I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 957 The Dark Side of the Justice League—“Operation Patch”

Gordon was doubtful. After hanging up the phone, he went to the prison cell to chat face to face with Penguin for a while.

There is no dirt and no abnormal mental fluctuations.

At least he didn't notice it.

"Harry, you're overthinking, there's nothing unusual about it."

Harry was silent for a moment and said, "Find a room with no one around, summon Yebi out, and let him check it out."

"Why is a Penguin with an abnormal mind so serious?" Gordon asked in surprise.

"You and Cobot had a very good relationship back then. He even regarded you as one of his only friends." Harley said.

The other friend is not her, but Edward the Riddler.

"I don't want to be friends with him, and I haven't been in contact with him for several years."

Since marrying Xiao Lai, he has lost contact with Cobot.

"Even if you no longer regard him as a friend, he is still a citizen of Gotham after all. Now he has committed a crime. There are doubts about the case. As the police superintendent, shouldn't you investigate the matter thoroughly?" Harley said.

Gordon narrowed his eyes and said, "Of course I will investigate, but I'm curious as to why a big shot like you, with so much to do in heaven and on earth, pays attention to Copot?"

"Are you ridiculing me or questioning me?" Harley said lightly.

"No, I'm just curious." After a pause, he rubbed his nose and said in a low voice, "It's just that there have been rumors that Penguin is your black hand extending into the underground world.

I didn’t believe it at all before, but now you care so much about Cobot.”

"Help me find Harvey." Harley said impatiently.

"What are you looking for Harvey for?" Gordon asked confused.

"If you don't help, I'll let him handle it. It's a shitty thing like sesame seeds and mung beans. I've been dawdling for a long time. Do you really think I have nothing to do? There are so many big things in heaven and on earth waiting for me to deal with."

Gordon was embarrassed and speechless, "No need to ask Harvey, I'll get it done for you right away. We just had a casual chat."

"By the way, I have tried several times before, but Yebi never responded to me. At most, he assigned a vicious demon to help solve the problem of exorcism."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but said aggrievedly: "The devil has a very bad attitude. He always yells at me and threatens to eat me sooner or later."

"Haven't you been eaten yet?"

Before he whined, Hallie would have comforted him a few times when he complained, and then scolded Yebby a few times, but now she just felt that he deserved it!

"It'll be too late by the time I'm eaten." Gordon was a little excited.

"You have to be careful. Even if you get eaten and pulled out later, you'll still be able to do it in time."

"Pull it out" Gordon's expression twisted.

But he also saw that what he said before was not pleasant, and Harley was a little tired of it now.

He sighed in his heart, entered his office, began to summon Yebi, and said bluntly: "His Royal Highness, it is not my job this time. It is Harry who personally called the name, asking you to help check a person to see if he has been enchanted. control."

Ten minutes later, Gordon took the initiative to call Harley and said in a solemn tone: "Harry, first of all, I want to apologize to you. You are right. I am probably affected by subjective emotions and have a great influence on Cobot. bias.

That's right, someone had really tampered with his head. He lost part of his memory and had some of his cognition distorted.

Holy Son Yebi said it was a magical method, and it was very clever.

If the Holy Son hadn't possessed master-level elemental control and came to check in person, he would probably have ignored the anomalies in Cobot's sea of ​​consciousness.

It looks like a new super crime syndicate has risen in Gotham. "

By the end, there was clear concern in his voice.

"Did Yebby say what type of magic it was?"

Harry had expected this, but was not surprised.

Cobot would not take the initiative to provoke Bateman for three reasons: First, Bateman's true identity was guessed by Cobot not long after his debut.

He also came to visit Harley as soon as possible to get information.

Harley didn't hide her thoughts from him: Since Bateman wanted to take over the city and change Gotham again, let him do it. She didn't mind, and she was very curious about how far he could do it.

Her attitude also determines Copot's attitude towards Bateman.

Overall, Harley and Copper have reached a tacit understanding regarding Bateman.

Second, Cobot is not a pure super criminal.

In fact, with his current status, he no longer needs to directly commit crimes to obtain benefits.

Just like Lao Kamai back then, he entered the advanced and almost white-washed "underground emperor" stage.

Therefore, there is no fundamental conflict of interest between Cobot and Bateman, who works hard to maintain order in Gotham.

On the contrary, in many cases Bateman is still helping him fight against foreign competitors.

As long as Cobot sees which gang is unhappy, he doesn't even need to arrange for the executioner of the "Cobot Family" to kill him. He can directly call the GCPD to expose the criminal facts of that gang, and the bat will take action.

This is also the same purpose as the old Kamai supporting the "just and trustworthy" Gordon.

Finally, Copperpot is a very smart man, and Bateman is not alone. Behind him is the Justice League, with dozens and hundreds of extraordinary heroes, and poking him in the butt is equivalent to poking a supernatural hornet's nest.

Even if he really planned to kill Bateman, he would not lead gunmen to ambush him in the bank in public.

He will use conspiracy to assassinate, ensuring that Bateman's teammates can't find clues, and even if they find clues, they can't find evidence.

"The Holy Son guesses it is spiritual high-level magic, but I don't know which school it belongs to." Gordon said.

Harry's heart moved and asked: "What memories did Cobot lose?"

