I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 955: Vicious revenge on the witch, Harley’s casual revenge

"Witch Harley?" Neilong vigilantly released his mental power and swept around the black magic meditation room. After confirming that there were no traps, he projected the weakest clone into the meditation room.

Well, no matter how weak it is, it won't be able to form a complete form.

"Brother Neilong, how are you doing?" Harley greeted him very cordially.

"Humph, it's definitely not as good as you." Neilong glanced at the ghost standing in the corner, and he probably understood something.

"Hey, with this tone, could it be that I have done something to offend you recently?"

Harley knew the answer but still acted very surprised.

Neilong snorted coldly and said directly: "Don't talk nonsense, what price are you going to pay in exchange for his soul? Oh, his body is also in hell, and the price has to be doubled."

"I owe you a favor, how about it?"

"Who dares to ask for your favor?"

Harry was stunned, "My credibility isn't so bad, right?"

"Ever since you ruined Asmodeus, you have no credibility. Because you can tear up any promise at any time in the name of 'for justice and for God'." Neilong said lightly.

"Brother, what do you think I should do to rebuild credit that is in line with your values?" Harley asked distressedly.

"It's impossible for anyone to believe in you anymore. Anyone who believes in you is in bad luck." Neilong said with certainty.

Harley's eyes flashed, since you don't believe me, then you can't imitate Zatanna from now on - you will say the opposite of everything.

"I have a pair of wings of the fallen angel Lucifer here. How about giving them to you in exchange for my friend's freedom?"

Neilongxian's pupils shrank, showing excitement. Suddenly, his heart moved, and he asked warily: "Which Lucifer?"

He suddenly remembered that there was also a Lucifer being imprisoned in his cell.

"Lucifer Desire."

"Just that piece of trash, I won't change it." Neilong said simply.

"Don't look down on him. In any case, he is also the second archangel to rebel after Lucifer, and he even has the authority to control the Voice of Heaven." Harley said seriously.

Neilong shook his head and said: "That kind of authority is useless. If you get it today, it will be abandoned by the angel tomorrow, and the authority will disappear immediately.

If he had the authority to rule the Silver City in his wings, you would not give them to me. "

"But this friend of mine is only a magic master. No matter how worthless Lucifer's wings are, if you change them to a mage, you can still make a lot of money."

Neilong sneered: "Yes, an ordinary grandmaster can trade for the wings of 'Lucifer the Second' and make a lot of money, but he is not an ordinary grandmaster, he is a good friend you care about.

Just because of his status as 'Witch Harley's best friend', torturing him is equivalent to hurting you, why shouldn't his worth immediately increase ten thousand times?

I didn't care about him before, but now I will treat him as my treasure. "

Harley's expression was stiff.

Undead Nick grimaced.

"I always thought we had a pretty good relationship." Harley frowned.

"Not bad!" He didn't know how her words irritated him. The green-robed devil who had always been calm and composed suddenly became excited.

"If you hadn't intervened, when Asmodeus truly became the second Lucifer, he would have corrupted the hearts of most of the angels in Silver City under my guidance, and then laid down the Golden Palace.

At that time, I will surpass 'Lucifer' and become the first demon to subvert the rule of Silver City and tarnish the sanctity of God.

The origin of hell will reward me with endless authority, directly surpassing Remiel and Duma.

When the glory of the angels in Silver City collapsed, it was the day I was crowned as Satan in hell.

Witch Harley, you ruined everything, ruined my century-old plan, and ruined my path to Satan. "

"Uh, brother, calm down. I swear, I didn't know Lucifer Desire was standing behind you before. It was purely an accidental injury." Harley was very happy that he was unlucky, but she had a guilty look on her face, and her tone was sincere and apologetic.

"Accidental injury? You are humiliating me! I had planned for a hundred years to hold back my nausea and become brothers with that lowly stupid cow. However, you easily 'accidentally injured' and made all my efforts go to waste?!"

Neilong became more and more angry, stretched out his hand, sucked the ugly-looking Nick into his palm, and rubbed it vigorously like a pressure ball, which only made Nick scream in pain, and the anger in his heart was slightly relieved, and his face showed an expression of intoxication and pleasure.

"Huhu, I feel much more comfortable." He exhaled, facing Harley's indifferent face, and smiled: "Now you see? Do you understand? He is much more useful than a pair of angel wings."

"I still have a way to help you increase your authority in hell." Harley said slowly: "In the coming days, there will be a long documentary about 'The God of War in Heaven quells the rebellion in heaven' and a big movie about 'The Legend of the King'" , and the appearance of the New Revised Version of the Bible.

If you let Nick go, I guarantee you that in the new Bible, your evil will shock the world and even surpass Satan for a generation. "

"Documentaries, big movies, the final revision of the Bible."

Neilong thought carefully for a moment, and his expression became solemn.

“So that’s it, it turns out that you are the real profiteer of the ‘New Dead Sea Books’ and the ‘Bible Relics’.

Witch Harley, you are so powerful, so ambitious, so ingenious, and so smart. "

He stared at her as if he was meeting her for the first time, with a mixture of shock, fear, envy, and jealousy on his face.

"For countless years, heaven has been extremely cautious about revealing miracles on earth. The first time was when God personally stepped in and confirmed his status with the world-destroying flood.

The second time it is the turn of the Son, the name of Christ Jesus, to become the only symbol of heaven.

