I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 950 Lucifer Playing the Piano

Two days later at midnight, Perth, Australia.

In a corner of the bustling downtown area, there is a piano bar called "Lux".

The pianist has long hair, a scruffy beard, and is wearing a white shirt and dark blue suit.

He looked like a drug addict who had been high all year round, with a skinny body and two hands that played the piano like a pair of skeletons wrapped in human skin.

It was late at night, and the bar business was not very good. We chatted with about ten people.

Instead of silently enjoying the wine, the sound of the piano, and loneliness with their glasses in hand, the guests gathered together, chatting and laughing excitedly under the 45-inch TV set at the front desk of the bar.

At this time, let alone the guests, even the pianist was not immersed in his own music.

Although his fingers are as nimble as elves on the keys and the music is as smooth as a person running away from the toilet, his head is still tilted to the front desk, glancing at the TV screen from the corner of his eye, and his ears are raised high, listening to the sound coming from the TV the sound of.

No wonder everyone is paying attention to the TV show.

It was midnight in Australia, but it was prime time in the morning on the east coast of the United States. A small press conference was being held in the press hall of the "Universal Boxing King Tournament".

Admiral Galaxy is being interviewed by more than twenty invited journalists.

"Yes, 'Young Lord' was indeed given to me by Lord Michael, but it was not officially canonized, it was just a verbal title.

It doesn't mean anything, so please don't over-interpret it.

The so-called highest military commander of Silver City is just an exaggeration. In fact, he is the city's garrison, equivalent to the commander of the military region. "

Harley's blond hair was tied into two small braids on the side of her ears, like two ropes, tying her thick blond hair behind her head. She was wearing a white and gold knight uniform that looked like something from the second dimension. It was very formal and added a bit of heroism.

"Alas, Young Master is so humble. Lord Michael didn't even give a hint, but directly announced that she is the female crown prince of Silver City." In front of the bar, a bald man with a beard as thick as a bush shouted.

"It's unimaginable. It's like a dream. Admiral Galaxy actually became the heir to heaven." The woman in a floral skirt next to her had a dreamy expression on her face. "Admiral Galaxy is so amazing. You have to know that she is just an ordinary person who has not awakened her powers. It is only because of hard work that I am what I am today.”

"Miss Quinn, can you reveal some details about Asmodu's rebellion?" On the TV, a reporter from the BBC stood up and asked.

The drinkers in front of the TV immediately stopped talking to each other, even put down their glasses, stared at the screen, and held their breath.

"I am the judge of this rebellion. After detailed and careful investigation, this incident in Silver City has been classified as 'Lucifer II'!

Asmodeus is like the second Lucifer, his behavior is worse than Lucifer. "

Facing the camera, Harley's expression was very serious, making the audience feel that her attitude was rigorous, as if she was making an academic report with detailed data.

"Is he as strong as the legendary Lucifer?" ABC reporter asked.

"When he was doing evil in heaven, no archangel stood up. What do you think of his strength?" Harley asked.

"Hiss~~" The reporters at the press conference took a breath, and the audience in the bar took a breath.

"When Lucifer rebelled, at least Lord Michael stood up and knocked him down, Asmodeus."

The ABC reporter exclaimed in shock: "So, Asmodeus must be stronger than Lucifer. I bet he is the second best Lucifer!"

"Mi——" The music that was as smooth as thin air suddenly made a crisp noise, and the long-haired pianist played the wrong note.

If anyone were to sit directly opposite him, they would see that the thin face covered by long hair was distorted for a moment.

But even the bartenders were so caught up in the live news that no one cared that the music was wrong.

"No, no, no!" On the TV, Harley waved her hands and said seriously: "It's totally fine to call Asmodeus 'Lucifer the Second'.

It is okay to say that he is extremely powerful.

If he hadn't been too powerful, I wouldn't have plotted against him.

But to say that he is more powerful than Lucifer is a bit exaggerated.

As the biggest enemy of Satan in Hell, I know and respect Lucifer's strength very well. "

——She is just the enemy of Satan in Hell, Lucifer Morningstar is not Satan now.

And she respects him so much.

Even if he was watching TV at the moment and saw Asmodeus being compared to Lucifer the Second, he shouldn't be angry with her.

"More--" The pianist's hand shook again and he played a wrong note.

He actually understood her subtext.


"Lord Michael didn't take action against Asmodeus because of other reasons. When Lucifer rebelled, he stood up to defend the glory of the Lord. Now that the second Lucifer appears, he is waiting for the second person to stand up. .”

Harley also defended Michael with "good intentions".

"Oh, Lord Michael is waiting for the 'Second Michael' to step forward. This is another hint." All the guests shouted in unison.

Looking at the TV, Harley said again: "The details of Asmodu's rebellion are too complicated to go into details. I can only reveal two points - he is the representative of the desire of the seven deadly sins. In addition, he is related to hell." The devil is in cahoots.

Remember that day at the King of Fighters tournament, before Asmodeus arrived, I announced to all the audience that I would write a "Biography of Asmodeus"? "

Mingji Louise, whose face was wrapped in gauze, immediately said: "You even took out the Bible and put your hand on it and swore.

Did you deliberately lie in public to confuse Asmodeus?