"I don't know. I don't know what he knew before, and I'm not sure what he has forgotten now."

"Yebi didn't recover his memory?" Harley asked strangely.

"This" Gordon forgot about this.

Harley didn't hang up the phone, but stamped her foot and called the dog out.

After repeating the question, Yebi shook his head and said: "The other party did not seal a certain memory, but deleted the information from the source, just like a computer hard drive. Well, it did not delete the hard drive information, but replaced it with a new one that brought new information. harddisk."

"This is a big deal. It's difficult for non-grandmasters to do it." Harley murmured.

Yebi said: "Not only a master, but also a very powerful master. Cobot didn't notice any abnormalities at all, and he didn't have any side effects after the memory was modified.

Considering that Cobot is from Gotham, and considering that Witch Harley has a powerful deterrent effect on black mages and demons, it should not be difficult to find the remaining Grandmasters. "

Harley's brows tightened, and she had a vague guess in her mind. The master with great skills had recently come to Gotham, or was based in Gotham, and had specifically erased the memory related to Bateman's true identity.

But to verify what she thought, she still had to figure out which part of Cobot's memory had been lost.

What if Bateman’s identity was forgotten just by the way?

After all, even if he knew the news, he neither used it to do evil nor spread it around.

After hanging up the phone and sending Yebby away, Harley went to the Dream Kingdom, asked Brother Morpheus to get Copot's Dream Book, and then put the book into Copot's dream while he was asleep. .

"Um." At midnight the next day, Cobot woke up from his dream with a grin on his face. He felt as if his head had been thrown into a juicer and stirred several times. When he touched his face, it was swollen and hot.

Who was slapped?

In a daze, he didn't know what he had experienced.

"Are you awake?" Suddenly, a dreamlike voice came from the side. It was a bit familiar. Who was talking to him?

"Pop!" His cheeks were slapped a few more times.

He opened his eyes drowsily, and the lights suddenly turned on.

"Um~" He was dazzled, "Harry?"

It took him a while to adapt to the current situation, and then he could see the person opposite him clearly, and he also understood his situation while looking around: he was going home.

It's not about escaping from jail, but after entering the GCPD yesterday afternoon, he was released on bail and returned home this evening with the help of a lawyer.

This is his apartment villa, also on Arkham Island.

When Old Camai was still there, he got a piece of land on Arkham Island and built seven or eight buildings.

What was once a scrap of real estate in Gotham has now skyrocketed into the most luxurious community in the entire United States.

"Am I dreaming? Why did you come to my house?" Cobot said blankly.

"Close your eyes, take ten deep breaths, and then slowly recall what happened in the past week." Harley said calmly.

Cobot didn't know why, but he still closed his eyes obediently and breathed.

"Mother Fake, what did I do? That's not me, I'm being controlled!"

Without taking ten breaths, just taking a breath of fresh air into his belly, Cobot opened his eyes and shouted excitedly.

"Think carefully about which memories have been modified." Harley said.

Cobot was not an ordinary person. He stopped yelling and quickly regained his senses. He closed his eyes and continued to take deep breaths.

After a long time, he opened his eyes, looked at Harley gratefully, and said: "Thank you, although I don't know what you did, but I am sure you saved me.

Not to save my life, but to save my wisdom and dignity, and not let me become an irrational and crazy clown. "

Harley nodded slightly. This is the advantage of dealing with smart people. They have clear minds and know what is good and what is good, and will not be confused.

"It's Bateman, it must be him! Because I have only forgotten my guesses about the identities of superheroes. Not only have I forgotten, but my understanding of them has also been greatly distorted."

Cobot gnashed his teeth in hatred, his expression was greatly distorted, and his pointed nose kept trembling.

"Oh, from what you're saying, you're not just guessing about Bateman's identity?" Harley's focus was also strange.

"Batman, Green Arrow, Rip Man, Cyborg, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and Animal Man, as long as I am willing to spend time researching, none of them can hide it from me." Cobot said proudly.

"Where did they show their flaws?" Harley asked curiously.

"Green Arrow is just like Bateman. There is only one man in Star City who can be as powerful as him. There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Super heroes even have an unspoken rule of 'one man, one city'. This shows how arrogant they are. How conceited.”

"Bruce Wayne has appeared with Bateman many times, and he also announced that Wayne Group will always provide weapon assistance to 'City Guardian Bateman'. The Green Arrow has a similar situation." Harley said.

Cobot said disapprovingly: "Even mortal presidents know how to find similar people as substitutes. It will only be easier for a hero with extraordinary power to do such a thing.

The superhero forum of Puppy Video Network lists the abilities of each hero in a table.

As far as I know, Elemental Girl and Martian Manhunter can transform into any form and anyone.

A man is running down the street with a hammer and a bag of banknotes in his hand. The glass door of a small grocery store a hundred meters away is smashed and the alarm bell rings. What do you subconsciously think of?

Heroes like Bateman and Green Arrow treat ordinary people as mentally retarded and use such crude methods to deceive us. Are they deceiving us? Can't be fooled. "

Harley thought thoughtfully, Cobbler was not mentally retarded, and neither was a superhero.

They don't treat ordinary people as mentally retarded. No, the patch is coming.

Cobot is likely not the only supercriminal whose memory has been altered.

The Justice League quietly carried out a "spring cleaning"!

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