I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 958 The Determination of the Justice League

"What flaw did Tear Man reveal that allowed you to discover his identity?" Harley asked curiously.

"He is a bit weird. If he hadn't saved married woman Lois Lane many times, hugged and got very intimate with her, I would hardly have believed that he was an ordinary reporter.

Just put on the glasses and completely become two people, it's amazing. "Cobot exclaimed.

"The reason for the exposure was Louise? He also hugged other women." Harley said.

A gleam flashed in Cobot's small eyes, "I have carefully studied thousands of videos of people tearing apart men to save people, and there were 632 of them hugging young women alone.

Well, my research is as of the end of 2015. If by 2016 this year, the number is estimated to have doubled.

All in all, Ripman probably saved 632 young women, including Lois Lane 25 times!

This ratio is too exaggerated. It belongs to a unique existence. Rip Man has never saved another person three times. Oh, that's wrong. He also saved a man, a scientist named 'Hank Shaw', eight times. "

Harley gave him a strange look, "It seems that you have really studied Tearman seriously for a while."

"Oh, what do you say?"

"I don't know about others, but Hank Shaw," Harley said with a complicated tone, sighing: "He has been saved by Ripman too many times, and he loves Ripman so much that he even has faith, just like a believer who believes in a god.

Faith is poison.

When gods cannot fulfill the wishes of believers, they will not only be abandoned by believers, but also suffer reviled and resented.

This is the fatal flaw of belief in God.

The experience of Tearman is similar to that of Belief in God.

When Hank Shaw encountered the "Holy Sword" spacecraft accident, Ripman failed to arrive in time.

Hank Shaw, who lost his wife and colleagues and was himself physically disabled, turned all negative emotions into resentment against Rip Man.

In the end, the abnormal worship of the imaginary perfect Superman and the resentment of the "incompetent" Superman merged together, and Hank Shaw became the current mechanical Superman. "

"Oh, it turns out that it's the Robot Superman, and I thought he could inherit the mantle of Rip Man.

Compared with other supermen, he looks more mature and stable

But I didn't expect that sometimes I would be wrong, and he turned out to be a pervert who should be in Arkham. "

Cobot showed a look of disgust and contempt.

Then he regained his energy and said: "At least I didn't make a mistake in my research on Tearman.

Among the 632 rescues of young women, Lois Lane caught my attention 25 times. Other women only rushed there when they encountered extremely dangerous situations.

However, when Lois Lane encountered a robber on her way to work, she only had to scream and Rip Man would arrive immediately.

I suspect that she was frightened by the stray cat, and Rip Man will also pass by.

This is a suspicion.

With this suspicion in mind, I carefully studied the micro-expressions of the two of them when Tearman was holding Louise.

Thanks to the large-scale popularization of Lexnote mobile phones that use alien photography technology, the videos taken by passers-by are extremely high-definition, and you can even see the affection in the eyes after zooming in.

The lingering sweetness of affection is stronger than the body odor in Edward (The Riddler)'s armpits. "

Harley's face twitched a few times and she felt slightly nauseated.

But she also has to admit that Penguin really grasped the key to tearing apart Man!

Cobot continued enthusiastically: "Cyborg is also simple. Although he is a cyborg, he still has a human face. I even found a few of his classmates.

Wonder Woman is in a similar situation.

However, I'm not very interested in her.

Animal Man is ridiculous. He wears a uniform and a hood, covering himself so tightly that there are almost no flaws. But he wants to make a movie as Animal Man.

It even received an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor last year.

In an interview, he let slip that he had a wife and two children, and he had to go to Park District to pick up the children from school. Hahaha, that's a shame.

The Atom is also a bit silly. The products of 'Ray-Atomic Technology Company' are too similar to the technology of his Atomic Suit.

Considering that he, like Bateman and Green Arrow, is a big-time hero, his true identity is self-evident. "

"The Flash seems to have no flaws," Harley said.

"Well, he is indeed very cautious and low-key enough. I didn't even pay attention to him before. But once, I had business dealings with the Central City criminal organization known as the Rogue Gang. The 'Piper' said at the wine table I accidentally learned the identity of The Flash."

Harley watched Penguin's expression carefully, feeling proud that he knew the true identities of so many heroes.

"Ask the flute player if he still remembers the Flash's identity."

Penguin's expression changed greatly, "You mean, this is not Bateman specifically targeting me, but a large-scale operation by Zhenglian?"

"So you ask the flute player." Harley said.

Cobot first personally brought Harry good red wine and exquisite snacks, then ran to the bathroom, rubbed his face, and secretly investigated the flutist's situation through video chat.

Harley trusted his wisdom and let him have his way.

Half an hour later, he hung up the phone, and the social smirk on his face was replaced by solemnity.

"Harley, you guessed it right, he doesn't know the identity of The Flash at all. Not only has he lost his memory, he has even lost the agility to find clues to the identity of The Flash. He has become stupid like me before."

Copper said with an ugly face: "I won't just erase my memory, and I won't directly anal Batman.

Even if Bateman's true identity is not taken into account, he has become a phenomenon now. If he is killed, the order of Gotham will collapse, and the impact will be too great and widespread.

I will at least communicate with you first and get your permission before taking action.

But I didn't. I just went into battle like a fool without any foresight.

