Cadmus immediately turned around and looked at Roy with surprise and confusion.

Roy's eyes burst into a blue divine light that enveloped Cadmus, and Cadmus instinctively used Aphrodite's divine power to fight back.

Although Roy's divine power failed to salt Cadmus, it also made Cadmus' body unable to move.

The blonde girl seized this opportunity, summoned up her last strength, and stabbed her spear into Cadmus' back.

With a puff!

The blade of the bronze spear pierced Cadmus' heart from behind.

Cadmus widened his eyes and looked at Roy, who had worked together with the blonde girl to kill him, in disbelief.

"Why... Priest Roy..."


Roy really didn't know how to answer Cadmus.

In order for Cadmus to die with his eyes closed, Roy could only say

"Cadmus! You are an alien invader. Do I need a reason to kill you?"

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