I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 57: Three hundred soldiers recruited

Pandion was not a warlike ruler.

So the Athenian tribe had a population of 5,000, and Pandion recruited 500 soldiers at a ratio of ten to one.

These 500 Athenian soldiers could only barely protect the safety and order of the 5,000 people in the Athenian tribe, and of course it was impossible to divide a part of them to protect the Eleusinians.

So Procne finally nodded and said.

"Priest Roy! In order to protect the Eleusinians, I agree to recruit 300 Eleusinian soldiers. But we must control them and make them loyal to the Athenian tribe and my father."

"That's for sure!"

Roy said with a smile.

"In the future, the Eleusinian soldiers will eat the food given to them by the leader Pandion, and they will certainly be loyal to the leader Pandion."

Now that Procne was convinced, Roy immediately asked Aries to take his companions to the villages of Par and Pendeli to recruit soldiers.

The Eleusinian men certainly wanted to protect themselves. When they learned that the Athenians were recruiting soldiers, all the Eleusinian men signed up enthusiastically.

A moment later.

Fifty young men brought three hundred Eleusinian men to Roy and others.

After dividing the three hundred Eleusinian men into two teams of one hundred and fifty men, Roy walked between them and said loudly.

"Soldiers! Although you already know, I want to tell you again that you became soldiers not for the Athenians, but to protect your wives and children. If you can't obey all my orders as a soldier, you can leave now. If you are ready, you must accept the training and tasks I arrange for you to protect your wives and children, and to protect the people of the villages of Par and Pendeli."

After Roy finished speaking, Chione walked to Roy and said loudly.

"My fellow tribesmen, I am Chione, the daughter of Celeus. In the past, I was the daughter of the leader who ruled you, but now I am an Eleusinian with equal status with you. I want to tell you as a fellow tribesman that the safety of the Eleusinians cannot be entrusted to the Athenians, so you must obey the orders of the priest of Rey and become powerful elite soldiers through training as soon as possible."

Procne and Philomela watched this scene from the side, and Philomela couldn't help but say.

"Sister! I always feel that these Eleusinian soldiers will not be under our control in the future."

"Philomela, you have to believe in the ability of the priest of Rey."

Procne said with a smile.

"The priest of Rey has not failed yet, and I believe he can control these Eleusinian soldiers."

Philomela rolled her eyes helplessly because Procne misunderstood her meaning.

What she was worried about was that the Eleusinian soldiers were completely controlled by Rey.

Since Procne did not realize the hidden danger of Rey controlling the Eleusinian soldiers, Philomela did not say more.

Because Philomela didn't think Roy would become his father's enemy.

After dividing the fifty teenagers into two groups to train the newly recruited 300 Eleusinian soldiers, Roy took Procne, Philomela, and Chione to inspect the villages of Par and Pendeli to check the conditions of the two villages.

Now simple wooden houses have sprung up in the villages of Par and Pendeli, and almost all the Eleusinians have temporary residences.

After inspecting the two villages, Roy and others came to the mountain road between the two villages, and Procne asked Roy curiously.

"Priest Roy! The Eleusinians will build the wooden houses tomorrow. What work should we arrange for them starting tomorrow? If they don't have work, we can't give them food for nothing."

The territory of the Athenian tribe is a food-scarce area.

So under the rule of Pandion, only the hard-working Athenians can get food to feed themselves and their families.

The Eleusinians were outsiders who had just been conquered by the Athenians. If the Eleusinians did not work, even if they would starve to death, the Athenians could not give them food for nothing.

"Princess Procne, tomorrow I will arrange for the Eleusinians to make cement and use it to build the walls to protect the villages of Par and Pendeli."

Seeing Procne, Philomela, and Chione all staring at him with wide eyes of curiosity, Roy explained to them.

"The cement I'm talking about is a building material. The walls built with cement are not only as hard as stone, but can also be easily built to a height of more than five meters. Cement can not only be used to build walls, but also to build houses. Houses built with cement are not only airtight, but also completely leak-proof. Compared with cement houses, even the stone houses where the leaders live will become as simple as wooden houses."

The cement Roy is talking about is of course not the cement of the modern world.

Because without climbing the technology tree, there is no equipment and raw materials to make cement in the modern world.

The cement Roy wants to make is the cement used by the ancients more than two thousand years ago.

Although this kind of cement cannot be compared with the cement in the modern world, in this era 3,600 years ago, the ancient cement made by Roy was enough to strike a dimensionality reduction blow to this era.

Procne and Philomela have already believed in Roy's invention ability.

However, Kaone has no idea about Roy's invention ability, so after listening to Roy's words, Kaone immediately said with doubt.

"Is the cement you are talking about really that magical?"

Without waiting for Roy to speak, Procne and Philomela said.

"Princess Chione! Don't doubt the priest of Roy. He is a priest who serves the goddess of wisdom Metis and has the wisdom bestowed by the goddess of wisdom Metis."

"When you see the candles, paper, pens, lanterns and other things invented by the priest of Roy, you will understand the greatness of the priest of Roy."

I didn't expect Procne and Philomela to praise Roy's invention so much. Chione said doubtfully.

"Then I will look forward to the inventions you mentioned!"

It was afternoon.

Pandion took Erechtheus, the captain of the guard Pallas and thirty guards to move the bodies of the leader of the Eleusin tribe, Celeus, and his sons to the open space between the villages of Par and Pendeli.

After the Eleusinians from the two villages were summoned, Pandion held a cremation ceremony for Celeus and his sons under the witness of the Eleusinians.

After Pandion personally lit the pyre under Celeus' body with a torch, he turned around and said loudly to all the Eleusinians.

"Eleusinians! I am Pandion, the leader of the Athenian tribe, and I will also be the leader of you Eleusinians from now on. Although I killed your former leader Celeus, in order to express my respect for Celeus, I repaired the bodies of Celeus and his sons, and held a grand cremation ceremony under your witness. In front of Celeus's body, I promise you that I will protect you as I protect the Athenians in the future, and I hope you will be as loyal to me as the Athenians. From now on, you will no longer be Eleusinians, but Athenians like me. Let us accept the protection of the goddess Metis together, and I will let you have a better life than before."

After listening to Pandion's impassioned words, the Eleusinians did not react.

After all, they would not really believe Pandion just because of his empty words.

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