I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 23 Recruiting your own people

Roy dared to accept the clothes and shoes made by Procne because Procne used the reason of exchanging gifts.

If there was no legitimate reason, Roy would not dare to accept the clothes and shoes made by Philomela.

After all, once this matter was exposed-

Roy believed that between marrying Philomela to himself or killing himself, Pandion would definitely choose to kill himself.

"Princess Philomela, I dare not accept your clothes and shoes without a legitimate reason."

After responding to Philomela, Roy continued.

"Next, I will change my clothes. Do you want to stay and help me?"

Even Philomela, who was like a little pepper, couldn't help blushing and said.

"We don't want to see your body."

Procne said with a smile.

"It's night now, and we should go back."

After Procne took Philomela away, Roy immediately took off his wet clothes and shoes and changed into cotton clothes and strap sandals made by Procne.

Roy walked out of the stone house in loose clothes, stood outside and felt the coolness brought by the night breeze, and couldn't help saying.

"The clothes and shoes that came with me to this world will be completely broken one day, and then I can only wear the clothes and shoes of this world forever. Maybe one day, I will abandon my past thinking and completely integrate into this world spiritually."

Pandion's stone house.

In the hall.

Eryktheus put the nautical chart and the floating compass on the stone table, and then said to Pandion and Pandion's wife.

"Father! Mother! I have interrogated all the fishermen and confirmed that Roy really took them to the open sea. Roy was able to bring them back smoothly because he used these two things called nautical charts and compasses to confirm the route and direction."

Then, Erektheus picked up the floating compass and demonstrated the effect of the floating compass always pointing to the south.

"It's incredible!"

Looking at the swinging floating compass, Pandion's wife exclaimed.

"Everything invented by the priest of Roy is of great use. If other people become priests of the goddess Metis, can they have the same wisdom as the priest of Roy and invent these incredible things?"

They certainly couldn't imagine that, let alone other people becoming priests of the goddess Metis, even Metis herself couldn't invent these things.

Pandion said with a faint smile.

"Since Roy does have the technology to sail on the distant seas, I can safely hand over the distant sea trade to him. Only if he can successfully conduct distant sea trade, we can use olive oil to obtain food continuously in the future."

The land of the Attica Peninsula is barren. Although the food produced is not enough to feed the corresponding population, it is rich in olives, an oil-pressing crop.

For a long time, the Athenians used olive oil to exchange food with the Phoenicians who came by ship.

At this time, Procne and Philomela walked into the hall arm in arm.

"Father! Mother! We are back."

After the two sisters bowed their heads to salute their parents, Procne took the initiative to say to Pandion and his wife.

"Father! Mother! Recently, the priest of Roy has given me many things. Today, I saw that the priest of Roy needed to change clothes and shoes, so I gave him a set of clothes and shoes."

Hearing Procne's words, Pandion frowned.

Although Procne had a legitimate reason, Pandion still felt that Procne's behavior was inappropriate.

After all, Procne is the noble daughter of the leader, and she will marry the leader of a large tribe or the king of a country in the future, so her reputation should not be damaged in any way.

After his son Erechtheus and his daughters Procne and Philomela returned to their respective rooms, Pandion's wife said with a worried expression.

"Dear! Procne and Philomela were raised by us in the boudoir and have hardly come into contact with men outside of the family. Now they are in frequent contact with the priest of Roy, and the priest of Roy has amazing wisdom and invents incredible new things. Do you think our daughters will-"

"Don't worry!"

Pandion said confidently.

"Procne is a mature and sensible child. She knows that she can't be with Roy. Even if she has a crush on Roy, she will restrain her feelings. Philomela is still a playful child, and your worries about her are unnecessary."

The next day.

After Roy woke up, he washed up with the help of six maids.

As a result, before Roy finished washing up, he saw Pandion coming over with a group of guards.

Roy hurriedly finished rinsing his mouth, and then came to Pandion and said.

"Chief Pandion! What's so important that you came to me so early in the morning?"

Pandion didn't speak, and looked at Roy's clothes and shoes with a gloomy face.

Because Pandion recognized at a glance that these were clothes and shoes made by Procne herself.

Although Procne took the initiative to confess this to him yesterday, she didn't tell him that she gave Roy the clothes and shoes she made by herself.

Realizing that Pandion's eyes were fixed on his clothes and shoes, Roy felt a little guilty for a while.

After a moment.

Pandion broke the silence and said.

"Priest Loy! I came to you to discuss long-sea trade with you. Now that you have successfully conducted an experiment on long-sea sailing, I want you to lead a trade fleet to Crete as soon as possible to buy food. . I will give you ten cargo ships and let you go to Crete with one hundred jars of olive oil. In order to prevent pirates, I will arrange for fifty personal guards. Soldiers protect the fleet."

I'm afraid these personal guards are not only used to guard against pirates, but also used to monitor me——

After Roy complained in his mind, he continued.

"Chief Pandion! Your guards may be elite warriors, but they may not be excellent sailors, so we still need fifty sailors. On ten cargo ships, each ship is assigned five sailors and five guards. This Will you arrange the fifty sailors, or will I recruit them myself?"

"Do you want to recruit sailors yourself?"

Roy nodded without hesitation and said.

"If Chief Pandion has no objection, I would like to recruit fifty sailors myself."

Pandion looked at Roy with a meaningful look for a moment, and then said with a smile.

"Priest Roy! I said that I will let you have the status and power of a small leader. You can recruit sailors according to your own ideas! I will give you three days. If you can't recruit fifty sailors after three days, you can Go to Crete with the sailors I have arranged for you.”


After Pandion left with his bodyguard, Procne and Philomela brought the food with a group of male and female servants.

Accompanied by Procne and Philomela, Roy returned to the stone house, eating food and thinking about recruiting sailors.

Now Roy has discovered a problem. Although he has the status of a priest in the Athenian tribe, and there are many male and female servants around him.

But Lowe didn't really have the manpower of his own.

Although the male and female servants around Roy obeyed Roy's orders, they were still loyal to the Pandion family.

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