I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 22 The man who conquered the sea monster [Killer Whale]

When the sunset began to fall in the distant sky, many people still gathered in the port of Piraeus.

Most of these people were family members, relatives or friends of the fishermen who went out to sea, and some people just wanted to watch the fun.

Pandion had been standing at the dock waiting to see if Roy could lead the fishing fleet back.

If Roy could lead the fishing fleet to the open sea and return smoothly, it would prove that Roy really had the skills to sail in the open sea, or could get the help of the goddess Metis.

Pandion could safely hand over important goods worth thousands of kilograms of grain to Roy and let Roy lead a trade fleet to Crete to buy grain.

If Roy failed to lead the fishing fleet back smoothly, even if Roy and the fishing fleet returned to Athens tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it would prove that Roy's skills in sailing in the open sea were not trustworthy.

Behind Pandion stood his son Erechtheus, and his daughters - Procne and Philomela, who hid their faces with veils.

Looking at the sea in the south, Philomela said anxiously.

"Sister! Night is about to fall, and Priest Roy has not led the fleet back yet. Will they have lost their way in the sea? It seems that the nautical charts and compasses he invented are of no use at all."

Procne frowned and said nothing, but she began to doubt Roy in her heart.

Just as the sunset began to dye red, a fleet finally appeared on the sea in the south.

"That is the fleet that went out to sea to fish."

"Our fleet is really back."

"Did they not go to the open sea area, but just circled the near sea area?"

As the fishing fleet got closer and closer to the port of Piraeus, people's discussions became louder and louder.

When the people in the port of Piraeus could see the fleet clearly with their naked eyes, Roy's figure also appeared in their eyes.

Strangely, Roy did not stand on the boat, but sat on the sea to move forward.

When people were surprised that Roy was sitting on the sea, a black and white killer whale suddenly jumped out of the sea.

People only then saw that Roy was not sitting on the sea, but sitting on a killer whale to move forward quickly.

"Siren--What a big Siren!"

Seeing the killer whale that was bigger than the fishing boat, people screamed.

"The priest sat on the Siren. Did he subdue the Siren?"

"He is indeed a priest serving the gods. He must have received the help of the goddess Metis to subdue the huge Siren."

Even Pandion widened his eyes and was deeply shaken.

Because the scene of Roy riding the killer whale [Siren] was completely beyond their cognition.

People of this era lacked understanding of killer whales and regarded killer whales as man-eating sirens.

They did not know that killer whales were very friendly to humans. Anyone who took the initiative to approach the killer whale could enjoy the same treatment as Roy.

Procne and Philomela's beautiful eyes were full of light. Obviously, the sisters were also shocked by the scene of Roy riding the killer whale.

Roy rode the killer whale to the port of Piraeus. Before entering the harbor, Roy knew that he had become the focus of hundreds of people's attention.

For Roy, riding a killer whale to perform the miracle of subduing the sea monster was also a helpless move.

Because when the fishing fleet encountered killer whales, Roy could only subdue the killer whale [sea monster] to make the fishermen immediately let go of their fear of killer whales.

When the killer whale was about to carry Roy to the dock, Roy took the initiative to pat the killer whale's body and said.

"Brother killer whale, thank you for sending me here. If you go any further, you will be stranded. Next, I can go back to the shore by myself."

The killer whale seemed to understand Roy's words and stopped moving immediately.

In fact, the water depth in this sea area is three meters. For Roy, who can't swim, this is a sea area that is enough to drown Roy.

Fortunately, the waves kept rushing to the beach at this time. After Roy left the killer whale's back, his body was pushed close to the beach by the waves.

Roy, whose clothes were soaked, walked to the beach with sea water all over his body, and immediately smiled brightly and said to Pandion who greeted him.

"Captain Pandion! I took the fleet on a tour in the open sea, and then returned with them safely."

Pandion nodded and said with a forced smile on his face.

"Priest Roy, your clothes are all wet now, go back and change your clothes quickly. If you get sick, it will definitely delay our trip to Crete for grain trade."

Then, Pandion turned around and ordered ten guards to escort Roy back to the Acropolis of Athens.

Roy also knew that in the season when the spring cold had not yet gone, he would easily get sick wearing clothes wet by the sea water, so Roy obediently obeyed Pandion's orders.

Procne and Philomela came to Roy and said.

"Priest Roy, let's go back with you!"

"It's night now, if we go back late, our mother will definitely worry about us."

After Roy and others disappeared, Pandion immediately said to Erechtheus.

"Errichtheus, take your guards to interrogate all the fishermen. I want to know whether they really followed Roy to the open sea or just went around the near sea. In order to prevent these fishermen from colluding with Roy to cheat, we must carefully interrogate every fisherman."

Errichtheus also knew the importance of this matter and nodded.

"Don't worry, father. I will make sure all the fishermen tell the truth. I also want to know whether Roy really has the technology to sail in the open sea or is he lying to us."

Acropolis of Athens.

Roy returned to the Temple of Metis, not knowing that the fishermen who went out to sea with him were now being severely interrogated.

Walking into the stone house of the temple, Roy was about to take off his wet clothes, and suddenly found that he had no replacement clothes and shoes.

Just as Roy was hesitating whether to ask his male servants for replacement clothes and shoes, the door of the stone house was suddenly knocked.

"Come in!"

As soon as Roy finished speaking, Procne and Philomela pushed open the door and walked in.

Seeing Procne holding a set of cotton robes and Philomela holding strap sandals made of animal skins and linen in her hands, Roy said in surprise.

"Princess Procne! Princess Philomela! Are these the clothes and shoes you prepared for me?"

Philomela said as she handed the strap sandals to Roy.

"These are the clothes and shoes that my sister made by herself. They could only be given to our father, elder brother or my sister's future husband. Now my sister is giving you the clothes and shoes that she made by herself. You must be grateful."


Procne glared at Procne in shame and anger, and then explained to Roy.

"Priest Roy, you have given me many gifts. These things are my return gifts!"

Although he knew that Procne should only give the clothes she made by herself to her father, brother or future husband, Roy still accepted her clothes and shoes and teased Philomela.

"Princess Philomela, don't you have any clothes or shoes to give me?"

"I haven't made clothes or shoes yet!"

Philomela said with a dissatisfied face.

"Do you want me to make your first clothes and shoes for you? That is a treatment that only my future husband can enjoy besides my family."

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