The third time was also about the Son, but it was not completely made public, very few Christian believers really understood it, and it failed in the end.

The fourth time, it’s you.

You become the protagonist, and the responsibility and side effects of God's descent are all borne by that idiot Asmodu, and you gain countless "faith capital" in vain.

Not only can Silver City not blame you, but it will reward you greatly for your merit in suppressing the rebellion.

What a good idea!

It almost smells like an old God. No wonder that old thing loves you so much. "

The inner dragon gnashed his teeth, and there was still a strong sour taste in his mouth.

"You think too much and think too badly of me. Alas, it's hard to be a celebrity! If you make even a little achievement, you will be slandered by the world for no reason." Harley sighed.

Neilong only sneered.

"In movies and documentaries, I am the protagonist and you are the villain. We both win, how about it?" Harley said.

"Bah, the villain is the stepping stone for the protagonist. If you want me to be your stepping stone, just dream!"

Neilong's body swelled into a ball of smoke and said bitterly: "Even though you are so proud now, you have lost a close friend and you will never be able to save him.

Because of you, he will be tortured even more severely.

Feel the powerlessness and endless self-blame in your heart.

I want you to think of him every day, think of this incident, think of him howling in pain in hell, hahahaha."

At the end of the sentence, he finally felt the satisfaction of having his great revenge, and disappeared into the center of the circle with a smile.

Also falling into hell was Nick's soul and his miserable wailing.

Harley frowned and stood blankly for a moment, then murmured: "What on earth did I do to cause you such a big misunderstanding?"

She rubbed her face, returned to the bedroom, and slept peacefully until dawn.

"Fat Head, Demon King Neilong also participated in the Silver City rebellion, did you know?"

When having breakfast the next day, Harley saw the ion shark and decided to give the inner dragon a comeuppance.

"I heard you say that he hid behind the scenes and controlled the Bull Angels to launch a rebellion. He was the real source of turmoil. His rank far exceeded Lucifer Desire, and he even hid it from you." Fatty said solemnly.

"No, no, no, you are wrong," Harley waved her hands repeatedly, "He is just a third-rate devil, who relied on selling his lust to get close to Lucifer Desire. He doesn't even have a name, so he can only be called the 'hypocrite devil lover'. "

"Why?" Fatty asked blankly.

Selena's thoughts turned and she asked doubtfully: "Did Neilong offend you?"

"Well, that guy doesn't know what's good, and I want to take revenge on him. In addition, only by reducing his role in the changes in heaven can we improve Lucifer Desire's identity and character.

A brain-dead fallen angel who is tempted by the devil is obviously not as 'dominant' as an archangel who takes the devil's inner dragon as his lover. "

"Isn't this distorting historical facts?" Fatty asked hesitantly.

"It's artistic processing! Lucifer Desire is the incarnation of desire. In addition to the desire for power, there is also astringent desire, so that he can appear more depraved.

As the incarnation of desire, his demonic nature is also more complete. ” Harley corrected.

"How should this period of religious history be written in the Second Part of the Bible?" Fatty asked.

"The Demon King's Inner Dragon is suspected of being involved, and is suspected of having an improper relationship with Lucifer Desire." Harley thought: "'Asmodeus' means 'loyal warrior' in heaven.

The Bull Archangel was once loyal and brave, why did he degenerate into the embodiment of desire?

It should be the devil who used means to seduce him into becoming a slave of desire.

I don’t know the details of how the inner dragon inspired Archangel Bull’s desire, making him want to become an incarnation of desire. I can only let the readers figure it out for themselves.

For example, the famous space director Ion Shark believed that there was an unfaithful love between them. His conjecture was perfectly reflected in his first work, the epic film "The Legend of the Young Master". "

Selena and Ivy's mouth corners twitched.

"Famous director of the universe, an epic movie sounds very reasonable." Fatty said excitedly.

Harley smiled and said: "Of course it is reasonable. It would be more reasonable to draw the images of Neilong and Lucifer Desire.

Neilong has red lips and white teeth. He is more delicate than a woman. He has long blond hair and likes to wear sexy green robes.

Archangel Ox is tall and strong, only four meters tall. Just put them together and leave the rest to the audience to figure out. "

Selina sighed: "The inner dragon is finished, and has completely become a third-rate clown in "The Second Chapter of the Bible: The Rebellion in Heaven Resurrection".

Even the mages who know the inside story of the extraordinary will be doubtful and make up all kinds of unsightly scenes on their own. "

"Humph, you offended Harley and you still want a good ending?" Ivy said disapprovingly.

In just breakfast time, Harley agreed to take revenge on the inner dragon.

After practicing "Archangel Combat Skills" for two hours in the training room in the morning, she dialed Zatanna's number again.

"Hey, Xiao Zha, what are you doing?"

"Harry? I just woke up in bed. Last night-" Zatanna's voice was a little confused on the other end of the phone, "What's the matter?"

"Is Constantine here?"

Zatanna was silent for a while, "You know?"

Listening to the voice, she woke up a lot.

"Nick came to me last night, but his words were only one-sided. I want to ask you again."

"Nick? Nick Niccolò?" Zatanna exclaimed, "Where did you see him?"

"At Quinn Manor, he came to my window in the middle of the night and screamed. Literally, it was his ghost who came to see me."

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