I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 956 Crazy Penguin

"I thought that when facing you, Nick would lie and most of what he said was true. He colluded with the people from the Cold Flame Church to frame Constantine, but he saw through the plan and fell into the sacrifice he drew. The magic circle, then."

In the morning, in the yoga room of Quinn Manor, Harley was lying on the blanket by the floor-to-ceiling window, twisting her body into incredible postures and remaining motionless for a long time.

Zatanna was sitting on the fitness equipment next to her. Her face was a little pale, her hair was a little messy and greasy, and there were faint black shadows around her eyes, looking like she didn't get enough sleep.

However, it was already ten o'clock in the morning, so as long as I went to bed on time, I wouldn't be sleep deprived.

The current situation can only mean that this magical girl stayed up all night happy last night.

Of course, looking at her expression, she probably won't be happy.

"Talking to panic when you come to me for help is the stupidest thing to do. Nick is just not stupid." Harley said evenly.

"Did you help him?" Zatanna asked expectantly.

"You want me to help him? What if he comes back to the world and attacks you and Constantine again?" Harley asked.

"This" Zatanna's expression changed, "I hope he won't suffer such misfortune, but I don't feel sorry for him either.

There are some details that he definitely didn’t tell you. "

"This is why I'm looking for you." Harley asked curiously.

"His character" After a pause, Zatanna said: "Do you understand his experience?

His original name was not the somewhat strange 'Nick Niccolò', but Nicholas Edgar Nolan. "

Nick Niccolo is indeed a bit strange, very similar to Zatanna Zatara.

At first, Harley thought it was a coincidence, but now it seems that this man and woman are spreading shit.

"His father was a plumber in Brooklyn and his mother was a textile worker. He came from a very humble and poor background. I am not saying this to look down on his family.

What I want to say is that he was able to rise from such an ordinary family and become famous in the magical world in his youth, which is not something ordinary people can do. "

Compared with Zha Kang and Zatanna, it is really not easy for Nick to occupy the top position of "the first person of the young generation" at the same age.

Let’s not talk about Zatanna, the descendants of Leonardo da Vinci, like Xanadu, have the blood of the ancient ancestors, and the family has been practicing mages for generations.

Zha Kang's Constantine family's background is not inferior to that of Zatara.

His ancestor was even friends with Morpheus the Sandman.

"You want to say that Nick is ambitious?" Harley asked.

"Perhaps to put it mildly - he was highly motivated, driven and had a strong desire for fame, power and knowledge.

But recently, I think he was stimulated by you. "Zatanna glanced at her and said with a complicated expression.

"I won't take the blame."

"I'm not blaming you. You put a lot of pressure on our peers. It was the first time we met." Zatanna was stunned, thinking about the past and couldn't help but recall her father.

"Even though my strength was not as good as yours when we first met, I was already showing my talents at that time. Even my Lich teacher praised me for my talent."

Harry also thought of the unlucky lich who had longed for the magic power of the little black bean all his life, but was finally overwhelmed by the magic power of the little black bean.

She had to admit that when Zatanna first appeared, she said exactly what she said, and the power of thunder and lightning ravaged the whole place, like a god that destroyed the world. It was indeed amazing, and even made her feel a little ashamed of herself - she didn't even have magic power at the time.

But, less than half a year after she first met Zatanna, she tricked Lucifer three times in a row.

Since then, she has been the brightest star in the multiverse.

"In the past, Nick often took John and I to the Tower of Destiny to take on tasks from the Wizards Council - to conquer evil mages who do all kinds of evil, to deal with cross-border magical creatures, and even blocked the planned invasion of materials several times without the knowledge of the people on earth. The evil spirits of the world.

At that time, he was our leader, our mentor and our elder brother.

But then he changed. The stronger you were, the more he became obsessed with the pursuit of magic.

He even began to study evil magic that he had never touched before, often staying alone in his room to search for the so-called 'ultimate knowledge'.

That is, the Book of Magic.

His extreme desire for it swallowed up his reason and nature. He was immersed in his obsession and even forgot about real life.

We no longer have Saturday nights, nor do we take on missions to protect the physical plane.

John and I got together. "

Seeing Zatanna's slightly resentful expression, Harry didn't know what to say.

The essence of this matter is that the husband is busy with his career and his wife has no one to accompany her, and then the old John next door takes advantage of the situation.

The husband was cheated and he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone. However, he was not strong enough and was brutally killed.

Although Harley didn't say anything, the expression on her face was quite obvious. Zatanna was not stupid and understood immediately.

"Harry, do you think he caused this incident because I slept with John? Actually, no, he doesn't care about me sleeping with anyone else. I think he cares more about Constantine.

When I saw them together, didn't I say anything?

Of course, it is also possible that he felt that he had gained me and John at the same time before, but now he has lost both of us at the same time, and his mentality was unbalanced and went to extremes. "She said seriously.

Harley's expression was distorted, and her body was so distorted that she could no longer maintain her original posture and fell on the carpet.

"I really can't comment on the relationship between the three of you."

She was convinced and discouraged. She was still not good enough!