Farke, when I faced Maroney and Fish, I wasn't that crazy. "

This is the truth. Fish, the leader of Hey Road, and Maroni, the boss of Hey Road back then, were both ordinary people.

It's not the same heavyweight as Bateman at all.

But Cobot has never been reckless, and has always used tricks to sow discord or secretly create obstacles.

Even though Old Camai was abandoned by the Court of Owls, Copot still had a clear mind to contact Harley and inquire about her thoughts and movements when faced with the huge temptation of the Emperor of Gotham.

Although he was beaten to death by Harley in the end, it was not because he was too reckless, but because his strength and wisdom were both crushed by Harley.

"So you are released on bail this evening, and I will come at night." Harley said calmly.

"Harry~~~" Cobot looked at her excitedly, his eyes sparkling with crystal tears, and with a trembling voice, he shouted in a voice that sounded like crying and laughing at the same time: "Thank you, thank you for your trust and understanding in me, thank you. Your help."

"Be careful from now on, I'm leaving." Harley stood up and prepared to run away.

"Hey, wait, the problem hasn't been solved yet!" Cobot shouted quickly.

"I can't solve the remaining problems." Harley said directly.

"I haven't said it yet." Cobot was stunned.

"Be prepared for Zhenglian's second brainwashing of you."

"Well, indeed, what should I do? I asked myself that I have been very cautious and never revealed that I know the secret of the hero's identity, but they found me accurately. I guess it may be magic.

Just like the queen's magic mirror in "Snow White".

Cobot pinched his throat and said in a strange voice: "Mirror, Mirror, who knows the secret of the hero's identity?

I am Snow White who ate the poisoned apple but was saved by you. When the Witch Queen asks the magic mirror again, I will probably be exposed. "

Harley's mouth twitched, this metaphor.

Okay, Cobblet's version of Snow White is poisonous to the brain just thinking about it, but what he said is not unreasonable.

Zatanna probably used ‘? Who knows the identity of the hero’s irony magic.

Harley thought for a while and said, "I have a way, I'm not sure if you are willing to try it."

"What method?"

"Well, Snow White's most simple and practical way to save herself." Harley said with a smile.

Cobot understood. This was a reminder and a small test to see if he could keep up with her thoughts.

Simple, practical, and self-help.

The focus is on self-rescue, not on the dwarf or anyone else’s help

Suddenly Cobot's heart moved and he said with a smile: "The reason why Snow White is remembered by the Witch Queen is because of her peerless appearance that is the best in the world.

Of course, the fight for the succession to the throne is the hidden main thread.

But the queen will only ask the magic mirror who is the most beautiful person in the world.

Therefore, as long as Snow White does not apply sunscreen and turns her face upward to tan her skin and make it rough, she will no longer be the most beautiful woman in the world. The magic mirror will tell the queen that you are the most beautiful woman.

Then, the queen thought Snow White was dead. "

Harley clapped her hands gently, "Now that you are Snow White, you can try it too."

"My peerless appearance is my smart head, but I can't bear it, and I can't lose my wisdom! I would rather be beaten to death by Bateman than become a fool who only knows how to hang around him all day long." Cobot Holding his head and howling.

Harley said slowly: "Actually, Snow White does not have to become ugly, as long as she knows the aesthetics of the magic mirror - well, the aesthetics of the magic mirror is probably the popular aesthetics of society at that time.

Just make yourself inconsistent with public aesthetics.

For example, if Snow White cuts off her hair and leaves a bald head, or a yin and yang head, or a mohawk, she will immediately fall off the ‘Magic Mirror Beauty List’. "

Cobot frowned, thinking deeply, but he couldn't bear to break through the last layer of fog.

Harley said: "Find another mage to seal your memory of the hero's identity. And you know the cause and consequences of this incident, and you also know that you need to control your mind in the future and stop thinking about the hero's identity."

"Oh, this method is feasible." Cobot nodded suddenly, and then asked doubtfully: "Why is it so troublesome? Can't you say hello to Zhenglian and give me special treatment?

You know, I am an honest person and I will never take the initiative to provoke them. "

Harley sighed softly: "What do you think of this action by Zhenglian?"

"Dark, so dark! Even though I have never doubted the evil of human nature, I never imagined that the Justice League, which represents light and justice, would be darker than you and me.

Well, Hallie, I don’t mean to look down on myself, but we are indeed not the same people as Zheng Lian. "

Harley looked calm and noncommittal.

Cobot coughed a few times and continued: "Harry, now I really feel that Zhenglian is not as good as you.

Not in terms of strength, but in style, bearing and character.

Even if you were a gangster in Gotham back then, you were openly evil, using black magic to scare and punish people, but you would not distort other people's minds. "

Harry waved his hand and said, "You misunderstood me. I don't understand the magic of twisting other people's minds. If I could use it, I would have used it long ago."

"Well," Cobot said dryly, "Zheng Lian's secret operation this time really chills me. It's so vicious."

"They also want to protect their families and lives. It can only be said that Zhenglian is also a human being, not a pure symbol of 'justice'."

Harry narrowed his eyes and said: "They are very determined. If I help you guarantee and something happens in the future, no matter how determined you are today, you will be ten times more hateful tomorrow. So, do you understand?"

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