I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 58: The Unaware Kaone

When night falls.

Loy left the management of the Eleusinians to Aries and returned to the Acropolis with Chione and her three maids.

Temple of Metis.

Roy took Chione and three maids to the statue of Metis in the center of the temple square, looked up at the statue and said.

"Princess Chione, this is Metis, the goddess of wisdom who protects the Athenian tribe. Unlike you who are a false goddess - a human being deified as the goddess of winter and ice and snow, Metis is a real god. I I have seen the divine form of the goddess with my own eyes. In the future, the Eleusisians will also be protected by the goddess Metis, so you Eleusisians must also respect the goddess Metis.”

Looking up at the ten-meter-tall statue of Metis, Chione said piously.

"If the strength of the Athenian tribe is the result of the goddess Metis, of course we must also respect the goddess Metis. Great goddess Metis, please protect us Eleusis just like you protect the Athenians, we Eleusis The Sith can also worship the goddess Metis devoutly and regard you as our patron saint.”

Chione's three maids also silently prayed to the statue of Metis.

Taking Chione and the three maids to the dark stone house, Roy picked up the lantern placed at the door and said.

"Princess Chione, now I'm going to borrow a fire from a neighbor's house nearby to light a candle. You guys will wait for me here."

After saying that, Roy left directly.

When Roy came back with a lantern, he saw Chione and three maids standing outside the wooden warehouse. There were five clay pots filled with water on the ground in front of them.

Seeing Roy, Chione immediately complained dissatisfied.

"Priest Roy, what's going on in your home? Although there is food and a bronze tripod for cooking, there is no meat or vegetables, and there is not even a drop of water in the clay pot. Without water, we can't even make oatmeal. I can’t do anything, and I can’t even boil water to take a bath.”

After being scolded by Chione, Roy explained awkwardly.

"Princess Chione, in fact, I used to eat from Chief Pandion's house. Princess Procne and Princess Philomela would bring me the food prepared by their families. Now I have you who truly belong to me. Of course you can’t continue to use the food of Chief Pandion’s house. Now you take the pots and I will take you to the nearby river to get water.”

Athens in the city-state era had a population of hundreds of thousands at its peak.

If this area of ​​Athens had only well water and spring water, it would certainly not be possible to feed hundreds of thousands of people.

In the Athens area, there is a Kifissos River that flows westward from the Pendelli Mountains into the Aegean Sea. It is a river that flows all year round.

After hearing Roy's words, Chione picked up a clay pot and walked up to Roy and said with a serious face.

"Priest Roy, as a man, do you only want us women to serve you? Since you also need water, you should get water with us."

Looking at Chione who wanted him to work, Roy couldn't help but widened his eyes and said.

"Princess Chione! Don't you have the consciousness of being a maid slave? You should serve me and take care of me, but you dare to let me bring a clay pot to get water with you. I can hold a lantern to give you light, that's all Very good."

"Is this the lantern you invented?"

Chione lowered her head and looked curiously at the ground illuminated by the lantern and the candle inside the lantern.

"What is this white thing that is burning with fire? And what is this thin transparent thing that protects the fire from being blown out by the wind?"

"The white thing you mentioned is the candle I invented, and the transparent thing protecting the candle is the paper I invented. The lantern is a night lighting tool I made by combining candles and paper."

"Did you really invent this? No wonder Philomela said that you should be transformed into the god of opportunity and creation. You do have incredible wisdom like a god."

"Now that you know my greatness, do you still want me to do the work myself?"

Chione didn't say anything, and directly put the clay pot in her hand into Roy's arms.

Roy subconsciously hugged the clay pots with his left hand. Chione immediately returned to the three maids. The four of them picked up the four clay pots on the ground and said.

"Priest Roy, take us to get water now!"


Giving Chione a dissatisfied look, Roy said as he turned around and led them to get water.

"Princess Chione, it seems that I want you to deeply understand the master-slave relationship between us."

Roy took Chione and three maids and brought five pots of river water back to the temple. Chione and the three maids were busy cooking oatmeal in a bronze three-legged tripod, while Roy Return to the stone house with a candle lit.

Half an hour later, Chione, whose fair face was stained by soot, walked into the stone house holding a pottery bowl with half a bowl of oatmeal.

Looking at Chione's appearance, Roy couldn't help but laugh.

"Princess Chione, are you afraid that I will be angry and deliberately tease me like this? Then I can only say that you succeeded. I am not angry anymore. Please wash your face quickly."

"This is my first time cooking, and for a man."

Chione placed the clay pot on the stone table, and then told Roy with a serious expression.

"Priest Roy, we used another bronze tripod to boil the bath water. After dinner, we will take a bath in the wooden house next to it. You must not peek in, let alone break in and attack us."

"Do you have the consciousness of being a slave? As my slave, your body will only belong to me in the future. If I don't attack you, how can you give birth to children and be a mother in the future?"

"I... After all, I am also a princess of the Eleusinian tribe. I have my own pride and persistence."

Khione said with a blushing face.

"I am very satisfied with your care for us Eleusinians now. When the lives of our tribesmen stabilize, I will consider marrying you..."

After that, Kaone shyly ran away.

Looking at Kaone's leaving figure, Roy whispered.

"You are my slave! Why do I want you and propose to you to make you my wife?"

After drinking the oatmeal porridge in the pottery bowl, Roy lay on the stone bed, listening to the girls laughing and playing in the wooden house next to him, splashing water on themselves, and a ball of fire ignited in his heart, and the figure of a beautiful goddess with a human head and a snake body appeared in front of him.

It's a pity that that was the goddess that Roy could not reach.

The goddess disappeared, and the beautiful figures of gentle and simple Procne and innocent and lovely Philomela appeared in front of Roy at the same time.

It would be a lie to say that Roy had no feelings for them.

Unfortunately, even if Roy wanted to pursue them, he could not get past Pandion.

In this era, the marriage of girls was completely decided by their fathers. Even if their fathers died, their marriages would be decided by their brothers.

So the only one who could decide to marry Roy was Chione, whose father and brothers were all dead.

"Although I didn't fall in love with Chione, I am also a young man with blood. In order to satisfy my physical instincts, should I pursue Chione? But Chione doesn't love me. She just treats me as a tool to take care of the Eleusinians..."

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