"No matter how dissatisfied he is, he can at least tell us face to face, instead of being calm and indifferent in front of us, but secretly colluding with the Leng Yan Holy See.

You know he framed me and John, but do you know how he did it? "

Zatanna's tone became excited, "He pretended not to care about my relationship with John and continued to maintain the friendly harmony of the threesomes in the past.

One day, John and I received an alert from him - he was being besieged by the Cold Flame Holy See, and we rushed to the rescue without hesitation.

When John and I arrived, we saw him being pushed to the ground by the Holy See mage, with a magic dagger held around his neck.

If John and I dare to resist, we will cut Nick's neck immediately - that's what the Holy See mage said at the time.

I was in a state of confusion and resignedly allowed them to tie me up, as did John.

Of course, he was smarter than me and secretly held the lighter in his fist.

Seeing that we were subdued, Nick stood up with a sinister smile on his face. He looked at me viciously. Well, he didn't look at me, he just stared at John.

He drew the circle with his own hands and threw John into it."

Zatanna looked at Harley and asked, "Is this something humans do?"

Harley shook her head, "Taking advantage of a friend's concern for his own life is worse than an animal."

"The sacrificial circle has been activated. If John doesn't fight back, he will have to go to hell. He threw Nick into it with his backhand. What's the problem?"

Harley shook her head again, "Great job, no problem at all."

Zatanna, however, received neither comfort nor pleasure, she just covered her face and cried silently.

Two days later, Zatanna took the initiative to call Harley, her voice a little excited.

"Harley, Bateman came to me and encouraged me to start over. The Justice League has been in urgent need of magical heroes, and he officially extended an invitation to Constantine and me.

I didn't refuse. Starting tomorrow, I will become a glorious Justice League hero and go on duty in the watchtower. "

"Well, it's good that you can come out of the shadows and cheer up again. However, it's only been a few days, how come Bateman knows about your bad things? He shouldn't be keeping an eye on you, right?" Harley seemed to be questioning. , actually a reminder.

"Why do you say that? What's wrong with joining Zhenglian?" Zatanna asked strangely.

Harley hesitated and said: "I personally feel that magicians are not suitable to be mixed with the main heroes.

Their use of power is profligate and unrestrained, but mages should remain rational and always consider the cost of magic. "

Zatanna was silent.

Harley sighed: "You decide for yourself. Anyway, good luck to you."

Later Zatanna actually joined the Justice League.

The ceremony was quite grand, and many mainstream media reported on it.

But no news from Constantine.

The guy seemed to have been hit hard and went back to London to isolate himself.

Five nights later, Louise and Lana Long finally completed post-production on the "Paradise Counterinsurgency Documentary."

Before officially logging into the media channel, it must be tested by Hallie. It is not for Hallie to read, but mainly for the Voice of Heaven to pass the review.

Harley was flipping through the documentary manuscripts on her tablet, when a piece of Gotham local news on the TV surprised her.

"What? Penguin challenged Bateman?"

Selina raised her chin slightly and said with a little pride: "The challenge is over. Penguin deliberately sent his younger brother to rob the bank this afternoon. He led his men to ambush nearby, and even prepared eight snipers. However, he was killed by Bateman and Luo Bin was captured in one fell swoop.

Hahaha, this guy has secretly ruled Gotham's underworld for more than ten years, and now he's finally out of luck. "

"Something's wrong, it's unreasonable." Harley put down the tablet and carefully observed the Penguin on the TV screen who was struggling and yelling and being sent to the police station, feeling surprised and uncertain.

You are still the same person, and with that cry that sounds like crying and laughing at the same time, others can't even pretend to do it, but...

"What's unreasonable? Penguin's methods may be clever and ruthless, but who is Bateman? With his alertness, how could he be ambushed by ordinary people?" Selina said disapprovingly.

Harley took out her phone and hesitated for a moment between Director Harvey Bullock and "God's Advocate Gordon", and finally chose Gordon.

Gordon has been working very hard recently. In two months, he redeemed at least eight wronged people who had turned into evil spirits.

The concept of "God exorcises magic" has been implemented, and she should find opportunities to get close to him.

"Gordon, Penguin was captured, you know that, right?"

"This matter has caused quite a stir in the city and cannot be easily solved." Gordon said seriously.

"If you really want to get someone, will I look for you?" Harley felt a little disappointed. Gordon said this, which meant that he didn't see anything unusual about Penguin.

"Is it convenient for you to see him now? Find an opportunity to see him alone and check whether his body, mainly his brain, has been tampered with by anyone."

"What hands and feet?" Gordon asked strangely.

Harley said with certainty: "Penguin will never take action against Bateman. He will only try to avoid him instead of provoking him."

"Why?" Gordon asked in surprise.

Harley sighed: "Baitman has been in the industry for several years, but Penguin has never been to jail once. Why?

He knew how to measure things, and he never let Bateman get into trouble, nor did he deliberately make him angry.

Such an obvious fact. You have been working in the Crime Unit for almost 20 years. You are a veteran detective and a good friend of Cobot. How come you didn't notice it? "

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