I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 24 Only with food can you win people's hearts

The male and female servants around Roy were raised by the Pandion family. Even if Roy gave them some favors, the small favors would not be able to outweigh the kindness the Pandion family gave them in raising them.

Therefore, Roy has always regarded the male and female servants around him as people lent to him by the Pandion family, and has never regarded them as his servants.

Roy wanted to have men who were truly loyal to him, and recruiting sailors from the Athenian tribe was undoubtedly an opportunity.

"Priest Roy, what are you thinking about?"

Philomela suddenly stretched out her little hand, waved it in front of Roy's eyes and said.

"Didn't you hear my sister and I talking to you?"

Roy came back to his senses and explained to Procne and Philomela.

"Princess Procne! Princess Philomela! In order to go to Crete for trade, I plan to recruit some honest and reliable sailors from the Athenian tribe. I was thinking about this just now."

"If you need a sailor, why don't you just ask father to arrange it for you?"

After Philomela asked curiously, Procne immediately said.

"Philomela, Priest Roy must have his own intentions. Don't ask too many questions about things you shouldn't ask."

Roy glanced at the considerate Procne, and then said with a smile.

"This is not a secret that cannot be told! I feel like I am alone in the Athens tribe, so I want to take advantage of the opportunity of recruiting sailors to find a group of people willing to be loyal to me."

"Sounds like fun. Can we see how you recruit sailors?"

After Philomela asked excitedly, Roy just hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

"If you don't feel bored, you can come with me to recruit sailors."

After Roy left the stone house with Procne and Philomela, the three of them were walking through the square outside the temple towards the residential area when an Athenian boy suddenly ran up to Roy.

"Master Priest!"


Roy said with a smile as he looked at the boy named Aries, the son of the fisherman Boros.

"What brings you to me?"

Aries lowered his head in shame and said.

"Master Priest, the navigational charts and compass you asked me to keep were all taken away by Prince Erechtheus. I have betrayed the trust of Master Priest and I am willing to accept any punishment from you."

After saying that, Aries knelt down on one knee in front of Roy.

Roy immediately helped Aries up and said.

"In my heart, you are worth more than nautical charts and compasses. Prince Erechtheus is not an outsider, so I will not punish you for this matter. If you really want to make up for your mistakes, help I'm going to recruit some young men of similar age to you! I plan to recruit some honest and brave young men to become sailors and go to Crete with me for long-sea trade. If this thing makes you feel embarrassed, just pretend that I didn't say it. ”

"Master Priest, you are a priest serving a great god!"

Aries said hurriedly.

"Serving you means serving a great god. Just wait here and I will soon recruit enough sailors for you."

After saying that, Aries hurried towards the residential area.

Looking at Aries' retreating back, Procne said curiously.

"Priest Roy, this young man seems to admire you and respect you very much."

"Probably because I successfully took him on a long-sea voyage, and allowed him to see me surrender the killer whale [Siren], and also gave him a name. He really respected me very much."

Roy, Procne, and Philomela stood in the square outside the temple and waited for half an hour. Just when Philomela lost patience, Aries finally came to the square outside the temple with hundreds of teenagers.

Because Roy didn't give any specific requirements, the older ones brought by Aries were over twenty years old, while the younger ones were only about thirteen years old.

Aries led hundreds of teenagers to the three of Roy, and Roy frowned and said.

"Aries! It was my fault that I didn't tell you the specific requirements just now. Now you tell these teenagers that I don't need anyone under the age of sixteen, so let everyone under the age of sixteen leave."

Aries immediately shouted loudly, telling the boys under the age of sixteen to go home.

As the young people under the age of sixteen left, the team of hundreds of young people suddenly reduced to only forty-nine people, including Aries, exactly fifty people.

Seeing that these teenagers were not only wearing shabby clothes, but also looked sallow and thin. It was obvious that their families were very poor. Roy nodded with satisfaction.

The poorer the families of these teenagers, the more Roy was able to win people's hearts with small favors.

After asking Aries to stand with these teenagers, Roy said loudly.

"Dear Athenians! Let me introduce to you, I am Loy, a priest who serves the goddess Metis. Just like Aries said to you, I want to recruit a group of honest and reliable sailors to go to Crete with me. Carry out long-sea trade. I know that the king does not want hungry soldiers, so I will give you a generous reward when we return to Athens. I will give each of you a hundred pounds of grain as a reward."

In this era, one hundred pounds of grain was enough to feed an adult man for three months.

So one hundred kilograms of grain is definitely a generous reward.

When all the teenagers were excited about the generous reward of one hundred kilograms of grain, a boy about twenty years old suddenly said.

"Master Priest! Sailing on the open sea is very dangerous. If we unfortunately encounter a storm or pirates at sea, will we all die in vain?"

Hearing these words, the teenagers were all shaken.

If everyone can't come back alive, it's like dying in vain.

At this time, another teenager said.

"If the priest can give us 50 kilograms of food before departure, we can follow the priest to the sea without worries. Even if we can't come back alive, it won't be in vain."

Other teenagers echoed.

Let Roy give them 50 kilograms of food in advance -

To be honest, the request of these teenagers is not excessive.

The problem is that Roy is now penniless and can't give them 2,500 kilograms of food.

Roy's plan is to ask Pandion for 5,000 kilograms of food as a reward to these teenagers after successfully conducting long-distance trade.

If Roy goes to Pandion for food now, Pandion may not meet Roy's request.

Just when Roy was hesitating whether to use cement manufacturing technology to exchange food with Pandion, Procne suddenly said.

"Priest Roy has accepted your request. Tomorrow you will all come here to receive 50 kilograms of food. But after you receive the food, you must loyally follow Priest Roy. If you dare to betray, even if you never come back, your parents and brothers and sisters will be severely punished on your behalf."


Roy hurriedly looked at Procne and whispered.

"You know I didn't--"

Procne whispered.

"Priest Roy, I will pay you these 2,500 kilograms of food. It is completely worth it to use this food to exchange for their loyal following and go to sea with you without worries."

Philomela also smiled proudly.

"Priest Roy! As daughters, we also have the right of inheritance, so our father also gave us some property. If you don't want to owe your sister a favor, I can also lend you food."

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