Will God blame you for doing this? Or will you confess to God afterwards? "

"Hey, this reporter is really incompetent. If the Galaxy Admiral doesn't do that, how can he let Lucifer the Second relax his vigilance and let him fall into the encirclement she set?

Even me, the bartender, understands this. How come Louise doesn’t understand it? "The bartender said excitedly.

"How could she not understand? She is just deliberately making things difficult for Young Master." The bald man sneered.

"No way, Lois Lane is the famous 'Harley Blossom'. She has done several special programs of 'Golden Nuclear Bomb', and she even praised the young master as a god." A guest said.

"Shh, don't talk. The camera is pointed at Admiral Galaxy."

Harley wasn't angry or embarrassed at all.

She smiled lightly and said, "May I ask what I swore at that time?"

"Ah, I remembered that you said at that time - I swear on the name of Admiral of the Galaxy that the content in the book is completely true and there is no lie at all."

A Reuters reporter excitedly said: "At that time, we thought you would write "The Biography of Asmodeus" as a magnificent poem praising Asmodeus, but in fact the book has not been written yet.

You could have kept your oath and written it into a 'second chapter of the Bible' detailing the rebellion.

Oh, it's not just a record of Asmodu's rebellion, it should be 'The Story of Shao Jun's Rebellion', it's your autobiography. "

"That's right." Harley nodded with satisfaction, looking at Louise and others who were stunned, "Harley Quinn, your words are like gold.

I take my oath very seriously and have never broken my oath.

It didn't happen in the past, it doesn't happen now, and it won't happen in the future.

I had already made a plan to take advantage of God's intervention to bring down Asmodeus, so I took the Bible and swore poison.

"The Biography of Lord Asmodeus" is not to flatter Asmodeus, but to reveal the fact that he is the "Second Lucifer". "

"Bah bang bang bang." The reporters at the scene all clapped excitedly.

"Oh my God, it turns out there are so many twists and turns in it. Admiral Galaxy is so awesome." The woman in the floral skirt shouted excitedly.

"Alas, everyone is confused, but she is awake alone! Everyone is like chess pieces on a chessboard, only Admiral Galaxy jumps out of the chessboard and controls everything.

With this kind of wisdom, this kind of courage, this kind of courage, it’s no wonder that Lord Michael chose her as his heir. "The bald man sighed.

"Ah, boss, you don't play the piano anymore?" The bartender was about to respond when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a tall, thin man with long hair standing next to him. He was startled and said awkwardly: "The guests are all watching TV, and I'm temporarily out of work. .”

The pianist glanced at him and turned to the TV screen, his face expressionless.

When reporters asked about the final outcome of Asmodeus, Harley "confidently" said: "In heaven, 'Asmodeus' means loyalty and bravery, and obviously this name no longer suits him.

Therefore, under the guidance of Lord Michael, I deprived him of the name of ‘Asmodeus’.

Now, his new name is ‘Lucifer Desire’. "

"Crack--" The guests were about to shout when a crisp sound suddenly came from the side.

The air also seemed to be solid, making it difficult for them to breathe.

"Boss, you-" The bartender looked at the bar in shock. The thick oak board was crushed into fine powder by his skinny hands.

"I have practiced Kung Fu." The pianist said calmly.

"Huh..." The air circulated again, and the guests gasped for breath, but they didn't know why. They just thought they were too excited to watch TV and forgot to breathe.

"The boss is also a fan of Admiral Galaxy? In recent years, Paz has also opened two 'Gotham Kui's Martial Arts Gyms'. Where did the boss learn kung fu? So powerful!

I have been practicing for half a year and can barely beat three gangsters. "The more the bartender looked at the boss's body, the more envious he became.

Because the boss is too thin, but he is so thin that he can crush an oak board. It is obvious that he has practiced kung fu to a great extent.

"Well, I really want to try to see if my fist is stronger or the Galaxy Admiral's head is stronger."

The pianist gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and his finger bones cracked.

"Haha, boss, you are so funny." The bartender laughed dryly.

"You can really try. She seems to think she is too hard-headed recently and dares to touch anything."

A voluptuous woman with a hot figure and a beautiful face came from the door, went straight to the pianist, and pinched her arm resentfully.

"The dead ghost is hiding in a remote place so that I can find him easily!"

"Gudong." All the drinkers swallowed, regardless of gender, all stared straight at the charming woman, feeling that her fair skin seemed to be emitting cold light, and the light fell on her eyes and body, but it was hot. , making their faces flush and their blood rushing.

"Mezkin? How did you find this?" The pianist showed an impatient look on his face and took a few steps away.

"Haha, the words of the witch are very irritating, right? Lucifer Desire, Lucifer Bone Chopping Knife, Lucifer Second, I guessed you would be angry, and sure enough, you couldn't hold back your anger and leaked your breath." The gorgeous woman chuckled. road.

The pianist looked at the confused guest, pulled his ex-wife to the alley outside the door, and said coldly: "Lucifer is not me, I am not Lucifer, so I am not angry, and you should stop bothering me."

"This kind of life"

The Charming Demon King looked around at the old houses and narrow streets, "What's there to be nostalgic about?"

"I'm tired, fed up, and just want to change my life."

"Hell needs you," Mezkin begged.

"Don't say such things in front of me." A cold light flashed in the pianist's eyes.

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