I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 59: Strangers from the Sea

Athens in late January.

Although the lowest temperature at night is only five degrees, the highest temperature during the day can reach twenty degrees.

Under the scorching sun at noon, the Eleusinian men in the villages of Par and Pendeli are busy under the command of Roy.

Some of these Eleusinian men are digging the foundation, some are making cement with lime, gravel and pottery powder, and some are pouring the mixed cement between the foundation and two wooden boards to build a five-meter-high and half-meter-thick cement wall.

When five-meter-high cement walls appeared outside the villages of Par and Pendeli, Pandion, the leader of the Athenian tribe, came here in person with a dozen guards to inspect.

Roy, who was originally with Procne, Philomela and Chione, immediately came to Pandion with three beautiful girls.

As a daughter slave, Pandion stood beside a cement wall with a serious expression, and for the first time ignored the arrival of his two daughters Procne and Philomela.

When Pandion wanted to reach out and press the cement wall, Roy stopped him.

"Chief Pandion, the cement walls are not dry yet, so they are as soft as soil. When the cement walls are dry, they will be as hard as stone and waterproof. They will not collapse even if they are exposed to wind and rain for more than ten years."

After hearing Roy's words, Pandion retracted his outstretched hand, turned around and smiled at Roy.

"Priest Roy, I will wait for your cement wall to dry. If the cement wall is really as hard as stone and difficult to be pushed down, I will build a circle of cement walls at the foot of the Acropolis, and then transfer the Athenians on the Acropolis to the foot of the Acropolis, and let them live in the safe walls."

Then, Pandion looked at the workers making cement and frowned.

"As the inventor of cement, how come you always have no sense of confidentiality? Even if the effect of cement has not been confirmed now, you should strictly supervise the workers who make cement and not let the cement manufacturing method leak out."

Roy did not think of monopolizing the manufacturing technology of cement, so Roy's sense of confidentiality is indeed not as good as Pandion.

Seeing Pandion staring at the workers who made cement with unfriendly eyes, Roy immediately said.

"Chief Pandion, I have supervised the cement workers and their families to ensure that the cement manufacturing technology will not leak out."

Pandion nodded with satisfaction and looked at Procne and Philomela.

"Procne! Philomela! Based on your observations of the Eleusinians, have the Eleusinians accepted our rule now?"

Procne said with a thoughtful expression.

"Father! I saw that the Eleusinians obeyed all the orders of Roy's priests. They should have accepted our rule."

Philomela smiled proudly.

"Now the Eleusinians are living on the food we give them, so of course they have to accept our rule."

Chione said in a low voice with an expressionless face.

"The food you give us is the food you originally robbed from the Eleusinian tribe."

After listening to the answers of his two daughters, Pandion looked at Roy with a meaningful look.

Obviously, he has realized that the Athenian tribe can only use Roy to control the Eleusinians, which is a hidden danger.

Just when Pandion wanted to solve this hidden danger-

"Leader! Leader!"

Suddenly, a young soldier shouted and ran over.

Seeing the young soldier running over like crazy, Pandion immediately asked loudly with a serious face.

"What happened?"

"Strangers! There are strangers from the sea! After our fishermen found the strangers, those strangers followed the fishermen's boats into our port. Those strangers have ten large ships, and each ship is full of soldiers."

Hearing the news brought by the young soldier, Procne said with a worried look.

"Father, is this a pirate army coming to attack us?"

"Pirates' ships are usually small boats. I'm afraid the enemies coming are more troublesome than pirates."

Pandion said to Roy with a serious face.

"Priest Roy! I'm going to let the guards escort Procne and Philomela back to the Acropolis. Can you gather your followers and go to the port with me to resist the foreigners?"

Seeing Pandion treat foreigners so carefully, Roy couldn't help but think of the time when he appeared as a foreigner and was chased by Pandion and his men and jumped into the sea.

Recovering from his senses, Roy nodded and said.

"Aries and I are also Athenians. It is our unshirkable responsibility to resist foreigners. I will gather them now."

After a while.

Roy and fifty teenagers gathered together with bronze spears and paper armor.

Seeing Procne and Philomela return to the Acropolis under the escort of a dozen guards, Roy immediately said to Chione.

"Chione, I order you to return to the Acropolis with Princess Procne and Princess Philomela."

Chione shook her head and said.

"I want to be with my people! If the outsiders are invaders, I can stand up and protect my people."

"War is our men's business, and women should stay at home and be protected by us."

I didn't expect that Chione would not distinguish between the important and the unimportant, and disobeyed his orders at this time, Roy said angrily.

"If neither I nor Pandion can deal with the foreigners, you will die in vain. Chione! If you dare to refuse orders, I will kill 500 Eleusinians as sacrifices for your refusal of orders."

After issuing a cruel threat to Chione, Roy immediately took 50 teenagers and followed Pandion to the port of Piraeus.

Looking at Roy's leaving figure, Chione asked with wide eyes in astonishment.

"Are you really a human being, a priest serving the gods? How can you be so cruel that you actually said you would kill 500 of my people--"

Procne brought Philomela to Chione to comfort her.

"Chione! Priest Roy said that just now because he cares about you."

Philomela stared at Chione with dissatisfaction.

"Just follow us back to the Acropolis! Don't you really understand that if you stay here, you will only cause trouble, and make priest Roy and the Eleusinians who still treat you as a princess worry about you."

Chione immediately retorted.

"I'm different from you. I'm a female warrior. I can protect myself and my people."

"If you're really that powerful, why didn't you save the Eleusis tribe when our Athens tribe conquered it?"

Seeing Chione speechless, Philomela continued.

"Even I know that I can't cause trouble for men. You're even more ignorant than me. I don't understand why brother Erechtheus is obsessed with a stupid woman like you."

After saying that, Philomela took Procne and turned away.

Chione murmured with hesitation.

"Am I really causing trouble? As a woman, I can't protect my people like a man?"

No one answered Chione.

Finally, Chione caught up with Procne and Philomela who were leaving, and accepted her identity as a woman.

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