I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 21 Performing miracles while riding a killer whale

In an era without nautical charts and compasses, sailing on the high seas was a very dangerous thing.

Because even if you don't encounter man-made disasters like pirates, you may get lost on the sea and never find your way back.

In such an era, the Phoenicians in the Near East were able to explore the ocean four thousand years ago because there were many islands in the Eastern Mediterranean, especially the Aegean Sea. These islands could not only serve as navigation coordinates, but also Provide harbor berthing shelter from the wind.

The Phoenicians have been exploring the ocean for hundreds of years. After gaining rich experience in sea navigation, they have developed into the main force of maritime merchants.

Of course, the Phoenicians were also the main force of sea robbers.

In other words, in this era, sea merchants were sea robbers.

When the Phoenicians arrived at a place by ship, their identity as merchants or pirates was entirely determined by the strength of the local people.

If the locals had enough strength, the Phoenicians would trade with them and purchase local goods at low prices for economic exploitation.

If the locals did not have the strength to protect themselves, the Phoenicians would attack the locals and do business without capital.

Compared with the Phoenicians, the Athenians now had no experience in sailing on the high seas.

Even if you see the islands in the Aegean Sea, you cannot regard these islands as navigation coordinates.

After Roy led the fishing fleet away from the land, he has been using nautical charts and floating compasses to confirm the direction.

The sea breeze from the north pushes the fishing fleet to speed up. The fishermen have no hope for the future of long-sea sailing, but they still actively cast their nets to catch fish.

Because after the fleet lost its way at sea, the fish they harvested were food that could ensure their survival.

When wandering to a strange place, you can also offer fish to the locals and let them show you the way back to the Attica Peninsula.

"Master Priest!"

A voice of suppressed excitement sounded beside him.

Roy turned around and saw a boy under twenty years old standing next to him.

Seeing that the boy's face seemed to have been seen somewhere before, Roy said hesitantly.

"Are you the eldest brother of the sick boy?"

The young man smiled and nodded.

"My brother had a fever, and it was the priest who saved him."

Seeing that the boy obviously had a strong impression of him, Roy said with a smile.

"I didn't expect you to be one of the fishermen who went to sea with me. What's your name?"

"I don't have my own name! My father's name is Poros, so everyone calls me Little Poros. Maybe in the future, when my father dies, Poros will become my name, and Little Poros will become my brother's name. "

After introducing his name, the boy pointed at another fishing boat and said.

"Master Priest, my father is on that fishing boat. My father is the most experienced fisherman. Even if we reach the distant sea where we can't see the islands, my father can take everyone back."

"Little Poros! I think my advanced science and technology and the protection of the goddess Metis are more worthy of trust than your father's experience as a fisherman."

Roy said while showing the nautical chart and floating compass in his hand to the boy.

"Putting the safety of long-sea voyages on experience is a risky bet on luck. With nautical charts and a floating compass, I will definitely be able to complete this long-sea voyage."

Then, Roy changed the subject and said.

"Little Poros! Now your name is Little Poros, then your brother's name should be Little Poros? How about I give you a name, and you give up the name Little Poros to your brother!"

In this era without surnames, in addition to the difficulty of naming, people in the same family use the same name to facilitate the confirmation of family relationships.

For example, with the names of Polos and Polos Jr., even strangers can tell that they must be father and son or brothers.

Of course, this method of using names to confirm family relationships only applies to the same tribe.

If two people from different tribes in different areas have the same name, they really just have the same name by accident and have no relationship with each other.

"The priest is a great man who serves the gods. Do you really want to give me a name?"

Looking at the expectant look in the boy's eyes, Roy said with a smile.

"If you are willing to accept my name, then you will be called Aries from now on! This is the name of the constellation Aries in the night sky. Using this name, you may be protected by the Aries Star God."

"Aries—that sounds like a great name."

After Aries happily accepted his name, he said doubtfully.

"Master Priest, what kind of god are you talking about?"

"People in your era don't worship the Star God?"

Roy asked back, then said with a smile.

"Aries! Maybe you can start working hard from now on to make yourself a great hero, or even deified into a heroic god, and let your name be Aries - just like Perseus, the heroic god who was deified into Perseus. Same."

Ten fishing boats sailed all the way south, soon leaving the waters of Athens and entering the Myrtoon Sea in the eastern part of the Peloponnese Peninsula.

Drifting on the sea with no islands or land in sight, the captain of the fishing boat on the same boat as Roy couldn't help but say.

"Master Priest, we have now entered the open sea area. If we do not return immediately, we will not only be unable to return to the Athenian tribe before nightfall, but we will also not be able to find a port to anchor."

Roy looked at the surrounding sea and then at the sun in the sky.

"It's noon now, and we should find a way to return. Next, you will watch my performance. I will take you back to Piraeus Port before sunset, and this experiment of sailing in the open sea will be considered a success. If I lead you to get lost on the sea, it means that my nautical chart and floating compass are useless."

Then, Roy ordered the ten fishing boats to turn around and return. Roy himself used the nautical chart and floating compass to confirm the return route.

Under Roy's command, the fishermen on the fishing boats paddled with all their strength.

Although there was some deviation in direction, Roy still commanded the fishermen to return to the waters of Athens.

When the fishermen saw the land at the southernmost tip of the Attica Peninsula, some fishermen even cried with joy.

Perhaps the fishermen's shouting attracted whales, and several huge monsters swam under the fishing boats.

Seeing these huge monsters, the fishermen immediately stood up in panic and stopped rowing.

"Sirens - there are huge sirens!"

"These sirens are bigger than our boats!"

"The sirens came out of the water."

After a black and white killer whale jumped out of the sea to show its strength, all the fishermen were frightened.

Roy could only shout.

"Don't worry, these whales won't attack us with me, a priest serving the gods."

Unfortunately, Roy's words were not heard by the fishermen at all.

In order to solve the current situation where the fishermen were frightened, Roy could only give the nautical chart and floating compass to Aries, and then jumped into the sea.

The extremely intelligent killer whales saw Roy's body sinking in the sea, and it was obvious that he couldn't swim. A killer whale immediately swam over and lifted Roy to the surface of the sea.

So under the shocked gaze of the fishermen who witnessed the miracle, Roy rode a killer whale to the surface of the sea.

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